Downloading movies: theft or not?

Hey, once I stop being broke as fuck (see; stop being a college student) I might actually consider not trying before buying... depends if my cheap-bastard scottish side comes out again.

And sure, legally, it's wrong, but morally, i'm hardly doing anything wrong. I spread the word of good music to all my friends and buy albums as I can.
I'll also proudly state that I've never downloaded a movie, and while I make the distinction between physical theft and online copyright infringement and have no moral objections to mp3s for home use/sampling other than the usual downloading doesn't support musicians/filmmakers argument (agreed with the earlier point that the latter doesn't apply to film), there is no justification for having a mostly burned "collection" and making it open for leeching.
J. said:
dorian has a point and it's a good one.

Sometimes I think I'm the only person who actually wants to be surprised when I listen to a newly received CD. What a boring life some of you lead, always listening to stuff and then deciding whether you actually "want" it or not. All mystery and surprise gone. I haven't heard a lick from the new Thyrfing and don't plan to until I BUY the album, same with Mael Mordha, Obtest, Heol Telwen....Hell, I even bought totally blind two Manegarm releases.

You people have no balls.

RE: downloading. It's dumb.

I don't even know how to download a movie, and I don't know what websites to visit to download music. People always say "Visit the hub." What the fuck s that. SOunds lke a gayfest.

I've been waiting for you to enter this thread.
Demonspell said:
I'll also proudly state that I've never downloaded a movie, and while I make the distinction between physical theft and online copyright infringement and have no moral objections to mp3s for home use/sampling (agreed with the earlier point that the latter doesn't apply to film), there is no justification for having a mostly burned "collection" and making it open for leeching.

Also very well put Demon.
dorian gray said:
lol @ you guys justifying dl'ing movies and music because you dont want to pay for it or want to "sample" it before you buy it. give me a break.

LOL @ me holding your portrait in front of you.
This seems to be lost on some people here, so I'll repeat again for the benefit of the class.

downloading to sample before buying (or deleting, as it may turn out to be) = yay!

downloading INSTEAD of buying, just because it's free and you're a cheap fucking Jew = die, bitch
downloading INSTEAD of buying, just because it's free and you're a cheap fucking Jew = die, bitch
I agree in most cases except if the label are greedy fucking Jews instead, in which case I have no moral objections to jewing their album. Reaping what you sow, and all that.