General Chat Thread: waves hello

Well today while commuting to my job a guy decided to crash against my car. It thrown me over the sidewalk on the opposite side and of course the damage is severe. I'm unharmed but a bit unconfortable due to the backlash of the safety belt and still a bit shaky (damn was scary)..... if by any chance I will have to show myself near the trip to Atlanta I'll be forced not to attend PPX :(.

Sorry to hear buddy, hope you're okay and this sorts itself out soon!
glad to hear no one was seriously injured. Rolando, you'll be in Atlanta, dont' worry. The car will get fixed soon enough. Just borrow that bad motorscooter in your picture and it will all be good! Big hugs, K
Thanks everybody for the good wishes, means a lot to me right now.

@Kitty: I sware that if it wasn't because of the rain and the way people drive in here, I would have switch to a motorcycle long time ago. Less gas consume, no traffic jams.
Rolando! Glad you are ok... I know exactly how you feel... been in 2 accidents where someone rear-ended me... you have fear for a while thereafter, but soon you will feel better, I promise :)
So how are thing now?/QUOTE]

A big clean-up going on right now in the city.

My brother has been very sick with what the doctor said was
some kind of influenza, or maybe swine. He is getting better,
but I'm still very worried about him.

Thanks for asking Hawk! :) Hope things are well in your world.

Hope your bro is doing better... a lot of nasty stuff going around. The swine flu is not so scary though... as long as the subject is healthy and you take the proper medicine and care.
Hope your bro is doing better... a lot of nasty stuff going around. The swine flu is not so scary though... as long as the subject is healthy and you take the proper medicine and care.

Exactly right. The H1N1 is basically THE FLU. All this media hype is absolutely unnecessary. We've got a vaccine. Like the regular flu, if you're healthy and have a strong immune system, you'll be fine.
Well today while commuting to my job a guy decided to crash against my car. It thrown me over the sidewalk on the opposite side and of course the damage is severe. I'm unharmed but a bit unconfortable due to the backlash of the safety belt and still a bit shaky (damn was scary).

Now the whole inusrance and legal process starts. I hope I can give my statement to the judge next week and that nothing else happens in the meantime (here the process is very slow), because if by any chance I will have to show myself near the trip to Atlanta I'll be forced not to attend PPX :(

Cross fingers for me on the whole affair, I do need some spiritual backup just in case.

Ouch, that's the second quit heavy crash in a year or so , not ???
Hope all will work out fine for ya (including the PP trip).
Check what I bought a few days ago.... ;-)

Ouch, that's the second quit heavy crash in a year or so , not ???
Hope all will work out fine for ya (including the PP trip).
Check what I bought a few days ago.... ;-)

The last heavy one was in October 2007, since then I was alright until now. The good news in that the other part accepted the responsability so I can clean my insurance record. Still I'll have to pay a deductible but that's the way it is down here.
The repair shop takes the car today to the insurance check-up and the comes a pretty complex spare parts purchase system and until then I'll have to be patient, then the repair itself can be done. I don't expect to have my car before two months :erk:

My side is hurting a bit less, but now I have a dermatitis on that side (red skin a bit itchy, really weird it shows overnight), but I'm treating it topically. I hope I'll be at least average for my trip to USA.

As for the car you bought, it looks like a Lotus Esprit :OMG:, am I'm wrong?
FLU update. Thanks everyone!

My brother just went back to work last week and now his wife is sick.
There are 2 schools so far in the area that have closed. I have no idea which type of flu, but the flu that is going around in Ky puts you in bed for a week, if not longer. Yes it does depend on the health of the person, but not all people are healthy, (due to no fault of their own) so the flu can be very dangerous.

I don't want it! But I bet I get it! :(
As for the car you bought, it looks like a Lotus Esprit :OMG:, am I'm wrong?

yup, a '78 Esprit S2. Needs alot of work but FINALLY got my hands on one !!
Cleaned up it should look like this;

Damn, was that already 2 years ago since you had that other crash..time flies man ....
FLU update. Thanks everyone!

My brother just went back to work last week and now his wife is sick.
There are 2 schools so far in the area that have closed. I have no idea which type of flu, but the flu that is going around in Ky puts you in bed for a week, if not longer. Yes it does depend on the health of the person, but not all people are healthy, (due to no fault of their own) so the flu can be very dangerous.

I don't want it! But I bet I get it! :(

Oh the Flu is certainly bad, but all I'm saying is the scare-ridden media are way over their heads with this one. Alligator attacks are bad too but they don't consume 10% of all North American media coverage. :Saint:

Hope your family starts feeling better!
Oh the Flu is certainly bad, but all I'm saying is the scare-ridden media are way over their heads with this one. Alligator attacks are bad too but they don't consume 10% of all North American media coverage. :Saint:

Hope your family starts feeling better!

I know what's you're saying! :)

Thanks! I'm sure they'll be fine in time.
That car looks pretty cool-kinda like the back to the future car

Delize-I had a wicked bug a few weeks back, knocked me off my feet for at least 3 days, felt like death. I improved it by taking lots of Zinc!
yup, a '78 Esprit S2. Needs alot of work but FINALLY got my hands on one !!

No you should paint it white like James Bond car in "The Spy Who Loves Me" (1977), I felt in love with Lotus because of that movie.

FLU update. Thanks everyone!

My brother just went back to work last week and now his wife is sick.
There are 2 schools so far in the area that have closed. I have no idea which type of flu, but the flu that is going around in Ky puts you in bed for a week, if not longer. Yes it does depend on the health of the person, but not all people are healthy, (due to no fault of their own) so the flu can be very dangerous.

I don't want it! But I bet I get it! :(

Calm dam D, there are a lot of viruses strains out there, not necessarily you're going to get it or it's the AH1N1. We have a coworker who got a type of pneumonia (he's fine now) but he didn't got a flu, although in his case he become a part of the risk group towards AH1N1.
Basically people in good health, without history of lung disease, no smokers, no diabetes, not pregnant with also a good supply of vitamin C daily should be able to resist most common flu out there and even AH1N1 (our damn President had it with a history of asthma and he survived).
Calm dam D, there are a lot of viruses strains out there, not necessarily you're going to get it or it's the AH1N1. We have a coworker who got a type of pneumonia (he's fine now) but he didn't got a flu, although in his case he become a part of the risk group towards AH1N1.
Basically people in good health, without history of lung disease, no smokers, no diabetes, not pregnant with also a good supply of vitamin C daily should be able to resist most common flu out there and even AH1N1 (our damn President had it with a history of asthma and he survived).

Oh you are so sweet! I'm calm! I promise! :)
I just read somewhere that Vitamin C isn't all it's cracked up to be fighting colds. Not a scientist, but it was a neat article.

I didn't get your post (your Canuck slang and my bad English are incompatible :lol:), but my cardiologist recommended me to take 1000 mg daily of vitamin C and I have been done it for years (I saw him in July and he again recommended me to keep taking it).
This plus the flu vaccine yearly had prevented me from having more than 1-2 mild cold a year (including those living through USA's winter).
Mine are usually a sequence of 2-3 days: sore throat-->nasal congestion-->coughing and out of it :D
I read it in a fairly reputable science journal - not peer reviewed but edited by a scientist. I dunno, maybe it's fantastic at fighting colds, maybe it's a mere placebo.

I won't go as fantastic and I won't say it's placebo effect (because of discussions I had with physicians throughout the years). I believe that helps the immune system to grow defenses against certains strains of common flu.

But I have discover through many years reading scientific journals that every now and then researchers found out that X was great or X it's bad or X it's not big deal for health, which I found a lot funny because in the end it seems that nobody knows for sure.
Besides all research is usually funded by some company, government agency or so so I can say that some research may be biased because of that.

When you're looking for scientific info try also this:

it's Google but specialized on college/scientific searches.