Favourie movies

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RookParliament said:
I must add Werner Herzog to that list. Herzog I believe has perhaps the greatest understanding of humanity, and the abilty to convey it on the screen, of any filmmaker I have ever seen. With seeming ease he portrays tragedy, absurdity, and the occasional scene of absolute triumphant glory that I have literally wept at some scenes while watching his work. If you have not already watch Aguirre: The Wrath of God or Woyzeck.
Some others that certainly belong are Kubrick and Polanski.
Key point to Herzog's movie was the music also (by Popol Vuh). Aguirre is indeed amazing, Kinski's performance is insane
Yes. Herzog has aways been a master of acquiring the perfect score or soundtrack. Have you seen the Grizzly Man DVD? It has an entire hour of behind the scenes of Herzog working with the musicians to create the score. A wonderful extra to one of the best documentaries ever released.
And Kinski. Oh yes.

"I am the great traitor. There must be no other."

His face in that scene. Oh man.
well, nobody answered me, so...nevermind!

there's a movie I saw a few years ago, and it became one of my favourite movies, because of its story. It is called Twin Falls Idaho - a completely different kind of love story. It's about siamese twins, and the movie was directed and written by the real twins, who also performed in the movie - Mark Polish and Michael Polish.
this is maybe the most bizarr movie I've ever saw - namely, because it treats its subject matter with real sensitivity.
I think that the Polish brothers have created something truly remarkable here and have done an inimitable job. Some of the details would never have occurred to one who has grown up on her/his own. And it was nice to see quite distinct personalities developed for each of the Falls twins.

I kept holding my breath while watching this movie. Can't explain... Just try to see it. You won't be disappointed.
Miss*Lie said:
Now talking about Tim Burton - any opinions about Corpse Bride?
I liked it, even though Nightmare Before Christmas was better.
TAXI DRIVER!!!!!!! it's my all time favorite movie, I mean it's just so deep and represents society so well, plus Robert De Niro's acting is top class.
Blade Runner is also one of my favorites, it combines a great storyline with some of the most amazing and beautiful scenarios and special effects that I've ever seen in a movie and this was made in 1982!!!!!!
Gladiator, Braveheart, Apocalypse Now and Seconds.

The first 2 because of great stories, actors, script, atmosphere and MUSIC! The third because of well... EVERYTHING. The last because it's one of the weirdest, most deppressing, nihilistic movies ever. Obscure 70s movie. You guys should check it out. Very \m/

Oh yeah... Saving Private Ryan... great war movie. The first twenty minutes especially... just spectacular.

Comedywise... Dumb and Dumber... NO CONTEST :D!

Alien is amazing as well. And finally I still love the original SW trilogy.
the most fave movie of mine is American History X
then Believer, Green Mile, Fight Club, 25th Hour, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, La Haine (Hate), Constantine.
speed said:
For the pure art of it: The Mirror, by Andrei Tarkovsky is my favorite. An interesting movie of nonlinear flashbacks from childhood, ala or partially inspired by Andrei Bely's book Kotik Leteav. While you watch it, you may become rather confused; but, as everyone should know, many times (not all) the more incomprehensible the piece of art seems, the better it is. By the end, the movie was imprinted on my soul, and I felt I knew Mr. Tarkovsky personally.
That's weird, I only just saw that a couple weeks ago and was gonna post about it. Nearly perfect.
Hamock said:
That's weird, I only just saw that a couple weeks ago and was gonna post about it. Nearly perfect.

I thought I was the only aesthete around here that loved such things! Excellent. I am so glad you loved the movie as well.
I don't watch a lot of movies, especially not modern ones, but having taken a recommendation for The Thin Red Line on board last year I found it to be an absolutely stunning, beautiful, wonderfully acted and profound film - probably my favourite of the last 10 years or more.
Honestly, I can't remember too well. I enjoyed aspects of it though, which surprised me a little. The chess involvement especially floated my boat.
There aren´t lots of movies, which are good.

But I like the movie "Die Wolke"
Its a german movie and its about exploding nuclear power station.
But its a really sad movie...
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