DT forum members picture page needs new host

Originally posted by Hiljainen
A stupid pic of me :blush: i was going to laugh hysterically when my friend took that pic..i was imitating a friend of us :Puke:

Oh my, I wonder if an ugly girl listening to DT is some kind of a myth :p


Never mind, not gonna say what else I thought of :grin:
Originally posted by rahvin
and this is a metal forum. i'm going to give you 25 seconds to sort out the equation then quickly follow us into the bunker while the hordes of would-be boyfriend are still clumsily wearing their leather underpants. :grin:

A tr00 warrior never takes off his plate mail, he has um latches build into it for um certain times, like when he sees a girl as beautiful as Hiljainen :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Hiljainen
A stupid pic of me :blush: i was going to laugh hysterically when my friend took that pic..i was imitating a friend of us :Puke:

what a nice surpise, I thought you would look very shy and innocent but what do we have here...a beautiful goth-like girl with a bit of nastyness in her eyes...I could go on but rahvin would ban me on paedophilia counts :eek:

Originally posted by rahvin
*ok, every regular better man (or, in some cases, dwarf) the cannons and other heavy weapons: we're gonna need 'em as soon as all other users start drooling over hiljainen's pic. :p

uhh sir...my cannon is clogged with saliva :rolleyes:
thanatos, wanderingblade, dark_jester... you all three guys report to me now!
we're supposed to be the ones keeping the greedy, abusive frothing-at-the-mouth bastards off of hiljainen! so get a hold of yourselves and get down to the bunkre only with... your... weapons... unloaded :rolleyes:

Bah, fine, no minigun. But I'm not sitting in a bunker just waiting! I'm going out in tr00 style! I'm listening to 'Ride of the Valkyries' and sitting in a battletank while you guys cringe for your own personal protection...
If I die...I want you to stuff me full of sawdust and prop me up in a corner somewhere with a tshirt saying 'world's grimmest idiot' :grin:
rahvin may need to form a DT forum militia in order to protect hiljainen. But looks as if there is discension in the ranks! :eek:

And yes, Hilj is a cutie :rock:
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Nah, the way I figure it, Dark Tranquillity and its board is a sorta magnet for the beautiful people ;)
This board sure is... There are a few guys here (okay, one) I would love to tie to a desk. Uhh... I'll stop here.