
crimsonfloyd said:
People who obsess over genres are probably listening to music for the wrong reasons, thats why I'm extreemly casual with genres. Is Dimmu Borgir black metal? Yes. Is Dissection black metal? Yes. Is Enslaved black metal? Yes. Are you a pitiful human being if you cry cuz I say this? Yes.
it's funny that you say this, because no one is obsessing over this topic more than anonymousnick. and i'm not getting angry if you call dimmu borgir, dissection and enslaved black metal... you're just wrong. :)

this topic should end... understanding will not come from either side. we've both reiterated our points time and time again and we're no closer to any agreeable ground.

unless any of you guys bring up some good points, i'll easily consider the rest of this thread to be :Spam: .
This has to be one of the more retarde threads i've EVER Seen. Jesus Christ, for one, I was under the mistaken impression that "Faggoth" was a term used by people who hated Dimmu, and were making fun of Shagroth. Anyway i stand corrected. And why did you guys waste 4 pages arguing about BLACK METAL! it was started by VENOM FOR CHRIST SAKE! THE WORST HEAVY METAL BAND IN THE WORLD! God why am i even wasting the time. Fuck 'Troo' black metal. Darkthrone is shit. My dead cat can make better music than that. Hell, my dead cats Howls were better than that shit!

FUCK TROO BLACK METAL, if TROO black metal is Darkthrone and Burzum, Give me Fake Black metal. I want to have MUSIC I CAN LISTEN TOO AND NOT NOISE THAT MAKES ME WANT TO BASH MY HEAD IN WITH A GOD DAMN HAMMER!
Oh man, either the tr00heads have stopped caring at this point, or you gonna suffer bigtime for that one.

For the record, there is nothing ideologically pure about black metal. I really couldn't care less about fitting into the black metal inner circle or w00tever. I just think that this near-worship of something that's JUST MUSIC and nothing more is quite foolish and it seems as though I'm not the only one who thinks so. Erik gave me a link to an anus.com(or something like that) page a while back that was a black metal FAQ. It cleared up some misconceptions I had, but I could not help feeling the irresistible urge to smack its author upside the head for his condescending, dry, tone. The attitude exuded by the crowd is terrible. So wrapped up in a silly 'ideologee' that they forget it's only music, and in no way superior to any other style, entirely interpretable and wholly subjective.

And I still like a lot of it. Everything from Celtic Frost to Bathory to Darkthrone to Immortal to Satyricon to Venom to Dimmu Borgir to Melechesh to Emperor and other stuff as well.
"True" black metal would be a fuckload better if they actually put a little effort into production. I'm not saying it has to be perfect, but bands like Bathory had decent production and I'm pretty sure that quite a few people consider them black metal. Bathory is fucking great, btw. Darkthrone is shit -- they might be better if they put some effort into their production instead of worrying about their image as a "true black metal" band.
Devourthesun said:
This has to be one of the more retarde threads i've EVER Seen. Jesus Christ, for one, I was under the mistaken impression that "Faggoth" was a term used by people who hated Dimmu, and were making fun of Shagroth. Anyway i stand corrected. And why did you guys waste 4 pages arguing about BLACK METAL! it was started by VENOM FOR CHRIST SAKE! THE WORST HEAVY METAL BAND IN THE WORLD! God why am i even wasting the time. Fuck 'Troo' black metal. Darkthrone is shit. My dead cat can make better music than that. Hell, my dead cats Howls were better than that shit!

FUCK TROO BLACK METAL, if TROO black metal is Darkthrone and Burzum, Give me Fake Black metal. I want to have MUSIC I CAN LISTEN TOO AND NOT NOISE THAT MAKES ME WANT TO BASH MY HEAD IN WITH A GOD DAMN HAMMER!
To hear this words from someone with Cradle of Fags (haha, funny me) and Fagowar in his signature... I am speechless.

Anonymousfag said:
I really couldn't care less about fitting into the black metal inner circle or w00tever. I just think that this near-worship of something that's JUST MUSIC and nothing more is quite foolish and it seems as though I'm not the only one who thinks so.
Since you do not care deeply for music and see it only as entertainment I'm afraid you'll never understand.
Methinks Satan is (in most of the cases) a metaphor - of living out your true self, not conforming to any sort of rules, just being an individual with all the weaknesses and strengths that comes with it.

@ Erik: Thanks for clearing it up.
The Maelstrom Mephisto said:
can i ask all the elitists out there, how is it that balck metal bands can say they stand against judeo-christian beliefs yet most of their song are about satan who, as we all know, is purely a judeo-christian concept?
Most of the better bands' songs aren't about Satan, and even those that are just use Satan as a metaphor for anti-Christianity, they don't actually worship the devil.
the way you guys have explained the satanism stuff seems to be based in a lot of church of satan ideas, living for yourself, rejecting rules, blah blah blah. didnt euronymous say he never wanted anything to do with any of that? he seems to be a pretty important figure in the creation of the black metal aesthetic and ideology, so i dont quite understand how that works. everybody seems to be giving different explanations based on whats convenient for excluding the most people at any given time, not a verifiable impetus behind the ideas. just a thought.