GMD Poll: Darkthrone's Discography Ranked

Final results:

17. The Cult is Alive
16. Circle the Wagons
15. Dark Thrones and Black Flags
14. Hate Them
13. Plaguewielder
12. Arctic Thunder
11. Sardonic Wrath
10. F.O.A.D.
9. Total Death
8. Ravishing Grimness
7. The Underground Resistance
6. Soulside Journey
5. Goatlord
4. Panzerfaust
3. Under a Funeral Moon
2. Transilvanian Hunger
1. A Blaze in the Northern Sky
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Really liking the outcome of this. The top 6 are their best albums imo and The Underground Resistance is my favourite of their newer stuff.

I also put Goatlord ahead of Soulside Journey. It's a really interesting and underappreciated album.
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Here's a comp. of our ranking versus other major rankings online.


We obviously like Hate Them much less than most. Goatlord earns the "In-Crowd" award.