
grrr! i thought i had put the H after the A... i hate when my fingers don't obey my orders

can you forgive me? :cry:

welcome Rahvin, Rhavin, Ravhin, Ravihn, Hravin & Ravinh :)
@astarte: my teddy says you're forgiven. :dopey:

does anyone know anything at all about interpreting dreams? of course i'm not talking superstition-level oniromancy (sp?), just anything serious about it. :)

It works about the same as random thinking. Where no two thoughts seem to have anything to do with each other, but there's always a reason the thoughts come in just the order they do. Try to find out what each little thing _can_ symbolize, connecting it to things you fear or wish, depending on how it feels I the dream; good or bad. -Hmm... that's about what I remember from the chapter about Freud in the book we had in the psycology class.

rahvin, is that the Rahvin from WoT? Then you must be an evil one, eh?
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
rahvin, is that the Rahvin from WoT? Then you must be an evil one, eh?

that's me. keen on compulsion as always, but in truth just a big softy. :grin:

@deadwinterdead: thanks for your welcome! the dark tranquillity board is my true home but. :)

rahvin. (parentheses?)
We are welcoming rahvin now? Hehe...
I think I've seen you around some other boards
rahvin, though it's great to have you here! :o)

Get a beer and join the party. Doesn't matter
which thread, there's always a beer being
passed around here somewhere >:o)
@blackspirit: thanks! it shows you've noticed me around because you sure know the magic word that makes me tick: beer. :D

@fjelltussa: i'm also used to threads going off-topic. at least nobody mentioned food here yet. ;)

I rarely remember dreams, but when I used to be able to sleep in until 1400 on weekends (I don't know how any more), I often could control quite a bit of my dream after I became semi-conscious (usually around 10am). 4 hours of lucid dreams... good stuff... :)

But anyway, most of my dreams are about women, in various ways. I know dreams are often prompted by what you're thinking of when you go to sleep, so... And I STILL don't get laid in my dreams either! :(

But I do have the occasional violent dream... and they're usually relatively gory. One of them I had in Lausanne, Switzerland. I had been reading the lyrics to some Burial tracks (gore metal) on the train earlier in the day. That got into the beginning part of my dream.... and after that it was quite a neat plot. So much so that I decided to write a story about it. This was back in November, and I made decent progress in December and January, but I then ran out of time. I have about 4000 words so far, but it's not even 20% done.

If I remember and have time, I'll post the general outline of the dream later.
Ey!?? Did we all stop dreaming?
I slept a few hours during the evening today,
and I dreamt some weird stuff about my father.
I guess I just miss him, as I haven't seen him in
a while.

And; I always looked at him from underneath,
so he seemed tall. Which means I've looked up
to him during my whole dream. Nice.
I still love the man :o)
I had a lot of recurrent dreams when i was much younger ( 8 or 9) but it has been so long that i don't really recall too much about them. Just taht my parents were always unable to help me for whatever reason in the dreams.
Why is it that we all have recurring dreams when we are young? That is an odd pattern....
I have been trying to Lucid dream lately but havn't had much success, I think I'm not "trying" hard enough. I can't get myself in the proper mindset of expecting a dream to occur and to concentrate on that.
I hate those dreams where they bother you all day and you can't stop thinking about them the next night, whether they be frightening or just perplexing. I had a very odd dream about a month ago with some incredibly strange apocalyptic visions, and it made me think for quite some time. I usually don't think about the "Apocalypse" so I have no idea why I dreamed this...
Ummm, about recurring dreams in childhood - I guess that's because as a child, you have less stuff to worry and care about, and thus have more time and "memory" to spend on dreams and such, while when growing up, your memory and thinking is more and more used by other things, learning, working, living, etc. That might be a solution, or that we concentrate far more on our life than our dreams, that it grows more and more subconscious with time?!