Downloading movies: theft or not?

markgugs said:
I still am jaw-dropped that you're trying to say that no revenue is lost when someone downloads for free something they would've rented/bought. I'm blown away by this actually. :lol:

Not that I give a shit about pretty much anything, but there is just as many "studies" on both sides of the argument that spout statistics 'proving' that "OMG LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY IS LOST!" and "UR A DUMBY LOOK NO MONEY GONE DUMBHEAD!". Just like Tobacco, or Alcohol, or Religion, or any other gay arguement I don't care about when im Smoking, Drinking, Downloading Music/Movies, and Meditating.
while not bothering to read this thread, I would like to make the following point:

Is it illegal to tape movies, or TV Episodes on VHS cassettes (or DVD-Rs) off of the television, then amassing a collection thereof?

Is that stealing?
LOLZ @ some of the justifications

dl'ing anything without prior permission of the owner = stealing. no two ways around it.

if you wanna bring down the hollywood homos, dont watch movies and write some thoughtful essays about it; dont illegally download their shit.

good story: one of my coworkers somehow downloads bootlegs, burns them to DVDs and sells them to other corworkers. lolz at all of them, especially the people that buy from him.
ok. so, is copyright infringement illegal? i think we're splitting hairs here.

lol @ you guys justifying dl'ing movies and music because you dont want to pay for it or want to "sample" it before you buy it. give me a break.
I dont watch many movies myself, and I've never d/led a movie. I have a lot of illegal music, but I make no justification for that. I buy what I like the most/have the resources for at the time. Im not really concerned since illegal media pirating isnt high on my illegal activites chain.
i go buy album. It sux. Now i'm out money and have an album I don't want. Oh joyous occasion. Now wtf am I supposed to do? I'm a college student, i hardly have money to spend on things I don't want.
dude! dont buy it! it makes sense to me to buy things you have money for. why is it ok to download shit because you dont want to pay for it?
i like porsches but cant quite swing the $70,000 it takes to buy one. maybe i should go steal one. theres always a chance i wouldnt like it anyway.
no, i said taking it as my own. and if i decided it wasnt worth the $70,000 theyre asking for it, id just delete it. err...well, put it in someone else's driveway
oh, i see what youre saying. its not the same thing. you are legally prohibited from dl'ing that property. test driving is a necessary selling point of the car. you know this; youre just playing games with me.
thats why i asked whether or not the stuff you were dl'ing is permissible.
dorian has a point and it's a good one.

Sometimes I think I'm the only person who actually wants to be surprised when I listen to a newly received CD. What a boring life some of you lead, always listening to stuff and then deciding whether you actually "want" it or not. All mystery and surprise gone. I haven't heard a lick from the new Thyrfing and don't plan to until I BUY the album, same with Mael Mordha, Obtest, Heol Telwen....Hell, I even bought totally blind two Manegarm releases.

You people have no balls.

RE: downloading. It's dumb.

I don't even know how to download a movie, and I don't know what websites to visit to download music. People always say "Visit the hub." What the fuck s that. SOunds lke a gayfest.
If I didn't download the movies I download (read: porn) I probably wouldn't watch them at all. I rent movies fairly often, 99% of the time crap but that's OK because I know that before I even start, the thing is mostly just joking around and eating candy while watching the movie anyway. And I go see stuff like Terminator 3 at the cinema 'cause it's TERMINATOR. You know, Arnold being a robot from the future who kills people.