DT forum members picture page needs new host

I think my new title will be "Teacher". :p

Siren (who doesn't know exactly what she teaches..)
Originally posted by Ormir
Salamuurari, what exactly is wrong with the site that you can't update it?

error connecting to DB

I think it's because they are doing some work on the servers, but I have been checking it a while now and that same error always comes up, I can access the regular pages, but when I wanna access my account (either one), I get that message, quite annoying actually.
And I get it with both Mozilla and IE 6 (real low security settings), so it's nothing in them either.

If it's not fixed by the time I get back online (around new years or so) then I will have to find another host, this time I will go for the payed one that I was talking about a while back.
@Dark_Jester: Great picture. You look soo different from the other one. You're very hansome. You have beautiful eyes too. :)
BTW: I mentioned this earlier, but it got lost in the chat threads, so I'll repost. :)You mentioned you used to live in Hong Kong and Austrialia. When and for what amount of time? Did you like it there? I'm just curious as I've visited H.K. recently and my family is from there.
Thank you Mousie, you are such a flatterer :)
Anyway, I lived in Australia for most my life, from birth to the age of eight, when I moved to Hong Kong...that would have been about 1991. We only spent about a year living in Hong Kong, in the precinct for English nationals who worked in Hong Kong (my father is a doctor specialising in occuptaional medicine). Moved to England until 94, where I lived in Nottingham, moved back to Australia. Moving eight times in four years (I know, wasn't much fun), we then headed to the Falkland Islands for a year, now I'm back in England...my life story for all those who want ir :D
As far as Hong Kong goes, I'm afraid that my time there wasn't that productive...I don't really know anyone there, and my cantonese is next to abysmal...but it was a fun place :)
I read it; just didn't have the time to answer just yet. :)

That is a lot of moving around; must be exciting though. I've lived in Canada my whole life.

Hehe, my experience in Hong Kong wasn't the best, as I don't really like being around large crowds of people. My Cantonese skills are less than perfect, too. Everyone thought I was strange looking/acting also. Oh well; it was interesting anyways.

England seems a better place to live though.

BTW--I wasn't flattering, it's all true. ;)
If I wasn't so grim and tr00 and necro (as can be seen in the pic) you would make me blush mousie ;)
As to the rest, yes, moving around a lot was exciting, but the instability of having no close friendships in life and the constant upheaval and constant stop-start education was trying at times...just imagine life as the eternal 'new kid' :)
I turned out alright though...whats that? No...I couldn't do that! THEY'RE NICE PEOPLE!!!! Hee, you're silly mr giant clown man...
Yay, I'd make you blush. :D

Being "the new kid" wouldn't be that bad. At least if the people around you were dumb, you know you would get away from them eventually. The no close friendships thing is not a new thing to me even if I've stayed in one place my whole life. I don't relate well to most people, so for me, going everywhere would be alright, as I don't (or didn't) have much I couldn't leave behind. It's kind of changed in the past few years though, as I now I have some very good friends.

oh, and I didn't turn out alright... :loco:
*takes one quick look at hiljainen's pic*
*browses back the board with jaded eyes*
*builds barricades all around this thread*

ok, every regular better man (or, in some cases, dwarf) the cannons and other heavy weapons: we're gonna need 'em as soon as all other users start drooling over hiljainen's pic. :p

Originally posted by Hiljainen
:lol: no i look like a mighty warrior in that pic :guh:

and this is a metal forum. i'm going to give you 25 seconds to sort out the equation then quickly follow us into the bunker while the hordes of would-be boyfriend are still clumsily wearing their leather underpants. :D

@dark_jester: why, you want to let horny intruders take control of this our very home? tsk tsk... too much shopping today. :p
