ghost thread

Theres a world of difference between the unexplained and the unexplainable.

Also between the unproven and unprovable. It's important to remember that what might seem supernatural is only supernatural because it's in "not explained yet" category. I would argue that the realm of what is considered unexplainable is not nearly as vast as some would expect, and is shrinking all the time.

God of the gaps.
I really enjoyed this book: I've only read the original one. It changed me forever. I literally don't kill anything, unless I have to or I'm unaware. Examples, stepping on a tiny ant I don't know is there, germs and what not. I also have incredibly good control of anger and I've learned never to hate. I think it's good stuff to have under your belt.
Theres a world of difference between the unexplained and the unexplainable.

Also between the unproven and unprovable. It's important to remember that what might seem supernatural is only supernatural because it's in "not explained yet" category. I would argue that the realm of what is considered unexplainable is not nearly as vast as some would expect, and is shrinking all the time.

One of my favourite posts.
I really enjoyed this book: I've only read the original one. It changed me forever. I literally don't kill anything, unless I have to or I'm unaware. Examples, stepping on a tiny ant I don't know is there, germs and what not. I also have incredibly good control of anger and I've leaned never to hate. I think it's good stuff to have under your belt.

It's funny that the Buddha discovered something so simple (of course he wasnt the first and not the last) but compassion and thinking of other beings does a great deal of good for the practitioner. While the world might be shitty in other terms, it's nice that doing good or at least having some compassion for other beings helps yourself. In many way's I'm a fan HHDL. (not in all ways though) Tibetan politics suck though.
I'm beginning to find a lot of humourous irony in the skepticism and cynicism carried by most in these kinds of threads.
Those who believe in something that they cannot explain with words are accused of wanting to believe and thus believing, I am now accusing those who do not believe in such unexplained/unexplainable occurances of not wanting to believe so hard that they simply don't.

It goes both ways, you can tell me you have science on your side, I can tell you I have my intuition on my side and neither side will make any headway.

And Jorge, I'm not saying the guy was like, electronically charged or some shit. I dunno what the fuck it was, there was just a lot of flickering and exploding lights going on while he was in a certain phase and it just seemed like too much to be an accident. I'm not saying I hold the answers, maybe there's a perfectly good scientific reason, but if there is, I haven't come across it just yet.

But seriously, fuck this shit, I'm moving to India as soon as possible.
But seriously, fuck this shit, I'm moving to India as soon as possible.

Learn as much as you can and judge it with expereince. You'll learn something, hopefully that it doesn't ultimately matter either way. Because it doesnt.

Beings are happy and beings suffer. That's it. Some will suffer no matter what and some will be saved by the slightest kindness from you. Once you really know suffering, you'll know the suffering of others. Thats as far as my fundamental beliefs go, apart from imperminence. Everything ends. Thats assuming you see things as seperate.

400 posts have only took me two years.
I'm beginning to find a lot of humourous irony in the skepticism and cynicism carried by most in these kinds of threads.
Those who believe in something that they cannot explain with words are accused of wanting to believe and thus believing, I am now accusing those who do not believe in such unexplained/unexplainable occurances of not wanting to believe so hard that they simply don't.

It goes both ways, you can tell me you have science on your side, I can tell you I have my intuition on my side and neither side will make any headway.

And Jorge, I'm not saying the guy was like, electronically charged or some shit. I dunno what the fuck it was, there was just a lot of flickering and exploding lights going on while he was in a certain phase and it just seemed like too much to be an accident. I'm not saying I hold the answers, maybe there's a perfectly good scientific reason, but Qif there is, I haven't come across it just yet.

But seriously, fuck this shit, I'm moving to India as soon as possible.

Quoting out of pure agreement. Except the India part, fuck India that place sucks
Depends on your definition of ghosts... i have psychic abilities and have done since a young age, i also see shadow people day and night... i have seen sparkles(white flashes) slow and fast ones and few other things but i haven't seen a full figure apparition...but would love to.into paranormal see my link in sig and feel free to have a look x
And the beauty of that, darkdreamer, is that nobody can tell you that you don't.
They may try, but they don't really know, they're just taking stabs in the dark.

Anyway, there is much I'd LIKE to discuss in this topic, but considering the vast amount of skepticism going on in here, I don't feel it's worth my time.
Anyone who's up for discussions of the esoteric, paranormal, spiritual, etc, feel free to hit me up on msn, sharing is caring and discussion is beautiful. ^_^
i love talking about it, it is real as i see it so i , myself know for fact i dont need to prove it to others they may see for themselves one day.

What exactly would keep a ghost from just falling right through earth? Why do people see, for example, a little girl ghost riding a bicycle, did the bicycle die too? Her clothing as well?

Ok, so you see "them", maybe you can answer this question above. Who better to ask than someone who is into the supernatural and actually sees it, right? While where at it, what are "ghost" made of?

Dawkin's "Unweaving The Rainbow" is pretty good too but something about Sagan is just awe-inspiring.
Originally Posted by SocialNumb
What exactly would keep a ghost from just falling right through earth? Why do people see, for example, a little girl ghost riding a bicycle, did the bicycle die too? Her clothing as well?

im guessing the ghost/entity can go through the earth/floor/walls etc because they have control to do so, im guessing they go go anywhere they want.. nobody knows.

As for the bicycle/objects question, good question! something ive always wondered.Theres even reports of ghost objects without a human/ghost present... ghost cars and pictures,dolls etc so they can take on many different forms.

Theres so much we dont know and i wouldnt expect anyone to believe unless they had seen or encountered something personally to be honest.

Personally i dont believe in god an that bullshit, but elements "could" be true of it, just not what these bible preachers rant on about.

There is more overall evidence of ghosts and entities then there is of god.
@ darkdreamer

That's just the thing. I've seen zero evidence of anything supernatural. Personal experience is not a reliable source of evidence, even if it's my experience. Same can be said for "God". It wouldn't be enough for "God" to just poke out the clouds and say "I'm God" if I'm the only one seeing him/she/it. All it takes is a 18Hz hum and you or I could start hallucinating. Our brian isn't perfect either, they kind of hiccup here and there.

Pictures can be edited. Every video I've ever seen turns out to be fake. I think if such things existed we would all know for sure by now.

Anyways, to each their own I guess. At least you're not a Dam Christian. ;)