
I had a dream and Rickikins was in it :D

I'm not gonna tell you the details :o
I had 5 or 6 dreams last night, one was actually about meeting a friend on the internet, I had a long conversation but I forget its contents, but I was in Ireland:p
Another was killing some people
Then I was driving a car, I got out and ended up running somewhere into the night
One of the last ones before I awoke involved a woman taking her clothes off and I woke up with a massive lunchbox:lol:
I always get the most strange and vivid dreams after a night of heavy drinking or if I fall asleep with music on.
I had a really weird dream last night. I was somewhere in Lapland (I suppose) and a lot of people of my old school were there. And there was this old train and we had the figure out in teams how to make the train work. Then suddenly somebody started singing Dimmu Borgir song and the train started riding. Then I woke up. :zombie:
I had a weird dream last night, I was outside and i saw a big snake coming in my direction, and i started to run, but i suddenly became blind and I could not scream XD