General Chat Thread: waves hello

It started in 1990 when I broke my elbow in a pedestrian accident. I ended with surgery a nice pin (actually a screw) a two months in a cast.
After it's removal and due to the lack of proper rehabilitation my movement was not as free as witht he right arm. Years afterward while picking a backpack I heard a "crack" sound and the arm stretched finally.

Since then is business as usual but last Sunday I started to have a problem as liquid begin to drain and pain ruled in the area. The doctor said that's an infection and have me with antibiotics both capsules and creme (topical). In anycase today I have to take a X-ray of the elbow as maybe the pin has moved or something else may had happened.
Right now I'm in a little pain and with bandages since the liquid continues to drain out (and stain my clothes).

Thanks to everybody for the concern and good wishes ;)

Thanks for telling us Wyvern. I hope it will get better soon. Good luck and best wishes buddy! :)
Ouch!:ill: A broken elbow sounds mighty painful. You should say it was a sporting injury, or you were jumping a motorcycle over 20 buses, something like that.:)

All the best Wyv, my friend.

The x-ray came out alright. After all these years (according to the doctor) the elbow has healed alright and he believes the old screw is now becoming a foreign object and the body is rejecting it hence the infection.

In anycase I have to se an specialist next week sometime for a second opinion since I have no desire whatsoever to get into another surgery and have the pin removed. Besides I like to have a piece of metal inside me :D

So far the inflamation has subsided a bit and I was able to do some iron pumping with less weight of course (I noticed the triceps movement gave me more pain than the biceps). Also the leakeage has going down and except for a nasty red cap with a white point the elbow looks almost as normal as the right one.

Again thanks to all for the concern and good wishes, you are truly my cyberfamily :wave:

NP: Riot - 'Outlaw'
Just to round thing up my mother slipped in the shower. As you can imagine a nice concusion and bleeding.

Luckily it seems it was basically superficial (6 stiches nevertheless) and she never lost conscience but the shower, clothing and emergency room look like a Tarantino movie :yow:

She is "fine" now but was a pretty scary situation(not the first time 'tho I've been involved in this scenario). The next days will be unconfortable for her as she's all bruised, but since she doesn't have to work or anything she can stay at home and rest.

NP: Grave Digger - 'Morgane Le Fay'
awww hope you Mom is feeling better soon. Time to install one of those safety bars in the shower. My dad fights me on anything having to do with him getting older and not able to 'fend for himself' parents can sure be stubborn! :lol:
Damn Wyv!! Disaster never seems to strike alone!! I hope she will be better fast. Perhaps your family should stay in bed for a couple of days!

Someone up there seems to have it in for you! :(
kittybeast said:
awww hope you Mom is feeling better soon. Time to install one of those safety bars in the shower.

I'm going for those ones in a few minutes. Mom actually was delighted with the idea.

Thanks again for the concern people, luv you all :wave:

NP: Memento Mori - 'Memento Mori'
Hawk said:
:lol: thanks man! :)

Necro is a lady :D

Thanks to all and yes Whisper I do need a holiday (about 10 years of it)

I just bought the bars, I'm going to install them after lunch (pasta!). Now my aunt (mom's sister) wants some for her shower too.

NP: Darkness - 'Soldiers'