ghost thread

After that there wasn't much else "it" responded to. Now, here's the thing. I wasn't touching it, period. I was on the couch watching tv a good 6-10 feet away. Out of all the friends messing with the ouija board, only one of them knew who Kevin was, but only knew he was my cousin. My cousin started having epileptic seizures when he was 26, he took too many pills on the way home one day and it killed him before he could walk into his house. The one friend that knew who Kevin was, did not know that. None of my friends knew who Judy or Janie are. Judy was my uncle Ron's wife, she died when I was like 3 or so of a brain tumor in her sleep. Janie is Ron/my mom's sister, my aunt. Just the fact the pill thing came up freaked me out.

So I go home a little later and when I pull up to the house a rental car is there. I go inside, my aunt Janie just got into town. Her and my uncle were meeting at our house before heading over to the cemetery where Judy was buried the next day - the next day was Judy's birthday. After I hear all this, I tell my mom about what happened with the ouija board, she starts freaking out. She makes me follow her into the living room where my aunt is and makes me tell her. She freaks out too, opens up her suitcase and pulls out this bag, then pulls out something wrapped in bubblewrap. Unwraps it. It's a porcelain horse that belonged to Judy, who gave it to my aunt Janie before she died, Janie was going to give it to my uncle when he arrived. I, myself, did not know the next day was Judy's birthday, nor did I know that my aunt Janie or my uncle would be coming, and obviously did not know about the horse.

brix were shat.

sounds like multiple phenomena happening at the same time, but still explainable. Doesn't take away from the eeriness to the situation though. To me I would think that your friend had subconsciously picked up some things from you (our brains are a source of ELF radiation and your friend just might have picked up on it). The other deal could have easily been that you had some sort of precognitive memory that was stored in your subconscious and your friends picked up on that as well. The chances of either one of those happening are slim, let alone both at the same time, but still none the less a possible explanation. You can be amazed at what the human brain is capable of.

My buddy chris and I were 18 & at his house in the basement. He brought out the ouija before, but this time was DIFFERENT. He certainly didnt believe in it btw. He always thought I moved it. Which I never did. We always asked stupid questions before and always got typical stupid answers. Anyway, this particular time we got something who said he was "Mestas from Orden". We asked typical questions, and he then went on to explain that "Orden" is a place that aborted babies & children who die young go to when they die to grow up before they go to Heaven!!! WTF!?
I couldnt get over the profoundness of what this "person" was saying. I was in total shock. its something ive never considered before and dont think many other people have either. Religious people just say "they go to heaven". When we asked him what he thought about God, he said something like "God is Love". Thats something neither me or chris wouldve ever said then.
Thats not the point of the story though. Whatever was on the other end of that board was intelligent. Of course, I cant rule out subconscious movement and thought. Its something neither of us would have ever began to think about before that night. "Mestas from Orden" eventually started asking us questions.... which was pretty damn strange. In my research during those day, i read that never happens.
Ive since then googled "Mestas from Orden" and never found anything. It was wild guys. During the whole time, the pointer was going so fast we had to call out the letters. I could barely keep up.
Since then, ive been way to freaked out to touch a Ouija board. I never will again. :lol: :Spin:

pretty crazy stuff, a quick Google search actually helped me to realize that Orden is Latin for barley and means order (or similar words including tidiness, sequence etc.) in numerous languages and Mestas is a common sir name. I do highly believe the Ouija board is all subconsciously controlled, the question is, how creative are our brains and what can they pick up from the outside world. Still creepy as fuck when shit like that happens though.
I am 100% sure there is a spirit in my house.
I felt this presence recently, generall during the early hours of the morning.
Feels like a sad, lonely, wandering old man, just purely from my intuition.
So I told my Nan about it and she told me before we moved into this house there was an old widowed man here who'd lived here for a long time, total recluse, sad, lonely. You get the picture.

No actual visual "proof" of it thus far, but hey, what my intuition says, GOES.

And for the record, I've never fucked about with Ouija boards and I have no intention of ever doing so. Feels highly disrespectful towards spirits, disturbing their rest is something I feel I have no right to do.
And for the record, I've never fucked about with Ouija boards and I have no intention of ever doing so. Feels highly disrespectful towards spirits, disturbing their rest is something I feel I have no right to do.

That's what confuses the hell out of me, how does a cardboard with a printed piece of paper on it summon/disturb the dead when to ask questions? does that mean that whenever you talk to yourself for "the dead" to give you a sign that you are disturbing them? What the hell is so magical about a piece of wood mashed to a pulp with the alphabet on it? Do they have a reverend bless each board with holy water or something? If not I fail to see how not just saying out loud for spirits to speak to you to be any different.

I'm sorry but everything around Ouija boards sound like pure superstition to me, I'm trying to wrap my brain around the concept.
I'm not saying I'm some sort of expert on Ouija boards dude, infact I'm saying the exact opposite.
The "BAH HUMBUG IT'S ALL SUPERSTITIOUS NONSENSE" viewpoint is one, and the other is that I'd rather not find out whether it is or isn't.
I've had many friends have incredibly powerful, nigh-on life changing experiences with them, many of them in a negative way. I remain neutral on whether what they experience was a spirit or the result of their own mind playing tricks on them.
If they work, I don't want to be a part of disturbing any spirits rest, if they don't, no harm done, I'm not gonna be fucking with them either way.
See what I mean? ;)
its not just you, I have heard many times before that Ouija boards harm and disturb spirits, that they find it disrespectful, but I find it hard to believe that if there is actually such thing, how the hell can a piece of cardboard that hasn't been enchanted or blessed actually harm them or even have the power to summon them? Its just one of those things that makes me see the whole idea as a superstition regarding the boards and nothing more.
@006 : Crazy stuff. Got chills down my spine just reading that to be honest.

Had a weird experience in 2006, not so much ghost/spirit/paranormal related though.
A friend of mine came over to my house (when I was 17, in year 11 at school), and we went into my bedroom, just sat on the carpet, and talked for a while (this dude was generally just a very eccentric guy, very intelligent, but quite socially awkward).

At one point, there was just this eerie silence between both of us.
It must have only been a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity.
He then just suddenly said "I'm going now", and just got up, walked out of the room and left.

Suddenly, it just felt like the temperature of the room decreased by a noticeable amount. Felt all these shivers go down my spine and my whole body just felt slightly colder.
This dude, at the time (we aren't friends anymore), was a super negative, pessimistic and cynical guy, and probably depressed, and it was as if he had left behind this force of negativity and coldness in my room.
I could just feel it throughout my whole body, and I didn't move for a while, because these feelings just somehow overwhelmed me and consumed me.

I've never experienced that same thing again, and hadn't experienced it prior to that, and occasionally I still think about it
Ghosts, goblins, spirits, fairies, godzilla, bigfoot and God, do not exist.

Every "paranormal" effect has a scientific explanation, the same as miracles.

Ouija is a big lie.

Those who believe in ghosts cannot say to religious people that God does not exist.

Even though I like ghost lyrics and movies.
I for the life of me can't be totally convinced thanks to lame-ass tv and more recently shithead internet of one or the other, but I think I side with thewintersnow, I'm aware the brain is a lot more capable than we think it is. I haven't played with a Ouija though, but I have always though the same thing "how is it that a piece of cardboard with letters on it actually disturbs spirits? It's just a manmade object produced in a factory just like any other piece of cardboard in the world?"
Something happend at my previous house a long time ago.

My brother was about 5 and I was about 11. At that time me and my brother slept in the same bedroom, 10 years later, he told me he was scared to death to go into his room (our house was over 100 years old), he told me and assured me that he always saw on his bed someone lying underneath the bedding sheets, be it night or day, if I was present at the room he did not see it, but if he went alone he promissed me he always saw it. Obviously I never believed it, I don't believe in that and always thought it was his childish imagination.
But then one thing happened, when you're 5 you talk, but you don't talk THAT much, so, once, my parents got a box from the basement and were looking at some old family pictures, like 80 year old pictures and shit and my brother who was, like I said, 5 at the time, was with them and pointed out to a picture and said: "That's Avó Linda" (Avó means Nana), my parents were freaked out, as they NEVER talked about her, not even I knew about her, she was my greatgrandmother, and my brother called her "Nana Linda" which is what my father used to call her when he was about the same age as my brother. My parents freaked out and asked him how he knew her name, he just simply said: "I talk to her sometimes". Later on, I found out that, not only did she lived in the house we were living in and died there, but there was one single piece of furniture, like a really small antique cupboard just outside my bedroom, which was her's, the same bedroom my brother saw that figure and shit.

bricks were shat
It's all bullshit. Period. You think differently, fine, that's your disorder. Beliefs suck, look up the definition.

I got to ask though: What exactly would keep a ghost from just falling right through earth? Why do people see, for example, a little girl ghost riding a bicycle, did the bicycle die too? Her clothing as well?

The whole shit makes no sense. Fine you have a feeling, good for you. You feel wrong. It's known that sound alone can cause feelings of unease and even visual disturbances.

The thing is that people desperately want to believe, despite how cynical they might be. The belief alone gives us hope regarding one of life's biggest, and perpetually inexplicable questions. If you fool yourself into believing that someone's persona somehow transcends their death then you have hope that all you've lived isn't in vain, and won't be rendered null when you pass. It's unfortunate but the real world is a lot less forgiving than that.
But see, I was much happier believing it was all bullshit, and that when we die our "energy" becomes nothing more than calories for tons of worms and microorganisms; that's what I want to believe more than anything, it simplifies things substantially, but I've unfortunately had to come to the realization that it's not that simple (though I make every effort to avoid it)
Regardless of whether it's real or not, and it probably isn't, I can get a good kick out of some cool stories.
I still remember from when I was a little kid, 4 years old, hearing this strange, demonic growling sound coming from within my closet.
When you're 4 years old, that kinda thing scares the shit out of you, although like 17-18 years later I realize it was probably just some strange, out of the blue hallucination.

Occasionally, I get this sense there's something around me, but I put that down to me being an inherently paranoid person (I've been diagnosed with two types of Anxiety Disorders).
I tend to get experiences of depersonalization and derealization more often than most people would (again, the anxiety disorder thing) and that on top of paranoia can easily lead to irrational thoughts.
But most people generally experience some kind of depersonalization and derealization at least once in their life anyway, and certainly that sense of things seeming quite surreal could certainly lead to perhaps seeing or hearing things.
Ive known a few people (including my mam) who's tried an Ouija board....and shits kicked off!

Well the board itself is nothing special, they say you can lay your own out with cards with the letters/numbers etc on and you can still get responces.
But see, I was much happier believing it was all bullshit, and that when we die our "energy" becomes nothing more than calories for tons of worms and microorganisms; that's what I want to believe more than anything, it simplifies things substantially, but I've unfortunately had to come to the realization that it's not that simple (though I make every effort to avoid it)

Marcus, I'm curious - realization? You obviously have a story to tell. :lol:

As for me, I've never seen anything, sometimes heard something I couldn't have directly explained but if nothing else I forced myself to come up with an explanation so I don't have to think about it. Still, I believe that ethereal things people see is really in their heads... That doesn't mean they're insane, but the human brain is something we don't fully understand.
Marcus, I'm curious - realization? You obviously have a story to tell. :lol:

Yup, though I honestly don't like talking about it, so I'll direct you here, when I recounted it awhile back on here (and the posts after have some q&a) - that combined with the shit my girlfriend has seen/experienced whilst babysitting (the kids' Mom fucks with supernatural stuff all the time, and I guess it sticks around in the house) have me convinced that there's *something* more, though fuck if I have any idea what