

While chatting with Gaunerin on ICQ, the idea for this thread came up, and because I start teasing Blackspirit I have to bring up the thread now. Well, I'm actually on my way to sleep & dream, but maybe you like to tell already something about dreams, etc...
Had a weird dream?

Do you have yourself under control while sleeping?
*Laughs at Vanir* >:eek:P

I love dreams, they teach me so many things about myself.
I have to start writing down my dreams again :eek:)

I love the moments when I KNOW I'm dreaming and say to
myself "you're dreaming", and just lie there enjoying it. But
I'd like to try to control some of my dreams. It would be
interesting :eek:)

One dream I will never forget is the one I had when I was
around 6/7 years old or something. I think I dreamt it about
3-4 times. I dreamt I was biking around on the roof of a
chineese building! I have no idea why or how. Hehe...
It was fun though. Then I jumped out into the air with my
bike and landed on my feet, right infront of some people.
They got really shocked, while I just turned around and
walked back to the house. Really strange stuff.

Do any of you have some details about dreams that come
back? Stuff you keep dreaming about over and over....?
I used to have dreams about wolves. Werewolves, ordinary lone wolves. Simply just wolves. Every night. Ususally they were chasing me, but sometimes, I'd be the wolf.
the dream I remember most was a nightmare that really freaked me out
I think no one wants to read about stuff like that
Dreams...hmmm....I recall one which sticks out:

I was in the parking lot of a golf course country club (I live on a golf course) and up in the sky, all around me, there were the most brilliant celestial events happening! Beautiful supernovae, colliding galaxies, comets, meteors, astroids, etc, and the COLORS in them were so incredible that I really don't think they could possibly exist on the physical spectrum of what we define as "color"...hard to explain on that though. :p

...at some point during the dream, I suddenly realized that (for reasons unknown --you know how dreams are ;) ), Jupiter was on a rapid collision course with Earth. I sat and watched as a giant, fiery orb came hurling toward Earth at a tremendous speed........so I did all I could think to do at the time, went and hid in a dumpster which suddenly appeared nearby (again, dreams, they don't always "make sense".....and I don't recall anything after that.:lol:

I've also had a few out-of-body experiences and about a dozen lucid dreams (what blackspirit talked about as "being conscious that you are dreaming").......those would take too long to go into right now though, I'll leave it at this for now. :)
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Do any of you have some details about dreams that come
back? Stuff you keep dreaming about over and over....?

YES! I have had reoccuring dreams set in my old junior high, but it was slightly different, the school wasnt how it was in real life, but changed in certain ways, but all the people i remember were there, all the dreams had random stories but they were set in the same place.....strange.
I used to dream a couple of dreams regurarely when I was a child (maybe until I was about 7 or 8). usually, it was my two brithers and I in those dreams, sort of in a cartoon, and there were some danger we had to avoid, but we kept being drawn to it, and there were no-one to take care of us except ourselves. We used to run out from some hill and fly, but I usually had difficulties getting my legs high enough over the ground. In one of them, there was some farmer who wanted to shoot us with a rifle, or smth....
Dreams are a very valuable and practical tool to me. I use them so solve many problems and dilemas. I have learned over the years how to work with them. I couldn't begin to tell here just how beneficial dreaming is and how much working with my dreams has helped me in many ways. It's something that's not really all that hard to learn how to do it just requires - like anything - patience and determination. And there are herbs and stones that can be used to help with dream manipulation. Dreaming is second only to breathing when it comes to the important essential functions as far as I am concerned.
Originally posted by Allison
Dreams are a very valuable and practical tool to me. I use them so solve many problems and dilemas. I have learned over the years how to work with them. I couldn't begin to tell here just how beneficial dreaming is and how much working with my dreams has helped me in many ways. It's something that's not really all that hard to learn how to do it just requires - like anything - patience and determination. And there are herbs and stones that can be used to help with dream manipulation. Dreaming is second only to breathing when it comes to the important essential functions as far as I am concerned.

Yes, same here, well most of the time, I clearly remember my dreams.
The best dream I have had was when I was out with this girl. We're basically in the middle of nowhere, and all I remember was that we sat there, holding each other tight. It was dark out and we're on some sort of beach, looking up at the stars. And pointing out that there were two stars really close, and decided those would be our stars. When I woke up, I was sad because it never happened. One day, it will though.