GMD Poll: Candlemass's Discography Ranked

1. Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
2. Nightfall
3. Tales of Creation
4. Chapter VI
5. Ancient Dreams
6. Dactylis Glomerata

CiG alt confirmed.

Samarithan is probably my favourite song of theirs with Messiah on vocals. I feel like I need to check out some of the later stuff with Rob Lowe but it's unlikely that I'll get around to it.
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Being butthurt about holy lyrics in doom metal is like being butthurt about unholy lyrics in black metal. Very low IQ stuff.

No I don’t like the lyrics, mostly because they’re fucking lame and whiny (I was nice to a bum 50 years before I died so I get to be an angel yay) and sandwiched between the best two songs on the album. (Not counting Marche Funebre)
I dislike it because it’s a whiny song stuck between two of my favorites and it kills the headbang At the Gallows End starts and Dark are The Veils of Death picks back up.

And yes, lyrics tend to be important to me in clean vocal’d metal. I don’t specifically care they’re Christian, I just dislike them.
I don't understand how the one song with a positive message can be called whiny. If you want to say "preachy" or "gay as fuck" or whatever then fine, but it's not even slightly whiny.
Gallows is whinier.

"With sad emotions, I sing this epitaph.
My swansong, my headstone, the farewell of my heart.
The hills of Tyburn, up where the gallows stand.
Only the vultures will come to see me hang."

= "boo hoo I'm a criminal being executed and nobody cares."
1. Ancient Dreams
2. Nightfall
3. Tales of Creation
4. Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
5. Candlemass
6. From the 13th Sun
7. Psalms for the Dead
8. Death Magic Doom
9. King of the Grey Islands
10. Chapter VI
11. Dactylis Glomerata

Tales of Creation > Ancient Dreams
I practically get more feeling out of the opening notes of Mirror Mirror than the entirety of Tales of Creation. Probably the same thing I had with the production differences between the Solitude Aeturnus albums. To be fair, you have to have a very high EQ to understand...
It's no surprise that Krow is bad at figuring out which Candlemass songs are whiny since he had no idea what "A Sorcerers Pledge" was about during the mixtape a while ago. "Samarithan" is definitely their best song with Messiah.

1. Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
2. Nightfall
3. Tales of Creation
4. Chapter IV
5. Ancient Dreams
6. Dactylis Glomerata
7. Candlemass
8. Death Magic Doom
9. King of the Grey Islands
10. From the 13th Sun
11. Psalms for the Dead

Basically everything after the top 5 is by memory alone. I'm not going to relisten to all of that stuff when some of it is obviously not that good. I do want to hear their next album though.
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Also funny that I just downrated A Sorcerers Pledge that round because you so obviously had picked it.

Candlemass does nothing for me (like most doom I've heard). I remember liking the debut the most of all the Candlemass albums I heard though.