Black Winter Day
it's funny that you say this, because no one is obsessing over this topic more than anonymousnick. and i'm not getting angry if you call dimmu borgir, dissection and enslaved black metal... you're just wrong.crimsonfloyd said:People who obsess over genres are probably listening to music for the wrong reasons, thats why I'm extreemly casual with genres. Is Dimmu Borgir black metal? Yes. Is Dissection black metal? Yes. Is Enslaved black metal? Yes. Are you a pitiful human being if you cry cuz I say this? Yes.

this topic should end... understanding will not come from either side. we've both reiterated our points time and time again and we're no closer to any agreeable ground.
unless any of you guys bring up some good points, i'll easily consider the rest of this thread to be :Spam: .