Guardian of Darkness said:
Think a band like Graveland could capture the Pagan spirit if they were Muslims?
I wonder. If they were well-versed and knowledgeable about the subject, and flawlessly pulled it off without revealing their true beliefs, a musical "prank" you might call it, how would anyone else be the wiser?
Perhaps using Muslims is what makes it tricky, because the faith calls for destruction of pagan beliefs and idolatry(political correctness and justice for all...we've come a long way), and to this day, although they are moe accepting, pretending to be in a pagan band would be quite the religious heresy. Like hiding your love of God from everyone else.
On a side note:
I love how everyone automatically assumes I listen to music for just entertainment in a blanket statement. Ever consider that some music is taken seriously by some people and one can appreciate some styles as art and others as fun?
Most people into hip-hop are into it for much more than the music(i.e. gang wars, etc.), and take it as a lifestyle and artform. Some of them also happen to listen to stuff like Elvis or Zeppelin, because, although it's not rap, it appeals to them. Entertainment and art.
I have my styles of music that are much more than just listening pleasure. That delve into my soul and extract a part of me. That elevate me to a different state of mind and body and give me insight into things that nothing else can. Where aesthetic and such are everything. But in the end, it is just art. Not life. Therefore, art cannot be ideology. Ideology is objective. Art is subjective. There is a line of separation. Black metal, although artisitcally quite impressive in terms of delivery, approach, atmosphere, and usage of nearly-forgotten musical techniques(outside classical) such as minimalism, serialism, and the composition of tone poems and epic works. But, at the end of the day, it is just music.
One can craft a black metal epic about kitties and ponies, and through proper masking of vocals, lack of printed lyrics, and avoiding interviews, can create a black metal opus that will have no ideology, but will still be black metal. And it will still have fans.