The Vision Bleak are neither similar, nor as good as Empyrium, but still not too bad at all. I have the album, but have actually only listened to it a couple of times. If you've heard Empyrium or SoTS, then it's quite a strange listen as it's just not what you'd expect.NAD said:So many albums being purchased since I fulfilled the 4 Empyrium full lengths and I always look at these CDs and think "yes, these are grand indeed." I think in the coming years I will appreciate these masterworks more, but for now whenever I grab one of the shelf I find myself truly moved.
Anyhow, anyone check out The Vision Bleak yet? Similar? As good as? Bonglicious?
As for Empyrium, "Songs..." is still my favourite (and favourite of all time) but I love the dark folk ones too. And yes, they are all masterworks