DT forum members picture page?

picture page yes or no

  • yep, that's what i always wanted. finally, i can find sleep again.

    Votes: 36 78.3%
  • nah, i don't wanna see all these ugly board people. it's already disturbing enough to just IMAGINE t

    Votes: 10 21.7%

  • Total voters
well even if you (nor do I lately) have much consideration on Opeth's forum the fact is that we are in chance to imitate everything we find cool, no matter from where it comes, I guess!
If the best song comes from the crappiest band, it still is the best song!!!!!!
Sorry ´bout that...:D

I´ll give ya one, where did I put that darned pic...lemme see..hmmm.... Yeah! Here it is!
yeah!!!!!! send your photos!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll do soon, but I just get this low_res and bad quallity ones with my webcam...grrrrrrgggggggrrrrrrrrr

i added the pics in my mail, now there's about nine pictures. keep 'em coming!
and thanks so far to all who already sent theirs!
@fv that's just a lame excuse :D
i could evaluate better if you would send yours as well :D

but yeah, so far they're all nice to behold.
no manipulation. i only had to compress some pics (hey, i work on 56k modem and you send me 200k pics...).
seems i have to give a quick summary on how to compress pictures without resizing & losing (noticeable) quality...

phyros is #1 with 213kb (compressed-> 26kb)
skald is #2 with 159 kb (compressed -> 25 kb)

search in your picture manipulation program for an option called "jpeg compression" or likewise. choosing a compression of approx. 65-70% usually doesn't affect quality all too much but decreases space significantly. but you can try out.
photoshop rulz :)
the best compression I've seen....

btw: why is it that in one day three of you changed your avatar.... villain, astarte and final_vision???
may be yesterday it was Saint Changeyouravatar...or smth!
well astarte, yours was way better to the new one...but well I guess this is more what you look like, but we'll never know :p
that didn't happen yesterday... i've been seeing those avatar for a while now :confused:

:lol: i don't like the avatar either but the baby seal is cute with that fur so white, warm and stylish :p
it looks better than the real astarte ;)
well it seems the cache has been doing strange things....
since today I see 4 new avatars....odd! (well not that odd...but i like how it sounds)

fathervic (by the directors of MasterMelon)