This thread's awesome.
Since Eric asked, my friend had one of those blackouts last night, 'cos it was my birthday two days ago. However, I and several others' final exam(s) were yesterday morning, so I did naught on the day of my b'day, 'cept for get a bitty drunk on wine. Anyhoo, following the final (!) exams yesterday, a few of us went on a bit of a pub crawl. I still don't get it, though, 'cos my friend has this thing where he just goes *click* and transforms instantaneously from quite/very drunk to ABSOLUTELY FUCKING WRECEKD, MUN. It's annoying. We didnae want the dude at the pub that we're mates wi' getting in shit from the cops for selling an underager, nor did we want him tae git battered by the cunts who were starting on my mate and I later on (different story I can't be bothered telling). Still, we all drank about roughly the same amount throughout yesterday, so it's strange to see him become such a sorry state. His parents thankfully picked him up, before the cops did. Today, my blacked out friend phoned a few of us separately and sheepishly apologised for being such a fanny.
I, however, am nae hungover, because after crashing at a friend's, I went to the pub today and sorted that sore heed o' mine out, wi' a few friends. So aye, ahm still a bitty bevvied.
Woops, that was a bit of a boring rant...
Um, I've been saying it for months now, but Biomechanical are
fucking awesome. Their cover of Priest's 'Painkiller' is quite excellent, too.