DT forum members picture page needs new host


Active Member
Oct 18, 2001
as i already mentioned earlier, i will move to another city in the nearer future, and thus i as well have to quit my lovely band. this also means i'll no longer be responsible for my band's homepage. now to the point: i will transfer the admin account of my domains to another band member. one of these domains, www.muted.de, is currently used for pictures of users of this forum, in case you didn't know. so if you want to continue this, i can send one of you all the html and jpeg files contained so that they can be hosted elsewhere. i just need some volunteers :)
why don't i just get a free domain by myself? well, i don't know how much time there will be left for being as active on the forums as i am today, so i'd like to lay this in the hands of a more regular visitor.
hmmm... I would like to think about it... need more time. I could help, but I need to see if I have the time...

- red_beef
If I just need to throw all the files on the site, then send em my way salamurhaaja@christismybitch.com , if under 6MB in size, if bigger then we need to see about it.
Unfortunately I have a Angelfire site, but at least it only has one pop-up to annoy people.
Let me know with a PM or just by mailing the stuff to the address above.
I have received the files and will be putting them up as soon as I get to work, unfortunately I can't do at home since I can't remember my Angelfire password :lol:
Anyway, the address will be:
but I will get a short addy for it soon.
Right now the page will remain as it was at www.muted.de, but I may work on it a bit when I feel like it.

Netscape is fucked or the coding here is fucked.
@Salamursomethingweirdasanamebutwithacoolmeaning: I want to change my pic in that page, shall I send the new one to you?
Yep, send it to the addy mentioned in my first post in this thread.
I will have a link to the page and my email in my signature when I have the pages up.

Forgot to mention, I will also change mine, as my outlook has changed since the one thats up there now.
It's nice that i never sent a pic, i don't have to change it all the time :p
@Hearse: Send it to me, i'll treasure it, i assure you :p
Otherwise, send it to Salamurhaaja, in the email address he gave above, i guess..
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja

Netscape is fucked or the coding here is fucked.

the coding is fucked, i presume. i never tried to code the side according to wc3 standards. most likely it will look fine on IE, as for other browsers i seriously don't know. but the only thing that might be displayed wrong could be the fixed background picture (doesn't scroll with the text, only text scrolls)...
Ok, I am having some strange behavior from the page, most likely Angelfire's fault, but I will have it up in about an hour, I hope.
I just have to write some of the code again. Sorry about that VC :(

Send that ugly mug to the addy that I mention in my earlier post.
and yes, it is ChristIsMyBitch.com :lol:
Ok, the pages are up and running at this address:

I had to write most of the code again for some reason, I guess Angelfire didn't like the seperate css-file, oh well, no biggie.
The page is made in about 10 min, so I don't know how well it works, let me know of any problems and let me know which browser version you are using, with IE 6 it seems to work as intented.

Anyway, new version coming when I have some time to work on it and my new picture will be added as soon as I get my cam up and running again (software dl just finnished).

Had to cut the background image a bit to make fit the table, sorry about that, I actually hate having to do that.
Hmmm, when you put the cursor ovr a nick, there's a line _above_ the nick, it's kinda annoying... try to put that under the nick plz... :)
Yeah, I'll fix that, but not right now, there is actually supposed to be a line at the bottom as well, but for some reason it doesn't seem to work.

Just uploaded my new picture :D

And btw, Siren, when are we gonna get your picture there? hmm? :p
And if you get pissed off at the pop up window, either just leave it open (there is only one, unless you close it, it will come back) or get this free tool: Pop Up Killer which of course only works for IE and only on Windows machines (some problems with XP).