ghost thread

@006 : Crazy stuff. Got chills down my spine just reading that to be honest.

Had a weird experience in 2006, not so much ghost/spirit/paranormal related though.
A friend of mine came over to my house (when I was 17, in year 11 at school), and we went into my bedroom, just sat on the carpet, and talked for a while (this dude was generally just a very eccentric guy, very intelligent, but quite socially awkward).

At one point, there was just this eerie silence between both of us.
It must have only been a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity.
He then just suddenly said "I'm going now", and just got up, walked out of the room and left.

Suddenly, it just felt like the temperature of the room decreased by a noticeable amount. Felt all these shivers go down my spine and my whole body just felt slightly colder.
This dude, at the time (we aren't friends anymore), was a super negative, pessimistic and cynical guy, and probably depressed, and it was as if he had left behind this force of negativity and coldness in my room.
I could just feel it throughout my whole body, and I didn't move for a while, because these feelings just somehow overwhelmed me and consumed me.

I've never experienced that same thing again, and hadn't experienced it prior to that, and occasionally I still think about it

Yeah, some people are literally so charged up with certain energies, be they negative or positive that they're practically infectious.
When I met my friend Aaron lights were constantly flickering (or exploding) and he was buzzing with so many strange and confusing energies that he was in the middle of figuring out that it spread to everything else.
I don't but at the same time I don't know. I remember one night when I was a kid I was sitting in a room with a friend playing music stupid loud and I looked up to see my friends face white as a sheet, he looked at me and pointed, shaking like a leaf, at the window. When I managed to get him talking he said a figure walked past the window and looked in. Were on the third floor. The only thing that bothers me really about that night was the feeling I had when I saw his face, that kinda fear can't be faked. Not by a normal 13 year old anyway. It was like I was in a horror film, the loud music probably didn't help, granted. But on a very deep level, seeing his face sent me into panic. I've never again seen somebody as frightened as he was.

In terms of validation that it was a ghost, it also doesn't help that we were right next to a graveyard. Either his brain had a momentary blip or what he saw really was external. But his reaction was genuine enough to scare me before I knew what had happened.

While I don't believe in ghosts I also don't believe that we know all that much about the material world and it's interactions with the perception of it. It's only been in the last few hundred years that we have worked out the general nature of really gross forces like gravity. Saying there can be no ghosts is like saying there is nothing else to discover. Which you could have said before we knew the earth was round. Even in terms of what we know, there are alot of questions unanswered.

But I don't believe that even if we lasted for an eternity we would be able to answer every question. Like in atomic theory, we soon found there were smaller things, rinse and repeat infinitely.
Yeah, some people are literally so charged up with certain energies, be they negative or positive that they're practically infectious.
When I met my friend Aaron lights were constantly flickering (or exploding) and he was buzzing with so many strange and confusing energies that he was in the middle of figuring out that it spread to everything else.

So your friend was "so charged up with certain energies" that lights flickered and exploded? Dude, I want to go to this wonderland you speak of. What exactly is in your weed?

Messing with you but really, In my 35 years I've never seen anything remotely close to what you're describing. I makes me wonder what makes people that do see these things so special. Or in other words, what makes me so immune to what a whole lot of people are claiming.
But see, I was much happier believing it was all bullshit, and that when we die our "energy" becomes nothing more than calories for tons of worms and microorganisms; that's what I want to believe more than anything, it simplifies things substantially, but I've unfortunately had to come to the realization that it's not that simple (though I make every effort to avoid it)

That's the beauty of it. If you are cremated, your ashes will go back into the world. Parts of you will become the building blocks for many other organisms. Now while you may not be completely reincarnated, your body becomes parts of new life, whether it be to someone else, plants, animals, you will become something. So just because you die doesn't mean that you won't live on, its just not "live on" in the normal sense that people tend to think.

I don't but at the same time I don't know. I remember one night when I was a kid I was sitting in a room with a friend playing music stupid loud and I looked up to see my friends face white as a sheet, he looked at me and pointed, shaking like a leaf, at the window. When I managed to get him talking he said a figure walked past the window and looked in. Were on the third floor. The only thing that bothers me really about that night was the feeling I had when I saw his face, that kinda fear can't be faked. Not by a normal 13 year old anyway. It was like I was in a horror film, the loud music probably didn't help, granted. But on a very deep level, seeing his face sent me into panic. I've never again seen somebody as frightened as he was.

In terms of validation that it was a ghost, it also doesn't help that we were right next to a graveyard. Either his brain had a momentary blip or what he saw really was external. But his reaction was genuine enough to scare me before I knew what had happened.

While I don't believe in ghosts I also don't believe that we know all that much about the material world and it's interactions with the perception of it. It's only been in the last few hundred years that we have worked out the general nature of really gross forces like gravity. Saying there can be no ghosts is like saying there is nothing else to discover. Which you could have said before we knew the earth was round. Even in terms of what we know, there are alot of questions unanswered.

But I don't believe that even if we lasted for an eternity we would be able to answer every question. Like in atomic theory, we soon found there were smaller things, rinse and repeat infinitely.

I have a very similar story. When I was about 11 my family was living with my grandfather (on my dad's side). The house had been in the family since it was built in 1917 and everyone that has been there said it was haunted with very powerful demons. I was never told this until long after we left, but one night I woke up randomly, I was laying on my back facing the doorway (the actual door is facing 90 degrees from me so I can't see out of it). At first opening my eyes I could see a faint glow in the doorway. I stared at it for a few seconds before my eyes could adjust. Even before I was completely able to see what I was looking at I realized that I was focusing on a faint transparent image of my great grandmother who lived in the house and passed away a few months prior (and we were sleeping in her room). With so much terror and panic I couldn't scream to my parents who were only three feet away from me. I covered my head under the sheets and waited. I didn't peak out again, nor did I go back to sleep, I stayed aay in absolute fear until the sun had rose and I heard my mom getting up to get me and my brother ready for school.

Looking back now, considering the angle of the room to the door and my exact location to the door, my grandfather could have easily pulled Pepper's Ghost on me, considering that his girlfriend at the time was blonde and wore similar nightgowns to sleep, could have been the one to pull it off, in my daze of just waking up, could have easily though it was my deceased grandmother. He is a trickster so I wouldn't put it passed him to pull a stunt like that.
Hey, when you die and go into some kind of spiritual realm, how do you remember who you are without your brian? How do you even function? :devil:
That's the beauty of it. If you are cremated, your ashes will go back into the world. Parts of you will become the building blocks for many other organisms. Now while you may not be completely reincarnated, your body becomes parts of new life, whether it be to someone else, plants, animals, you will become something. So just because you die doesn't mean that you won't live on, its just not "live on" in the normal sense that people tend to think.

This is partly the definition of rebirth in Buddhism. Buddhism is all about questioning identity and it's borders (all of which are self defined). Hence the zen koan "What was your face before your mother and father were born?"
Looking back now, considering the angle of the room to the door and my exact location to the door, my grandfather could have easily pulled Pepper's Ghost on me, considering that his girlfriend at the time was blonde and wore similar nightgowns to sleep, could have been the one to pull it off, in my daze of just waking up, could have easily though it was my deceased grandmother. He is a trickster so I wouldn't put it passed him to pull a stunt like that.

What bothered me most and made think something terrible was happening from my friends face was the fact that it was totally normal conditions. The room was brightly lite, the door was closed, and their had been no reports of ghosts or hauntings that we knew of. So unless his head went fucked for a moment it was something. And since he's one of the most stable guys ive ever known (far more than me) it really would have to had been a random mental blip.
What bothered me most and made think something terrible was happening from my friends face was the fact that it was totally normal conditions. The room was brightly lite, the door was closed, and their had been no reports of ghosts or hauntings that we knew of. So unless his head went fucked for a moment it was something. And since he's one of the most stable guys ive ever known (far more than me) it really would have to had been a random mental blip.

I have had normal condition sightings in the house that we are in now. Not too long ago I was walking to my room which is upstairs and as I brought my head up to look at my room I was someone or something walking into my room. Clear as day, I was looking directly (not in my peripherals) at feet, in dirty overalls and steal toe boots. Before I could look up fast enough to see the rest of what I was looking at it had already walked completely into my room.

I basically turned around, said fuck that shit and went down stairs. I didn't go in my room for about 5 minutes afterwards.
While I don't believe in ghosts I also don't believe that we know all that much about the material world and it's interactions with the perception of it. It's only been in the last few hundred years that we have worked out the general nature of really gross forces like gravity. Saying there can be no ghosts is like saying there is nothing else to discover. Which you could have said before we knew the earth was round. Even in terms of what we know, there are alot of questions unanswered.

But I don't believe that even if we lasted for an eternity we would be able to answer every question. Like in atomic theory, we soon found there were smaller things, rinse and repeat infinitely.

I think this 100% sums up what I think. We say "ghosts", "monsters" but what if they were just "creatures" or "animals"? what if one day it IS scientifically proven? what if one day a scientist actually discovers a previously unknown variable that i don't know, helps to identify certain "life-forms" undetected before? A few years ago, sponges were thought to be things, now they are cataloged as living beings, or as cryo says, the fucking earth was flat many years ago.

And whoever says "it's 2010 there's nothing left to discover" I'll point to the nearest church and you tell me if people have really evolved enough to let go of the unnecessary bullshit and actually moved on to having 100% productive and worthy lives

Edit: I must add I do not "believe" in anything, ever. If I can't find something to prove or disprove it, I simply don't know and don't care. I've never had any freaky experience like the ones told by others, so I don't "believe" in ghosts, don't know if they exist, and for now don't care. If god cracks the sky and stands in front of my face and says "Hey dude I'm fucking god" and he proves (through wacky miracles like Morgan freeman did to Jim Carrey?) it, then I don't "believe" in god, I fucking know he's real. Not that I agree with his ways anyway.

Ps I honestly don't think god will ever do that, but just making a point haha
And whoever says "it's 2010 there's nothing left to discover" I'll point to the nearest church and you tell me if people have really evolved enough to let go of the unnecessary bullshit and actually moved on to having 100% productive and worthy lives

The fundamental reason why religion of all types (eg theistic and non theistic, of which there are many) exists is because the nature of science shows no interest in the point of living where as religion is all about that. Nothing science ever discovered gave my existance meaning, simply because meaning can't be discovered in some objective way.
The fundamental reason why religion of all types (eg theistic and non theistic, of which there are many) exists is because the nature of science shows no interest in the point of living where as religion is all about that. Nothing science ever discovered gave my existance meaning, simply because meaning can't be discovered in some objective way.

I kinda disagree with that. Of course science has given our existence meaning, the problem is there is no actual meaning, it's more coincidence than anything else, we just have to suck it up and be the best we can with the life we have and be happy while we're at it. That's the whole atheist/agnostic point of view, while religious people run to their lies and imaginary elves to help them with the meaning of their existence and to give them strength to overcome stuff. Bullshit, the strength comes from oneself not from god. I think religion is waaay past it's time and as long as people still care for that bullshit and fight for it and waste their lives at it, we will never completely step away from the dark ages and all those ancient times where were people just blatantly retarded in every way imaginable.

I sure wish we could go back to using the suits and wearing the hair like they did on those days, though
Edit: I must add I do not "believe" in anything, ever. If I can't find something to prove or disprove it, I simply don't know and don't care.

But we believe in things all the time even if you don't think of them as "out there" I personally believe in the atom, At the same time I don't know it exists since i've never seen it with my own eyes. So my beliefs are working on percentages, but they are still beliefs.

The unconcious belief that smoking is ok (belief: cancer happens to other people) is far more harmful than any religious belief. But mostly were ok with that belief.
But we believe in things all the time even if you don't think of them as "out there" I personally believe in the atom, At the same time I don't know it exists since i've never seen it with my own eyes. So my beliefs are working on percentages, but they are still beliefs.

The unconcious belief that smoking is ok (belief: cancer happens to other people) is far more harmful than any religious belief. But mostly were ok with that belief.

Well I guess you could say I believe in atoms because it has been scientifically proven to exist, I quoted the word believe because of that, because of course I believe I am sitting on my bed right now typing on my laptop, and that's what I call "knowing" (again quotes, so as not to be taken literally as the definition of knowing) and not "believing". I don't believe smoking is ok because cancer happens to other people, that's just retarded, I know it's bad and that's why I don't smoke but that's just me, didn't get your point there.

And get the fuck out of that lotus position and quit ghandi-ing the fuck out of me :D
I kinda disagree with that. Of course science has given our existence meaning, the problem is there is no actual meaning, it's more coincidence than anything else, we just have to suck it up and be the best we can with the life we have and be happy while we're at it. That's the whole atheist/agnostic point of view, while religious people run to their lies and imaginary elves to help them with the meaning of their existence and to give them strength to overcome stuff. Bullshit, the strength comes from oneself not from god. I think religion is waaay past it's time and as long as people still care for that bullshit and fight for it and waste their lives at it, we will never completely step away from the dark ages and all those ancient times where were people just blatantly retarded in every way imaginable.

With respect, I was talking about religions as a whole. And many religions fundamental goal is to work people towards functioning in keeping with nature. many religions don't believe in a god outside of themselves. Many religions are only intersted in living with imperminence and working the human mind to live in sync with the fact that all things are imperminent. While science speaks the truth, it shows very little interest in the massive effort it takes to internalise it. Even psychology encourages a better self. If it were hard and true to reality it would teach a way to let the sense of self go rather than bolstering it's importance. Psychology compaired to various forms taosim, buddhism, jainism and satanism is light on reality.
I must add I do not "believe" in anything, ever. If I can't find something to prove or disprove it, I simply don't know and don't care. I've never had any freaky experience like the ones told by others, so I don't "believe" in ghosts, don't know if they exist, and for now don't care. If god cracks the sky and stands in front of my face and says "Hey dude I'm fucking god" and he proves (through wacky miracles like Morgan freeman did to Jim Carrey?) it, then I don't "believe" in god, I fucking know he's real. Not that I agree with his ways anyway.

This, although someone is going to bust out the philosophical blah blah blah.

Edit: Oh I'm still on page 2. :D
I don't believe smoking is ok because cancer happens to other people, that's just retarded, I know it's bad and that's why I don't smoke but that's just me, didn't get your point there.

I wasn't saying that as if you did. I was saying that it was commonly held belief. The point was that, beliefs are everywhere and all pervasive. It isnt the belief that cause problems, it's how hard we stick to them that is. There have been a crazy number of ideologies and messages that have been mixed around to fit agendas that are out to cause suffering.
I wasn't saying that as if you did. I was saying that it was commonly held belief. The point was that, beliefs are everywhere and all pervasive. It isnt the belief that cause problems, it's how hard we stick to them that is. There have been a crazy number of ideologies and messages that have been mixed around to fit agendas that are out to cause suffering.

Ok I get your point, people who smoke "yeah I know it's bad but whatever" as in unconsciously thinking it's someone else and not them who gets cancer, I love the Iron Maiden song "Fates Warning" that kinda gets into this type of reasoning.

With respect, I was talking about religions as a whole. And many religions fundamental goal is to work people towards functioning in keeping with nature. many religions don't believe in a god outside of themselves. Many religions are only intersted in living with imperminence and working the human mind to live in sync with the fact that all things are imperminent. While science speaks the truth, it shows very little interest in the massive effort it takes to internalise it. Even psychology encourages a better self. If it were hard and true to reality it would teach a way to let the sense of self go rather than bolstering it's importance. Psychology compaired to various forms taosim, buddhism, jainism and satanism is light on reality.

Ok well taosim, buddhism, jainism and satanism I know nothing about, although the little I know about buddhism is that I don't see it as a "religion" cause as you said, it doesn't really believe in any god except yourself, while I see religion as a huge blobby mass of mindless old ladies listening to some sick fuck talking some lame reasonless bullshit over and over and actually taking it more seriously than the love for their own life and families. But yeah I can be cool with those "religions" you mentioned, I was talking about the "famous" religions such as catholics, jews, allah-lovers, jehova's ballsuckers, etc.
Ok I get your point, people who smoke "yeah I know it's bad but whatever" as in unconsciously thinking it's someone else and not them who gets cancer, I love the Iron Maiden song "Fates Warning" that kinda gets into this type of reasoning.

Ok well taosim, buddhism, jainism and satanism I know nothing about, although the little I know about buddhism is that I don't see it as a "religion" cause as you said, it doesn't really believe in any god except yourself, while I see religion as a huge blobby mass of mindless old ladies listening to some sick fuck talking some lame reasonless bullshit over and over and actually taking it more seriously than the love for their own life and families. But yeah I can be cool with those "religions" you mentioned, I was talking about the "famous" religions such as catholics, jews, allah-lovers, jehova's ballsuckers, etc.

It might be worth you looking into those and while buddhism isnt theistic it has alot of the other traits (the good ones anyway) of other religions. It wasn't until I got into eastern/non-dualistic/non-theistic religions that I saw western and middle eastern religions for how beneficial they really are.

Eastern/non-dualistic/non-theistic religions have a good way of cutting through the bullshit and when they try and express something heavy they do it in a way that you will understand it from a first person perspective, that way you will get it cos you got it, not because you really wanted to.
It might be worth you looking into those and while buddhism isnt thesistic it has alot of the other traits (the good ones anyway) of other religions. It wasn't until I got into eastern/non-dualistic/non-theistic religions that I saw western and middle eastern religions for how beneficial they really are.

Eastern/non-dualistic/non-theistic religions have a good way of cutting through the bullshit and when they try and express something heavy they do it in a way that you will understand it from a first person perspective, that way you will get it cos you got it, not because you really wanted to.

I will do research on that sometime soon, I would like to be more educated on the matter. The sole term religion makes my stomach hurt, but I know they are totally different
I will do research on that sometime soon, I would like to be more educated on the matter. The sole term religion makes my stomach hurt, but I know they are totally different

It's really worth it, I personally see it as a great reason to have universal religious education. I was a Buddhist for a long time and still am in some ways. But it took me years to really, really accept the fundamental message. Once I did I've yet to find anything in science or philosophy to counter it in terms of absolute truth. But the teaching of non-duality is a very heavy one, if you keep it as a theoretical one it's a nice idea, but if you practice in order to see it as a reality it will destroy all concepts you ever had. But even if that happens, that's not it. That will just be a great lesson in just how fucked up your mind is, in and out of duality. Learning the nature of the mind is the goal of many, many religions. Stepping out of duality shows you how you decide what is good and what isnt, what is fun and what isnt, what is evil and what isnt, even if you think the there is no real division between the two. Our deepest beliefs hide their dualistic nature.

To really get it (even from an outsiders perspective) you have to go deep. You don't have to believe it to get it, though as i said to really get it, it takes effort and discipline. Not a stupid amount though. If you want to go past both duality and non-duality, that takes a stupid amount. That's enlightenment. Beyond division and non-division.

Duality and non-duality are just words until you witness them both, but in terms of psychology they are both very real and change the way we see the world completely.

On another note, non-duality is pretty beautiful.