General Chat Thread: waves hello

This is too funny not to share - just goes to show much those crazy Germans love their metal (I haven't had time to write this over the past 2 days):

A few days ago a tour came through of our plant to check everything out (basically so the execs know all is running smooth).

Anyways, one of the execs was a German guy and he's walking through the plant and he stops at my cell. He looks at me (I wasn't even paying attention, as I was working) and says, "You look kind of familiar," in a thick German accent.

I look up, put down my part and respond "I do?"

"Yes, but I can't quite place where I've seen you before."

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't think we've met." To which I picked up the part, spun around and threw it on the rack. It was then he caught the back of shirt, which said Judas Priest on it.

He then asked me "You listen to heavy metal? Do you like Judas Priest?"

"Yes, they're one of my favorite bands and I'm a huge metal head."

"Tell me then, being from Windsor, have you heard of a band called Final Stage?"

"I have. In fact, I'm their guitarist, singer, songwriter and manager."

"So you are Brandon?!" - "Yes!" - "Oh mine got (Oh my god)! My son is a very big fan of yours! We both really like your CD!"

After a few minutes of chatting I signed a tattered piece of scrap paper at my work station for him and his son.

My boss comes over a short while after when doing his rounds and goes "you're in a band?!" :lol:

Talk about a small freekan world.
That´s quite an story Brandon, a true jewel for the treasure chest. I was listening to "Through The Mirror" yesterday and definitively is a great album.
Here's a brand new FS demo I'm working on, ostensibly titled "Phoenix in the Mirror". Gimme your thoughts.

Let's see the debut EP is called "Flight Of The Phoenix", the album is called "Through The Mirror" and the new demo song is 'Phoenix In The Mirror', do I detect a pattern here or it just me? :D

Sounds very good (which is expected from FS) classic heavy metal with crunch. Let's hear a bit more when it have vocals (unless is an instrumental).
So I finally heard EZO - this afternoon on Hard Radio. I began streaming it and began listening to their song Destroyer. The whole time I kept thinking "This HAS to be Warrior." Stylistically, they're damn close, their singer is a dead ringer for Perry McCarty (click here for proof). I'm trying to hunt down their stuff on ebay but thus far everything is in the "Waaay too much money for a CD" category.
Yesterday I went to the gala pre-screen of "Quantum Of Solace". My friend Mario (a movie critic) got free passes for two, so my friend Henry tagged along. It was nuts for a Thursday evening, free Heineken, free Coke Zero:puke:, free magazines, lots and lots of models on the displays and babes everywhere.

I couldn't took my camera, I had to run from my job to the shrink, to the drug store, to pick up Henry, I was driving almost like Bond at the beginning of the movie :lol:

Another buddy Darren took a pic of us, I hope the bastard send me an e-mail with it. And then afterwards a babe came and ask us to pose for a pic (Darren, Henry and me), I fail to ask her to send me the pic too, it was too bizarre :loco:

I got home at 23:00 + and woke up at 5:50. I'm kind of zombie, but it's already Friday, so everybody have a great weekend!
How was it? It's the only movie (Besides Dark Knight) I've cared about this year.

In a nutshell I like it, but I'm a sucker for Bond. I like the renewed character and I think Craig is doing a fine job. Stand alone I gave the movie (which is a grower) 8/10, but compared to "Casino Royale" I gave it a 7 or 6/10. Has good action but a lot is character development and that may thrown off some people. Luckily this is real action and not excess GCI like "Die Another Day" or the silliness of "Moonraker".

And the mandatory pics:


Just saw the new Bond film. Maybe I'm the minority, but I liked it quite a bit more than Casino Royale. Didn't like the new song, nor the opening credits at all. After that though, the film kicked into gear. If you're a bond fan, well worth seeing.

I'll leave my "review" as is, as this isn't a film board.
Didn't like the new song, nor the opening credits at all.

I'll agree totally, and for me was worse since it was the premiere and I had to endure the video of the song prior to the movie :ill:

I'll leave my "review" as is, as this isn't a film board.

No it is not, but since this is an open part of the forum you can do it. I see no reason why to limit ourselves, after all there's a lot of sport threads from time to time, so why not a film thread?

As for the film it has grown on me more and more, since I saw it. I don't know what will happen if I saw it again, but I like a lot and the more I read destructive commentaries about it, the more I like it because I disagree (except for the awful song).
The scene immediately after the opening credits with M where Bond is briefed really bugged me as someone who knows film. The way the film was shot, camera angles, etc. really bugged me. That and the rapid editing was really annoying, along with the constant close ups. It's like they're trying to fight everyone's ADD/CNN syndrome by flashing new shots constantly.

For my money the best opening credits (and one of the best songs) was Goldeneye. The whole tearing down Soviet Russia stuff was really cool. Live and Let Die is also really close to my heart (Those films are also among my favorite bond movies).

The story was much easier to digest than Casino Royale was this time around and as a result I liked Quantum a lot more. My biggest gripe, other than the shitty theme and the aforementioned scene, was no Q! I know the story didn't really call for him, but Cleese should have been somewhere.

Still throws me off to see bond with brown hair.
The scene immediately after the opening credits with M where Bond is briefed really bugged me as someone who knows film. The way the film was shot, camera angles, etc. really bugged me. That and the rapid editing was really annoying, along with the constant close ups. It's like they're trying to fight everyone's ADD/CNN syndrome by flashing new shots constantly.

I (and many other critics) agree the chase and the subsequent chase (after they shoot over M and free Mr. White) interchanged with scenes of the horse race was pretty annoying from the filmaking camera use viewpoint (and I'm mad they didn't use the barrel gun opening, they used it at the end).

My biggest gripe, other than the shitty theme and the aforementioned scene, was no Q! I know the story didn't really call for him, but Cleese should have been somewhere.

I have two theories regarding that: a) they want to make Bond more an action hero and not a guy who relies on Q gadgets to get off trouble like was obvious in "Live And Let Die", "Moonraker", "Goldeneye", "Die Another Day", or b) they are introducing everything in Bond lore little by little like a total reboot of the series (so in this case Bond was never married, SPECTRE never existed or it will be substituted by Quantum, etc.)

Still throws me off to see bond with brown hair.

At first I did frown my eyebrows too, after Roger Moore I didn't want another blonde, but to me Craig is the best bond since Connery, so I don't mind anymore.
I concur about the reboot - they had to do it. Die another day was a piece of crap, and they've finally returned to more concrete stories, but the gadgets were a selling point for Bond. Without that, he's akin to a number of other spy / FBI secret agent movies. Plus Q always gave the movie some comic relief (as you mention, Goldeneye, the part with Q was hilarious).

Maybe we should start a Bond Thread.

BTW - Wyv, what are your favorite Bond movies?
Maybe we should start a Bond Thread.

BTW - Wyv, what are your favorite Bond movies?

In no particular order

"Casino Royale"
"Quantum Of Solace"
"The Man With The Golden Gun"
"The Spy Who Loved Me"
"The Living Daylights"

I have seen them all, and I started with Roger Moore, but with the passing of time I have learnt to love these more.
I just returned from seeing the Blue Man Group. They were frigging incredible. Ended up getting free tickets and I went with our old drummer, TJ.

I went in not expecting much (all I really knew about the band other that the Pentium 3 commercials was that it was a largely percussive show). Man, was I ever wrong. Great theatrics, the band they had with them (2 drummers, bass and an incredible guitarist) were fantastic. Many of the songs they did reminded me of instrumental Dream Theater / Rush.

Not to mention the sound mix was probably the greatest live mix I've ever heard if my life.

They did this one (A really cool Dream Theater type song on a Trombone like pipe):

As well as Crazy Train: