easily offended people

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Birkenau said:
You're a fucking idiot. Seriously get out, you have no idea what you are talking about.

No, Lord Red Dragon, our drag queen in residence, is correct. Birkenau, you should know that Osama made the US (since the Soviet Union fell) al Quad'as target after Desert Storm because he was sickened to see the United States occupy Arab territory and do what it wanted in the middle east.

If we are really going to lay blame here, we could go all the way back to Reagan supplying Al Quaeda, and Andropov convincing the Soviet Union it needed to stay in Afghanistan; or really, we could go all the way beck to the time when our CIA put the Shah of Iran back in power against the wishes of the Iranian people.
Birkenau said:
I don't disagree, but take into account what I said, censorship has been around long before any feminist movement has. Feminism isn't the cause of people being offended by womens bodies being seen publicly.

Censorship having been around longer than say, the feminist movement, would not at all exclude the feminist movement from supporting censorship, and being a very large player in it today.

Maybe I am a little hard on feminists at times ( and don't get me wrong, they aren't the only ones responsible for the fall of society ) but they play a very large role in the war against all that is male in society, and sexual proclivity towards women in general.
Birkenau said:
You're a fucking idiot. Seriously get out, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Do we need this? Ad-hom attacks do not help your arguement.
judas69 said:
Censorship having been around longer than say, the feminist movement, would not at all exclude the feminist movement from supporting censorship, and being a very large player in it today.

Maybe I am a little hard on Feminists at times ( and don't get me wrong, they aren't the only ones responsible for the fall of society ) but they play a very large role in this..
I don't have a problem with feminists except the ones that get pregnant through invitro (you can now seperate the y-cromozone carrying sperm cells from the x-cromosone ones and control the gender of your kid) where they think anything with a penis is a demon...that kinda pisses me off cuz it's kinda like how we've now got blacks that think enduring slavery somehow makes the black race superior to whites
I don't have a problem with feminists except the ones that get pregnant through invitro (you can now seperate the y-cromozone carrying sperm cells from the x-cromosone ones and control the gender of your kid) where they think anything with a penis is a demon...that kinda pisses me off cuz it's kinda like how we've now got blacks that think enduring slavery somehow makes the black race superior to whites

.....which is just an extension of what happens in India and the Middle East. If you're born female, you're pretty much left to die. You're born as a second-class citizen, you're a burden to the family, you're another mouth to feed.....they might as well finish you of at birth as opposed to spending the money to raise and educatre you. That's why so many East Indian girls from traditional families are married off at 5 or 6 years of age. For a Dowry. And if the husband dies while you're still a child.....you're own family does not accept you back. You're left to fend for yourself.

So playing the gender game exists in all societies.....and in different shapes and forms. I'm not anti-feminist, nor am I supportive of initiatives like Affirmative Action. What I am interested in is an equal playing field for all.
where they think anything with a penis is a demon...that kinda pisses me off

Most feminists are NOT like that. None of the ones I know are. That's just a generalization, everyone assumes feminists hate men, which couldn't be further from the truth.

I admit some do, but that's not what it's about. It's not about hating men.
I never said MOST of the feminists i was just refering to the ones that interact with me

Haha. Most feminists snarl at me because I look like the typical white American male. I cant tell you how many doors I've opened for women, only for them to complain they can do it themselves.
speed said:
Haha. Most feminists snarl at me because I look like the typical white American male. I cant tell you how many doors I've opened for women, only for them to complain they can do it themselves.
exactly or like the women that insist on paying for everything in a boyfreid-girlfreind relashionship to prove that they "don't need a man" even though they really need male companionship to the point of paying for dates frequently enough to the point of being totaly flat broke and they "can't" fuck the guys because they "have a roommate" that's paying the fucking rent and her food
exactly or like the women that insist on paying for everything in a boyfreid-girlfreind relashionship to prove that they "don't need a man" even though they really need male companionship to the point of paying for dates frequently enough to the point of being totaly flat broke and they "can't" fuck the guys because they "have a roommate" that's paying the fucking rent and her food

"boyfreid-girlfreind" i before e.

And that doesn't make them feminists, that just makes them resentful/paranoid.

Anyway, Speed: That's nice that you still open doors for others. I always say thank you when someone does that for me.
Susperia said:
Anyway, Speed: That's nice that you still open doors for others. I always say thank you when someone does that for me.

I think that's great, and I still do that. Because I was raised that way. And I owe my parents my upbringing.

But.....I can't tell you how many times that I do open the door for a woman or an older senior (man included), and do not even receive a simple and courteous "Thank you!" Now.....that's not what I'm looking for.....but respect and courtesy offered should result in respect and courtesy offered back.

Or, I can take it the other way. Some women actually expect the door to be held for them. And then when the man makes this courtesy gesture.....he's givin a dirty look. As if she is saying....."How dare you!" Especially in corporate settings. Where posturing and 'corporate career management' take precedent over simple common courtesy. Especially amongst women in the work force.

Sometimes, I get in a situation like this.....and I have to decide whether or not I'm going to be the gentleman. But I always give in to my upbringing and hold the door anyway.....whether I receive the glance of appreciation or not. I think most males are brought up that way anyhow. Whether they're a little older or still in their teens, I'd like to think that most men's first instinct is to be repsectful of women.

I rememeber years ago Kurt Russell saying that men and women are equal in the way that they are made and the roles that they play. Women are the head of the family and men are the head of the house. The women are masters when it comes to the rearing of the children, and the man is the provider. If each wants power, then each has to play this role. Especially a woman. But when she acts like a man, she loses her power and dimishes her standing. Again, this is in traditional settings, but there's a lot of truth to that statement. Because Goldie Hawn wears the pants in that relationship and everyone knows it.
My old man always said "being polite costs nothing" and I've always found that to be true. I see no shame in old fashioned chivalry. I've been raised to treat women with respect and I see no way in which that reduces women into the weaker sex, it's just polite and courteous to open a door for a lady, or give her your jacket its not sexist, at least not in my mind anyways :)

On the 9/11 topic...I think we can at least all agree that 9/11 was a retaliation for America's meddling in the middle east, regardless of what said meddling can be construed to mean, exactly.
as opposed to some older form of feminism??? no i'm not just being stupid i'm actually asking a question

There have been about three waves of feminism (there's debate as to exactly how many there are, but the concensus is three). The first was the suffragists in the 40's, the second was in the 60's when women were aiming for more political equality and the third, which is "now" is really very complicated obviously because we are in the midst of it and it's never easy to talk about the present.

Anyway, the main issue today is stopping sexual violence towards women, or at least lessening it a good amount. However, this is the hardest thing to do because it's not something that will be stopped with a law, it's a societal issue which will take many generations to alleviate.

I hope that shed some light.
Final_Product said:
On the 9/11 topic...I think we can at least all agree that 9/11 was a retaliation for America's meddling in the middle east, regardless of what said meddling can be construed to mean, exactly.

Can you explain this a little more?
Unfortunately, I'm incliend to agree. However, it can be lessened, of course. I just don't see why a feminist movement is required.
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