
I had a dream last night, it was kinda odd (as always). I had this enormous pain in my stomach, it didn't go away though all the places and people changed. I remember I wondered it myself in the dream. Then I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and notice my stomach hurts like hell...well I couldn't get any sleep anymore..
Oh...this I remember too because it has to be one of the most horrible things what I've ever done, even if it's in only a dream...I saw a cute little bunny running towards me, I was going to take it in my hands but I kicked it instead and it died :cry: :waah:
I had a dream when I was really young, but I never forgot it. My father and I were sledding in the front yard, down a big hill. It was dark outside. Close to the bottom of the hill was a ditch. In the ditch were many different coloured monsters...kinda looked like those Hostess Munchies creatures. Anyhow they grabbed my dad and ate him.

I still get goosebumps thinking about it.
I have this reaccurring dream where Im tryin to save a friend from drowning but as soon as I jump into the pond/lake/pool Im trapped by walls of water and I cant find my way to the top to escape. I start to panick and thats when I wake up shaking and freaked out!
since last year or so, i seldom remember what i dream and the few times that i do i recall dreaming the same thing, although the setting and a few details may change.
the action takes place at night in my car. i'm driving alone on a highway/motorway (it depends) and there's no one around that i can see. suddenly an unexpected bend forces me to steer and i lose control of my vehicle. i end up crashing against the side of the road or down a ditch. i never die at the end, but i'm hurt and my car is worse.

rahvin. (at his first post on this board)
Yes YMIR, it was a terrible dream... :lol:

I also have dreams of falling. (Sometimes I can fly safely down though). But often I find myself jumping from the top of a stairway, or out of a tree...even off a bridge. The odd thing is though...I usually hit the ground. I heard before that this isn't possible, because nobody really knows what that would feel like...cos you'd be dead when you hit. (And some even say that you'll have a heart attack or something if you actually DO hit the ground in your dream).

I guess I'm living proof that it's not true. hehe

I used to do the same like Iceman did..to write down my dreams.
It was quite fun to try and work out what the dreams really ment, but when I started dream the same dream over again..3 times in all..the same story and actions in all the 3 dreams, but in different timezones.. I think it got spooky. :)
But the most weirdest thing I have ever dreamed about, is that I as a girl had a penis.. and had sex with my best friend!!!
Now THAT is weird !!
Some rather "classic" dreams of mine (abbreviated for the sake of space of course):

-a big, inconceivably ugly, controrting indian "thing" running towards me, hocking loogies at me, which I deflected with a pillow that appeared in my hands (again: dreams, they don't need to make sense do they! ;)), but those loogies were so disgusting!!! I screamed out loud for real at that one....worst nightmare of my life!!!

-jumping off of the Sears Tower in Chicago, waking up just before hitting the ground..........okay, not very original there :\

-watching my dad walk into a cabin, then immediately afterwards, a space shuttle flying into it and destroying the cabin....:cry:

-being "autopsied" in a dream..........uhhh........that's a bit difficult to explain.....I'll just say that autopsies really SUCK when you know that they're happening to you at the time.....

Okay I will cease making a fool of myself now......:cry:
I had a dream where I installed Windows XP - it was a lot cooler in the dream than in reality, it was a 3D virtual reality operating system where the desktop was an actual office desk. Funny feeling, that; walking around inside Windows, especially since it was quite pixelated.
Then I was chased around by a giant moose - which actually looked like a huge reindeer, but in the dream I was sure it was a moose. I tried to shoot the creature, but the log I was trying to fire at it wasn't loaded. Then I ran down a snowy forested mountainside and hid behind a barn. The moose found me, though, and crushed me against the wall (that's when I woke up)

Moral of the story: Install Windows XP on your computer and be crushed by a huge reindeer!