
I think it all may become more subconcious with time, because as we grow older, we (most of us) become more and more social beings, less and less biological beings, meaning that we act less and less on "instinct", wether we understand those or not.... But that may make the dreams more complex and hard to understand as well..... or??

I hardly ever dream the same thing more than once now. If I awake in the middle of the night from a bad dream , I wont dream more of it when (/if) I fall asleep again. That may be because I "get over it".... maybe....
I'm still waiting for you to post those visions you've
had, Morgana! Sounds extremly interesting!

Latly I've realized that I dream more, or at least
REMEMBER my dreams if I am not in a deep sleep.
When it's just before I'm about to wake up. Or I just
wake up a lot when I'm dreaming. I wonder why?

And, after I moved in with my boy I have got used
to the alarmclock ringing for ages before it gets
turned off. I used to be one of those who'd jump out
of bed before it rang cause I hate the sound so much!!

Well, now I have started to make my dreams around
that annoying noise! It's just my brain's way to deal
with it I guess >:oP hehe...
I'd like to tell you about those visions I had, well this is about one I had over and over again, for about three month...

Like every evening when I had to work in the clubs, usually I started in the small one in little village belonging to Paderborn and then moved on from there to the other, like most of our guest did as well.
I drove the old route to Paderborn. Usually it took 30 - 40 min to get there. I prefered this route much more than the highway. Later it was faster to use the highway as the little club got sold to someone else.

Anyway, it started all of a sudden one evening. I was just going to drive past the the highway junction in Sennelager. On my road you were allowed to drive 100 km/h and of course I had that speed. From the right I saw a white mercedes coming off the highway . I had the right of way, as he had to stop on the end of the highway exit. But it seemed like he did not see me nor stopped anyhow, he turned off to the left. With other words he wanted to go the opposite direction of me. I was confued, because there was no way you could not see me coming, no tree or anything else in the way... Well, this car actually did this right in front of me only few meters distance... I was going on the break, I could see what would happen, if I react the way everyone normally would react. I saw our damaged cars... I just saw everything. I was really confused having this vision, it made me thinking all night at work.
On the next evening I had the same vision when I was going to drive passed that junction...

This happened every flipping evening I drove past there, for about three month...
It made me thinking, being worried... I did not want to die in that accident...
This vision made me thinking of how to survive it. It told me how I have to react to survive, the total opposite of what you normally would like react... actually I had this vision until I knew 100% what to do to survive... then it stopped.

I nearly forgot about this vision... then one day... I was just going to drive pass a highway junction... just 10 meters in front of me a white mercedes took my right of way... I was on full legal speed... he did it exactly the way I had seen in the vision... me on the break, my friend next to me was sort of standing in my car, I still wonder that there was no dent in the roof and luckily we did not hit the windscreen. Dunno if you can imagine how hard I had to break... we only survived, because I react the way the vision was teaching me... I did not even crash into the car... I can tell you, as I managed to stop my car without crashing, I went out of the car and my body was shaking like mad... I thanked Mother Earth many, many times...
WHOI!!??! That sounds AMAZING!?! Almost insane!
Just to get one thing straight, the first white mercedes
was your vision, right? At first I thought it happened,
and then you had visions from it, and then it happened
again :oP

Well, wow! Hehe... Weird shit... I'm speechless......
Some visions I can tell in a short term is about this:

Not to long ago I got an email of a friend, he told me he'll become a dad, when I read the mail, I had a vision, I had seen him with a littel girl... we'll see in November...

Another friend of mine is pregnant, everythime I read her mails I see her with a boy... we'll see in September.

When my ex sister in law was pregnant with her second child I told her the day of the birth will be the day of her first child's birthday, she laught at me, calling me stupid, because it would have been to early... well, she gave birth to the boy on the day of my niece's birthday...
Most people can not believe it.

I was telling friends about the vision I had all the time, because I was worried... and one of my friends was in the car with me when it actually happened. So there are sort of witnesses.

Often I have vision and ignore them. I shouldn't do that... shouldn't ignore them...
Usually I do not talk much about it, cause of most people's reactions.

Edit: typos as usual
i reckon one thing is believing you actually experienced something you can call "a vision" and quite another is believing there is a connection between said visions and what's gonna happen in the future. i see no reason to doubt the former, but i don't see much ground to believe in the latter. witnesses certifying you guessed something that would happen are proof of your good faith (i.e., you're not making things up) but as far as i see they don't testify anything regarding a link between your visions and reality. it might still be merely happenstance. :)

Wow - this suits me. I'm dreaming a lot these days.
Yesterday I had a really good one:

I was actually in Florida visiting Chuck Schuldiner (Death) and his family.
(this is obviously a dream of the past). I think I had some friends
along with me. It was really strange, since Chuck knew about his
brain tumor, and was in a very grave state of mind. But he was
the friendliest person ever. We were outside and the nature was
like in the Philosopher video (someone who visited once told me
it is like that where he lived). Not much action, but there was a
weird atmosphere among people present, and that was the most
important about this dream. People around knowing that this
person is dying. I remember Chuck saying this outside his home:
"Our home is open to you at any time. Please come visit again later.
We would appreciate it."

For once there were no weird, supernatural things happening.
So it was a good dream, actually based on the facts I know :)

Hail Chuck.