
Aye. Merged Vinnolation's thread with this one since it keeps the topic alive. Plus it's always cool to see old names like Caillac and Manuel, even if they're not around anymore :cry:
Thanks man. Dreams, Dream, they wouldn't work in the searcher...
Something was up.
Dream 1 I was watching television and then "Deal or no Deal" came on. It was at the end of the show, and the 3 boxes were shown. Rather than having the usual amounts, they had: 6p, £1000 and £1 million pounds. So the 1st box was opened and it was the 6p. And a name popped and and someone went congrats to you.

Dream 2 I dreamt that I was lucky enough to meet the finnish metal band Lordi. I got talking to a few of the members and then my nephew appeared. He is only 1 year old so I did expect him to be scared of them. But he wasn't bothered one bit. He got picked up by their guitarist and just started laughing.

Dream 3 For some reason I dreamt that they had made a lift that goes all the way straight to Australia.

I've got a ton of dreams that I remember, but those are the ones that really stick in my head
Ah, dreams. I am a lucid dreamer. For those who don't know what this means, it is simply the ability to be conscious during dreams and control them at will. I have had some very vivid ones in which the dream was more real than waking reality. I guess these could be called OBEs, depending on how you look at them.

Usually I can induce these dreams by putting my body to sleep first, while keeping my mind awake. After a while I enter sleep paralysis and start to dream consciously. From there I can get up "out of my body" in the dream and fly through the wall and go wherever. Pretty awesome stuff. Imagine standing on Jupiter with Burzum playing in your ears (clearer than headphones).

One thing people assume incorrectly is that dreams are not as real as waking reality. This is not true at all. Just like memories, dreams seem vague; but if you are awake during the dream, you honestly cannot tell the difference except by logical deduction, as you obviously cannot fly in the real world. Waking life is all perception; interpretations of signals from sense organs. Dreams are the exact same thing, except that the brain does not need the four senses in this case to construct the world.
Shit I wish I could become lucid while dreaming. I've only done it a few times...last dream I had was Lovecraft in nature, seeing as how I have become utterly obsessed as of late.
i cant often remember my dreams. But sometimes, i wake up suddenly after a dream, and realise that i had been dreaming for a while before i wake up. And during the dream, i have a strange feeling like not being totally asleep but not awake either. And it feels like the situation i was living in my dream was so real. Sometimes, when I remembered you a dream I had in the middle of the day, i wonder if its real or if i dreamt. Most of the dreams i remember are nightmares, or good dreams that turn into nightmares.
Shit I wish I could become lucid while dreaming. I've only done it a few times...last dream I had was Lovecraft in nature, seeing as how I have become utterly obsessed as of late.

Anyone can learn it, and it's easier if you have done it before. Just ask yourself if you are dreaming many times during the day and perform some sort of test. Eventually you will do it in your dream and it will fail. Once you get good at this, there are better ways to induce lucid dreams, but they get harder. The most important thing is to take an interest in remembering your dreams.

Sometimes, when I remembered you a dream I had in the middle of the day, i wonder if its real or if i dreamt.

Yeah I love that feeling. With me it's literal. There are times I have been almost convinced that my dream was real, because it was actually more real than being awake. It gets to the point where I can actually feel the air around me. I guess "real" all depends on the perspective.
I have lucid dreams, too, but rarely. So awesome those are!

I had a dream earlier...
Eminem was in it, as was Brittany Spears, hahahahah
So were others...
I don't remember much of it now, this was 8 hours ago or something...
Slim shady slayed someone in it. It was in some strange building, in the future. It was flooded. We were trying to clean up the body parts, ravelling them all in a big rug. Brittany was freaking out.
Hmm. WTF hey?
I've had some seriously fucked up dreams for sure, some that have resulted in a really bad case of sleep paralysis. All of those dreams were caused by 'extreme' nightmares, which is ironic because I love nightmares...but any dream thats intense enough to paralyze me when I wake up...I can laugh about it now, but its a scary thing when you wake up and you can't move or feel your neck or anything below and your body is tensing up for a minute. The sickest feeling I've felt in a dream is when my teeth began involuntarily twisting and forcing their way out. I easily felt it as if it was real, but it wasn't necessarily that painful, it was just a horribly sick feeling, and then watching your teeth crumble to the ground. I had to wonder what exactly was going on in real life, though at least I know I wasn't grinding my teeth or anything.

Anyways, today I had a nap and had a fairly cool dream. I was a vampire, and 'stalking' an attractive girl. I had the ability to see through the darkness of the night, vaguely which seemed rather realistic to how it would be in reality if I could see in darkness better. I followed her as she left her place of work which seemed like it was located in a rather deserted area. As I found out, I was also part werewolf, and could jump quite high and attempted to leap over barbwire fencings, and howling at the moon. This is somewhat significant because in real life I was lying strangley on my back and without a pillow, and well its hard to explain, but sometimes when you get a minor rush to the head and feel dizzy and its like your brain is stunned for a few seconds - that was happening quite frequently in my dream during sequences when I jumping. It was a short dream and I eventually awoke, and because I had had enough of it, I elected to get up rather than continue the dream like I would have liked to.

that would be wild if you could record you're dream like a tivo for your head.

That would be sweet....or better yet, it would be great if you could 'save' a given dreamworld and then continue it when you wanted.

If like in TV shows, they made machines that would provide you with a near-perfect virtual reality world...how much would you value your real life, if you were satisfied with a virtual one?
im just gonna skip the sex dreams LOL

Just had 3-4 total dreams in that sleep...

dream one there was this dude, coming to kill me. he got into my place, and started after me, and i attacked him with an axe. after many blows, and even wrestling into the hallway, i finally got his head off. wow. blood all over me, and everywhere. man, what an adrenaline rush. dude was hard core.

dream two was this oil diving mission, there was like a hundred of us diving deep down into the ocean to scout and set up oil pipelines to the massive rigs at the surface. it was in the pacific, and we had to dive within a giant steel net, to protect us from swarms of great white sharks. we dove down, and a giant shark started knawing through the metal net. i had to cut off it's front snout and turn it around, then shove it back in backwards, puncturing its brain, to kill it. i eventually did, and man, that was a giant snout, the mofo was snapping for me real good. major adrenaline..

that was it.:kickass:
I just woke up. I saw a bunch of dreams. Woke up in the middle of the night and I remember telling myself "I got to remember that one", but I don't. I remember the latter dream though.

I was in a tv quiz show. At first I was brought in by some guy (dark figure) and I saw my team (including me) winning the game. The guy told me that this was the future. The future me had beard, glasses and was around 50, but as he told an incredibly lame joke to the nationwide tv-audience, I was assured that he really was me in the future. The guy lead me to a forest and I had to find my way out from there. I did, and found myself in the tv-quiz. The first question was "What is a mallrat?" and I answered it, although I had major problems using the buzzer thing (it worked in a weird way). The host blathered something "funny" and went on to the next question, which was "What is Krusovice Imperial?" (it's a beer), I buzzed, but then because the buzzer worked in a strange way, I had to compete with the other team and they were somehow faster and got before me. I was incredibly ashamed that I didn't get to answer my favorite subject and publicly damned the buzzer to be a piece of shit. Then I apologized for the language and woke up.
I don't have any proper recurring dreams, as such, but this weird word crops up in my dreams a lot... Nemiroth. :err: In various different scenarios, eg. a love interest that was out of reach, a place, and so on. It's odd.

I also once had a really vivid dream a year or two back. Me and a few people I know were walking along this road near my home, and this massive church (that doesn't actually exist) was at the end of the road. Above it was this image of a man screaming INSIDE the church. We came closer to it, to the sound of an ever-loudening Gregorian choir. When we arrived at it, we found that all the seats were covered in pale, dusty blankets, and that the place was ablaze. Inside, there was a man made of wax screaming in pain and asking to be saved from melting. My friends scarpered, and I woke up.

I have others, but that's the most interesting for me. :P
Had a couple dreams today I remembered...

1st one there was a wakeup in between there and the final arisal, so I don't remember it too well. It was dark, night [I hope, hahaah] out William's Lake and Spryfield, near here, in the future, and it seemed chaotic, apocalyptic, and there was a lot of people living in the streets. An old buddy Corey was in it, so were a lot of people, and I think we were trying to get food of some sort at this shop, yeah, pizza. Some kind of pizza we were after. I think we found some. Pretty senseless it all seems now, hahah...

2nd one was really wild. I can't make too much sense of it all, really, but me and several others I know, we were under attack by some fanatical Middle Eastern religious group, they kidnapped several of us, locking us up in closets in this giant house. I may have been kidnapped, too, or a rescuer, but I remember breaking other people out of these closets. An old buddy Greg was in it, one of us. The end was the entire place getting raided and all of us getting rescued, and they captured one of the Middle Eastern dudes, and he was pretty mum on the whole thing, and really sweaty and pissed about getting caught, hahahaha. We were all being held in a room for a while by the authorities, about to give testimony to them to figure out who did it, and we were watching the news, there they said it was a Middle Eastern fanatical organization of some kind. I never get rescued in dreams, this was weird, but like I said...