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After that there wasn't much else "it" responded to. Now, here's the thing. I wasn't touching it, period. I was on the couch watching tv a good 6-10 feet away. Out of all the friends messing with the ouija board, only one of them knew who Kevin was, but only knew he was my cousin. My cousin started having epileptic seizures when he was 26, he took too many pills on the way home one day and it killed him before he could walk into his house. The one friend that knew who Kevin was, did not know that. None of my friends knew who Judy or Janie are. Judy was my uncle Ron's wife, she died when I was like 3 or so of a brain tumor in her sleep. Janie is Ron/my mom's sister, my aunt. Just the fact the pill thing came up freaked me out.
So I go home a little later and when I pull up to the house a rental car is there. I go inside, my aunt Janie just got into town. Her and my uncle were meeting at our house before heading over to the cemetery where Judy was buried the next day - the next day was Judy's birthday. After I hear all this, I tell my mom about what happened with the ouija board, she starts freaking out. She makes me follow her into the living room where my aunt is and makes me tell her. She freaks out too, opens up her suitcase and pulls out this bag, then pulls out something wrapped in bubblewrap. Unwraps it. It's a porcelain horse that belonged to Judy, who gave it to my aunt Janie before she died, Janie was going to give it to my uncle when he arrived. I, myself, did not know the next day was Judy's birthday, nor did I know that my aunt Janie or my uncle would be coming, and obviously did not know about the horse.
brix were shat.
sounds like multiple phenomena happening at the same time, but still explainable. Doesn't take away from the eeriness to the situation though. To me I would think that your friend had subconsciously picked up some things from you (our brains are a source of ELF radiation and your friend just might have picked up on it). The other deal could have easily been that you had some sort of precognitive memory that was stored in your subconscious and your friends picked up on that as well. The chances of either one of those happening are slim, let alone both at the same time, but still none the less a possible explanation. You can be amazed at what the human brain is capable of.
My buddy chris and I were 18 & at his house in the basement. He brought out the ouija before, but this time was DIFFERENT. He certainly didnt believe in it btw. He always thought I moved it. Which I never did. We always asked stupid questions before and always got typical stupid answers. Anyway, this particular time we got something who said he was "Mestas from Orden". We asked typical questions, and he then went on to explain that "Orden" is a place that aborted babies & children who die young go to when they die to grow up before they go to Heaven!!! WTF!?
I couldnt get over the profoundness of what this "person" was saying. I was in total shock. its something ive never considered before and dont think many other people have either. Religious people just say "they go to heaven". When we asked him what he thought about God, he said something like "God is Love". Thats something neither me or chris wouldve ever said then.
Thats not the point of the story though. Whatever was on the other end of that board was intelligent. Of course, I cant rule out subconscious movement and thought. Its something neither of us would have ever began to think about before that night. "Mestas from Orden" eventually started asking us questions.... which was pretty damn strange. In my research during those day, i read that never happens.
Ive since then googled "Mestas from Orden" and never found anything. It was wild guys. During the whole time, the pointer was going so fast we had to call out the letters. I could barely keep up.
Since then, ive been way to freaked out to touch a Ouija board. I never will again. :Spin:
pretty crazy stuff, a quick Google search actually helped me to realize that Orden is Latin for barley and means order (or similar words including tidiness, sequence etc.) in numerous languages and Mestas is a common sir name. I do highly believe the Ouija board is all subconsciously controlled, the question is, how creative are our brains and what can they pick up from the outside world. Still creepy as fuck when shit like that happens though.