Demons Will Fly
This is too funny not to share - just goes to show much those crazy Germans love their metal (I haven't had time to write this over the past 2 days):
A few days ago a tour came through of our plant to check everything out (basically so the execs know all is running smooth).
Anyways, one of the execs was a German guy and he's walking through the plant and he stops at my cell. He looks at me (I wasn't even paying attention, as I was working) and says, "You look kind of familiar," in a thick German accent.
I look up, put down my part and respond "I do?"
"Yes, but I can't quite place where I've seen you before."
"I'm sorry sir, but I don't think we've met." To which I picked up the part, spun around and threw it on the rack. It was then he caught the back of shirt, which said Judas Priest on it.
He then asked me "You listen to heavy metal? Do you like Judas Priest?"
"Yes, they're one of my favorite bands and I'm a huge metal head."
"Tell me then, being from Windsor, have you heard of a band called Final Stage?"
"I have. In fact, I'm their guitarist, singer, songwriter and manager."
"So you are Brandon?!" - "Yes!" - "Oh mine got (Oh my god)! My son is a very big fan of yours! We both really like your CD!"
After a few minutes of chatting I signed a tattered piece of scrap paper at my work station for him and his son.
My boss comes over a short while after when doing his rounds and goes "you're in a band?!"
Talk about a small freekan world.
A few days ago a tour came through of our plant to check everything out (basically so the execs know all is running smooth).
Anyways, one of the execs was a German guy and he's walking through the plant and he stops at my cell. He looks at me (I wasn't even paying attention, as I was working) and says, "You look kind of familiar," in a thick German accent.
I look up, put down my part and respond "I do?"
"Yes, but I can't quite place where I've seen you before."
"I'm sorry sir, but I don't think we've met." To which I picked up the part, spun around and threw it on the rack. It was then he caught the back of shirt, which said Judas Priest on it.
He then asked me "You listen to heavy metal? Do you like Judas Priest?"
"Yes, they're one of my favorite bands and I'm a huge metal head."
"Tell me then, being from Windsor, have you heard of a band called Final Stage?"
"I have. In fact, I'm their guitarist, singer, songwriter and manager."
"So you are Brandon?!" - "Yes!" - "Oh mine got (Oh my god)! My son is a very big fan of yours! We both really like your CD!"
After a few minutes of chatting I signed a tattered piece of scrap paper at my work station for him and his son.
My boss comes over a short while after when doing his rounds and goes "you're in a band?!"

Talk about a small freekan world.