the whole thing i don't understand about the whole "true" black metal thing is that even though all these bands (Dimmu, COF, OMC, etc) embrace the anti-christian, nihilistic ideology (which seems to be a bit of a buzz-word these days) and also make music that is derived from early black metal, albeit more mlodic and making use of orchestras and synth, black metal elitists even refuse to acknowledge that they are even remotely black metal.
I don't get annoyed that these people don't like the music that these bands produce, i get annoyed that these people won't even acknowledge that, while their sound is unike raw, traditional black metal, their musical roots still lie in black metal and their music still has a black metal sound.
These bands aren't trying to redefine the genre, they are merely taking it in a new direction. As far as i can see, traditional black metal has become relatively stagnant in terms of new sounds and experimentation because these bands seem intent on being true and necro, sometimes to the point of being a complete cacophony of sound. I have no problems with Dimmu Borgir or COF being set out of the traditional black metal circle as they are obviously not a traditional black metal band, but they do have a sound derived from balck metal, therefore i think that if you have to pigeonhole them into a genre, it would be "Syumphonic Black Metal" because that is exactly what they are.
theres my two cents