GMD Poll: Darkthrone's Discography Ranked

you guys have a clear misunderstanding of what a true conservative is. Stop watching tv. israel is an occupied 75 year old state which is outdated by conservatism and true/classic liberalism
Zionism is a European invention regardless. Conservative Americans 100 years ago did not give a shit about a Jewish state.

Yes but now they do. Zionism is a branch of American conservative orthodoxy, hence why it is always brought up as a platform by anybody trying to get the conservatives to vote for them.

Not saying it's right or wrong, just that it is.

I actually meant it as a compliment to TechBarb that he stands on principle rather than going with the conservative consensus on the subject.
Yes but now they do. Zionism is a branch of American conservative orthodoxy, hence why it is always brought up as a platform by anybody trying to get the conservatives to vote for them.

Not saying it's right or wrong, just that it is.

I actually meant it as a compliment to TechBarb that he stands on principle rather than going with the conservative consensus on the subject.

It's purely a demographic move. Evangelical Christians support Israel, and Republicans pander to them. There is nothing inherently conservative about supporting Israel anymore than there is supporting just about any other country in the world.
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none of that nonsense. A lot republicans support jews and hate muslims, for obvious reasons. Yes a lot of jews(not all, just come to Los Angeles) vote Republican. That has nothing to do with being a branch of anything that is American. Because that sure in the hell can get applied to plenty of other groups and minorities as well.


I actually meant it as a compliment to TechBarb that he stands on principle rather than going with the conservative consensus on the subject.

why thank you. Have you been sipping on some Nice Juice today?

It's just always seemed like if you're on the right in America and you oppose Israel in some way you're kicked out of the club.
I get what you're saying, and yes the money-hungry side of the party that blindly supports the jews are truly disgusting imo. Those are the republicans everyone tells you to watch out for, lol.
It's just always seemed like if you're on the right in America and you oppose Israel in some way you're kicked out of the club.

Dems do not oppose Israel to any meaningful degree. Opposition to Israel is something that immediately gets one labeled an anti-Semite, neo-Nazi, alt-righter, etc. Some of our biggest leftists, e.g. Diane Feinstein, are Zionists.


why thank you. Have you been sipping on some Nice Juice today?

I've actually been having a good day yeah. :lol:

Found a box of my old CDs in my spare room that I put aside so I didn't accidentally sell them off when I made the transition from CDs to cassette. Hence my aggressive album posts lately. Weather today is good, free weekend to myself with no jobs to do etc.

I get what you're saying, and yes the money-hungry side of the party that blindly supports the jews are truly disgusting imo. Those are the republicans everyone tells you to watch out for, lol.
Dems do not oppose Israel to any meaningful degree. Opposition to Israel is something that immediately gets one labeled an anti-Semite, neo-Nazi, alt-righter, etc. Some of our biggest leftists, e.g. Diane Feinstein, are Zionists.

That's true, but I just remember the endless screeching from people like Prager and Shapiro any time Obama did anything that wasn't lips-to-Israel's-anus on full suction (as opposed to an either silent or praising left). It seems like the Democrats, while also sycophantic, at least try to use the good relationship to maneuver into changing things in regards to Israel.

Of course you need a magnifying glass to see the difference between both parties and the way they approach Israel.
Democrats have to pander to a lot more demographic groups than Republicans do. You have to be flexible to deep-throat Israel's big uncut cock and massage Islam's hairy prostate at the same time.
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#17 The Cult is Alive (2006)


Average points per vote: 4.19/17

When a band goes to considerable effort to use their album as a platform to attack people for ripping them off, don't you think that they should maybe, you know, not use the album to rip off other bands? I don't see that as an inherently unreasonable expectation, do you?

I loved the Black'nRoll touch in "The Cult Is Alive"... DARKTHRONE has evolved a lot, not musically but yes in attitude... The band don't take themselves so seriously anymore and the result had been great.

I've always been under the impression that the only reason Darkthrone was musically relevant was because they took themselves so seriously.

New Darkthrone is... not good. can windmill and floorpunch to it...
Dems do not oppose Israel to any meaningful degree. Opposition to Israel is something that immediately gets one labeled an anti-Semite, neo-Nazi, alt-righter, etc. Some of our biggest leftists, e.g. Diane Feinstein, are Zionists.
Heh, if you support Israel here in Sweden you are probably labeled "alt-right" or racist or something similar. :)
#16 Circle the Wagons (2010)


Average points per vote: 4.93/17

Derivative bands almost always say in the liner notes who their influences are, Darkthrone go a step further because Fenriz says in the liner notes which riff is inspired by what and so on. Impetigo did the exact same thing and went as far as telling you which riffs they basically lifted, unchanged, from which band they worship.

It's just a thing that happens with these derivative "worship" bands. I mean, it's not like Darkthrone ever released an album that didn't have ancestor worship at it's foundations.

Now, within that context, all I'm saying is calling a band a rip off is not justification for hating them unless you're consistent and dismiss all bands that do this. Maybe you are consistent, although you already said you like Wolf and Enforcer, so I doubt it.

Yeah, but you conveniently left out the part where I said that those two bands (as well as many others) do "retro metal" far better than Darkthrone. You see, my issue isn't that Darkthrone is doing it, it's that they're doing it poorly. As in, the albums are a fucking chore to listen to.

Well okay, I don't understand why that required you to go full retard.

If anything is worth classifying as going "full retard", it's liking Circle the Wagons.
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#15 Dark Thrones and Black Flags (2008)


Average points per vote: 5.12/17

My question is why anyone would think that the blatant nostalgiawank that Fenriz is spearheading in Darkthrone now is actually worth anything when you could just listen to bands like Enforcer or Wolf since they do that FAR better.

How Fenriz believes he's championing "classic metal" with every album he's done after FOAD is a load of horseshit. "Hey, guys. Remember this? Remember HELLHAMMER, guys? REMEMBER CELTIC FROST? REMEMBER MANOWAR? Y-you see how KNOWLEDGEABLE I am?". Darkthrone's music after The Cult is Alive is utterly forgettable garbage that survives purely on pretentious posturing and musical quotation with no substance to speak of whatsoever.

There isn't a single Darkthrone album I dislike. The past few albums are pretty much the best drinking music ever.
#13 Plaguewielder (2001)


Average points per vote: 6.12/17

I have mixed feelings about Hate Them and Sardonic Wrath. People seem to liking them more than Plaguewielder, which I can understand to some extent. There are a couple good songs on both albums ('In Honor of Thy Name', 'Rawness Obsolete', etc). But I guess I give Plaguewielder more spins because of the song 'Wreak'. I also think I liked the fact that the songs on Plaguewielder had more structure and were longer as a result.