General Chat Thread: waves hello

In a nutshell I have a gastrointestinal virus, when the doctor checked me I was already dehydrated, so I spent the rest of yesterday's afternoon/evening drinking serum (and running to the bathroom). I have to stay with liquids and maybe a bit of soft solids tomorrow, the good thing are that I'm home and don't have to work until Thursday and that the virus is not ebola, AIDS or AH1N1 :saint:

Feel much better today but I'm not gonna push myself beyond the doctor orders I want to be fully recovered by Friday since I had a birthday celebration for a friend of mine and I don't want to fail her.

Good to hear that you are on the road to recovery. :)
Thanks people, I'm feeling fine but weak (after the dehydration and the lack of solid food), so I hop to improve my eating a bit. Depending on how I feel I may or not going tomorrow to the gym for mild cardio and some weighlifting. Not gonna start with red meat or diary until the weekend. Damn viruses! Who said we are atop of the food chain? :lol:
Went to the Megadeth video shoot yesterday. Fun, tiring and at times boring but none the less a good way to spend a day off work. It started at 3:30 and ended about 8:30. At 4:30 we were called in and the cage set up like MMA or something. A couple prison gaurds and inmates and a few beatdowns. I think he'll mix it with some live shots unless they had filmed a lot more video footage elsewhere. We hung onto the cage and screamed and thrashed. Hot as a mofo in there, a bit smokey and of course loud as hell on the playback:headbang:

Today I'm a bit sore from thrashing around, standing up and in general the same area for 5 hours so I'll be pool bound soon! Sadly no cameras were allowed of any kind they were very strict on that. They filmed some of the fans as we were waiting and interviewed a few more. I was the only one wearing an I heart Vic 'coldhearted' shirt, it's in turqoise and white and I was on the fence for the most part of the shoot. Can't wait to see the final cut!
Just got home with a Peavey 5150. For those of you unfamiliar, it's THE metal amp.

O bby. That looks sweet! :) I love Peavey. How much was it?
Did you see on the news about Louisville getting flooded? It was and is a mess. I just got tons of rain that ran into a big ditch at the back of my house. Always hated that ditch. :Smug: Hate it no more! :)
Did you see on the news about Louisville getting flooded? It was and is a mess. I just got tons of rain that ran into a big ditch at the back of my house. Always hated that ditch. :Smug: Hate it no more! :)

Glad your home wasn't damaged :), must had been quite a scare o_O
Thanks Rolando! My brother wasn't so lucky. His basement was flooded.
It was a little bit scary.
Thanks Rolando! My brother wasn't so lucky. His basement was flooded.
It was a little bit scary.

Sorry about your brother. I guess few people here have basements, so that problem will not occur here. The most common problem here are leaks in the roof or overflowing of the drains.
O bby. That looks sweet! :) I love Peavey. How much was it?

$750 Canadian. So roughly 675 American. No clue about Euros. :p - Not bad for an amp they "technically" don't make anymore that's counterpart retails for $1100 American new!

I'd been searching for months and I was going to pay $900 for several 5150s and for one reason or another the deals kept falling through.

A few scratches and dings on it but it works perfectly fine and sounds AWESOME. The tubes haven't been changed. My only gripe is there's no reverb built in so I'll have to pick up a rack effect for it one of these days.
Saw that on the news! Glad you're ok, and that the ditch is gone! :) Must have been a helluva storm!

Thanks! It was 6in. of rain an hour. I missed most of the heavy rain, I was asleep. The second storm was rain, wind and lightening.
Sorry about your brother. I guess few people here have basements, so that problem will not occur here. The most common problem here are leaks in the roof or overflowing of the drains.

I don't have a basement either. Kinda glad now I don't have one.
$750 Canadian. So roughly 675 American. No clue about Euros. :p - Not bad for an amp they "technically" don't make anymore that's counterpart retails for $1100 American new!

I'd been searching for months and I was going to pay $900 for several 5150s and for one reason or another the deals kept falling through.

A few scratches and dings on it but it works perfectly fine and sounds AWESOME. The tubes haven't been changed. My only gripe is there's no reverb built in so I'll have to pick up a rack effect for it one of these days.
How I wish I had that kind of money! :p
That Grey Goose straight was awful (but hit the spot), next time wither we did a Screwdriver or a White Russian.

Had a wonderful night with you Larry. may it happens again :headbang:. And I told you Hawk it's a promise, one day we will be a bunch of us together posing for the camera :)
Yes it was a good night... next time I will let you pick the drink :lol: and perhaps you take me to that metal bar/club you told me about...

Mean machine Brandon!, enjoy it and don't abuse it beyond the necessary :p

Yesterday I woke a bit upset in my esophagus, but I thought it's because my usual bad sleep. I went to work normally but once I arrived there I started to feel terrible and then suddenly I thrown up, after that I thought I was feeling better even I had a fruit and my small lunch, but in the early afternoon I had to go more than usual to the throne and I thought well this is not my usual stomach upset so my co-workers and my boss told me to go home and get checked by a physician.

In a nutshell I have a gastrointestinal virus, when the doctor checked me I was already dehydrated, so I spent the rest of yesterday's afternoon/evening drinking serum (and running to the bathroom). I have to stay with liquids and maybe a bit of soft solids tomorrow, the good thing are that I'm home and don't have to work until Thursday and that the virus is not ebola, AIDS or AH1N1 :saint:

Feel much better today but I'm not gonna push myself beyond the doctor orders I want to be fully recovered by Friday since I had a birthday celebration for a friend of mine and I don't want to fail her.
Grey Goose would of cure that i am sure... :) Anyways I hope you are feeling better... I had food poisoning once and it wasn't pleasant... I never ate McDonald's fish sandwich again after that...
Yes it was a good night... next time I will let you pick the drink :lol: and perhaps you take me to that metal bar/club you told me about...

Deal! :kickass:

Grey Goose would of cure that i am sure... :) Anyways I hope you are feeling better... I had food poisoning once and it wasn't pleasant...

Well to make a long story short it seems I caught a virus that damaged my colon. So the beginning was viral but now the colon can't tolerate lactose. I didn't found until last Tuesday (appointment with the physician) that I may or may not got screwed for life. I'm on a special medication for five days and then I will have to take some milk or diary product and see what's happen (trial and error) :erk:. Of course alcohol it's also out of the question until new orders.
Delize, glad to hear no one was harmed and that things will be dry soon! How I wish we could get some rain in So. Cal!

@ Rolando, hope you feel better soon.

Heh, I live in So. Cal too. I'm melting in the hot, hot sun! And the bad thing is, I work at a grocery store, so doing carts out in 90 degree weather is brutal.