General Chat Thread: waves hello

listened to 2 classic metal albums today;

Rainbow-"Down To Earth"
Black Sabbath-"Greatest Hits"(late 70'sNEMS painting cvr)

sabbath made me remember that they are the blueprint that affected all of us in some way which made us UMOS people migrate to UM.COM from all points on the globe:rock::rock::rock:

what a SEVERE F##KIN' BAND Sabbath is!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rainbow-"Down To Earth"

Highly underrated album :Smokin:, Blackmore should had worked more with Bonnet.

And yes BS is the blueprint for what we are, fucking mean metalheads!
Thanks! It was 6in. of rain an hour. I missed most of the heavy rain, I was asleep. The second storm was rain, wind and lightening.

That is nuts! I thought the 4"/hr storm in WI that emptied Lake Delton a couple years ago was bad-ass!We got the 1-2 punch as well, rode home in between them, and saw the aftermath on the news. I sleep through violent weather too! :hypno:
I think I dislocated a couple toes last night.... 6am now and the dr.'s office not open until 8am. I thought it was just a bad bad sprain/jam but this morning I can barely walk. Damn my toes hurt! Will go get xray soon and probably one of those foot things so I don't bend my toes. :hypno:

I guess now I just need to make up some exciting story about how I hurt myself:blush:
Gosh Kitty! :( I feel for you. I broke my big toe years ago and it was so painful. Take it easy and enjoy the pampering! :)
kicked a full h20 bottle in the kitchen. just took xray to make sure I hadn't dislocated it as it was pretty crooked. now taped and ready for PPX!! hey someone remind me to get jello and vodka.. PPX jello shooters!!!
hey someone remind me to get jello and vodka.. PPX jello shooters!!!

I'll pamper you don't long as you bring the vodka :Saint:

And yes is only 4 weeks away and I'm already starting to get frantic about it. I'll PM you in a couple of weeks for details :)

Get sure to give the toe the proper care and resting.
Did you see on the news about Louisville getting flooded? It was and is a mess. I just got tons of rain that ran into a big ditch at the back of my house. Always hated that ditch. :Smug: Hate it no more! :)

So how are thing now?

I broke my toe. nice little bootie shoe to wear for 4 weeks.:rolleyes:

I am sorry to hear that. :( Hope you feel a bit better now.
And yes, I know I am late... :zombie:
So how are thing now?/QUOTE]

A big clean-up going on right now in the city.

My brother has been very sick with what the doctor said was
some kind of influenza, or maybe swine. He is getting better,
but I'm still very worried about him.

Thanks for asking Hawk! :) Hope things are well in your world.
My brother has been very sick with what the doctor said was
some kind of influenza, or maybe swine. He is getting better,
but I'm still very worried about him.

Hope it's not AH1N1, still it's really dangerous for people with already some health issues (obesity, smoking, diabetes, etc.), usually on regular patients it's easy to deal with (hey we have the President here with it, talk about democracy of viruses).

Hope your brother improves soon :Saint:
Hope it's not AH1N1, still it's really dangerous for people with already some health issues (obesity, smoking, diabetes, etc.), usually on regular patients it's easy to deal with (hey we have the President here with it, talk about democracy of viruses).

Hope your brother improves soon :Saint:

Thanks Rolando!

I'm not sure what type he had. I talked to him Sat. evening and he is much better.
Well today while commuting to my job a guy decided to crash against my car. It thrown me over the sidewalk on the opposite side and of course the damage is severe. I'm unharmed but a bit unconfortable due to the backlash of the safety belt and still a bit shaky (damn was scary).

Now the whole inusrance and legal process starts. I hope I can give my statement to the judge next week and that nothing else happens in the meantime (here the process is very slow), because if by any chance I will have to show myself near the trip to Atlanta I'll be forced not to attend PPX :(

Cross fingers for me on the whole affair, I do need some spiritual backup just in case.
Well today while commuting to my job a guy decided to crash against my car. It thrown me over the sidewalk on the opposite side and of course the damage is severe. I'm unharmed but a bit unconfortable due to the backlash of the safety belt and still a bit shaky (damn was scary).

Now the whole inusrance and legal process starts. I hope I can give my statement to the judge next week and that nothing else happens in the meantime (here the process is very slow), because if by any chance I will have to show myself near the trip to Atlanta I'll be forced not to attend PPX :(

Cross fingers for me on the whole affair, I do need some spiritual backup just in case.

I'm so sorry Rolando! I'm glad you weren't hurt. I hope you don't have to change your plans for the PPX trip. That would suck!

Yes I will cross fingers and toes for you! :) Good luck!
@K-Beat: OUCH! last time I broke one was my second to little toe, bent it sideways. Ended up "setting" it and taping it up myself. Hurt like hell! Screw my insurance and their $75 co-pay for ER visits. It's still crooked, but it works again! :lol:

@Delize: Glad your brother is doing better! Too much scary stuff going on with these "new" flu bugs....

@Wyvern: Hope you get this mess cleared up and can make it to Atlanta. Further proof that there are too many people on this planet, and even fewer of them can drive for shit! :mad: