GMD Poll: Darkthrone's Discography Ranked

#11 Sardonic Wrath (2004)


Average points per vote: 6.56/17

Oblivious Maximus said:
Same here, they're still one of the most consistently interesting bands going. I've been listening to Sardonic Wrath a ton lately and its quickly becoming one of my favorites.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Darkthrone yet.

To be honest, I love the production on Sardonic Wrath. Especially the bass, it sounds great coming out of a sub-woofer.
#10 F.O.A.D. (2007)


Average points per vote: 7.36/17

The only crust/whatever album I heard was FOAD and it was garbage. I'll stick to the first 4 albums.

How very in-crowd of you.

I just received FOAD in the mail this evening.

The verdict is: :kickass:

Like Hubster said, the attitude on this disc is really great.It really makes me want to get rowdy,headbang, smash shit, and shout along... CHUUURCH OF REAL METAL!!!!
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#9 Total Death (1996)


Average points per vote: 7.72/17

It needs to be said that Total Death completely fucking rules and is their most overlooked album.

Der Morgenstern said:
Mid-era Darkthrone is full of quality.

When late autumn arrives, I basically spin Total Death 24-7 with some Lake of Tears thrown in.

#7 The Underground Resistance (2013)


Average points per vote: 8.54/17

***Winner of the "Their Best Album Since..." Award***

crimsonfloyd said:
A way more creative and engaging form of retro metal from Darkthrone. The songs are epic and provide an interesting mix of thrash, doom, and viking metal. “Valkyrie” is their best song in over a decade and “Leave no Cross Unturned” is an excellent epic that justifies its length. An easy choice for the “Their Best Album Since” award.
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#6 Soulside Journey (1991)


Average points per vote: 9.91/17

It has recently come to my attention that not enough of the metal population truly appreciates Darkthrone's death metal works. Soulside Journey just happens to be my personal #1 in terms of death metal. That album, while to an extent entrenched in the then-emerging Scandinavian/Sunlight DM sound, is in fact anything but typical of that scene. While the embryonic Darkthrone certainly shared a pronounced Autopsy influence with those bands (Entombed, Dismember, Carnage), Soulside Journey took the chromatic, atonal riffing and dirge of albums like Severed Survival to new nadirs, meanwhile adding thereto a sense of technicality that would never again appear on a Darkthrone record. More than anything, Soulside Journey showcases Fenriz's excellent drumming abilities, which he would of course downplay on all albums hereafter, though traces of his fancy footwork showed up on A Blaze in the Northern Sky. What really makes this album work, though, is that it managed to capture the atmosphere of future Darkthrone classics and put it into a death metal framework. Like it or not, and I know that there are those who don't, Soulside Journey, despite being undeniably death metal, bears striking similarities to Under a Funeral Moon but especially to A Blaze in the Northern Sky, if not in delivery than ocassionally in composition and above all in structure. Essentially, Darkthrone composed a death metal album of a style that we have not seen since, nor that we shall ever see again.
The Underground Resistance is so fucking lame. If any rando Bandcamp retro band released that it wouldn't gather a single person's attention here.
#5 Goatlord (1996)


Average points per vote: 10.36/17

First place votes: 1

***Winner of the "In-Crowd" Award***

Goatlord is a weird technical death metal affair, not death metal by your usual standards, but as I said, pretty strange stuff.

'Goatlord' is... uh... interesting. :lol:

Its a solid album... different... but solid.

Anyone that doesn't put Goatlord in first place has shit taste.
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#4 Panzerfaust (1995)


Average points per vote: 11.94/17

First place votes: 1

I enjoy pretty much all of Darkthrone's material. My favorite would have to be Panzerfaust mainly because it was my first album I bought from them and I love the cross between Transilvanian Hunger-era Darkthrone and Celtic Frost. I also think Panzerfaust displays Nocturno Culto's best vocal performance. Totally fucking pissed off and hateful!

I never enjoyed the Panzerfaust vocals tbh.

Love the vocals on Panzerfaust. Absolutely blunt and in your face. It gives the album a visceral and vicious dimension that distinguishes it from the abstractionism of Transilvanian Hunger.

Panzerfaust is probably the best album ever to listen to while drunk and alone.
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I didn't vote but LOL at Goatlord. I haven't bothered with most of the albums on this list except the classic stuff and a few of the new ones but those crust/black rock n roll stuff is cool and should be much higher.

BTW, Blaze would be my number 1 these days.
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#3 Under a Funeral Moon (1993)


Average points per vote: 14.31/17

First place votes: 3

Under A Funeral Moon is like the best of those two worlds for me. You got the monotony of Transilvanian Hunger, but still a tad more eventful.

Repeated listens have for me exposed Transilvanian Hunger's slight inferiority to Under A Funeral Moon. The latter is more varied and atmospheric.

Under a Funeral Moon cleary. To me it seems a fuck more focused than their other stuff as well as being slightly more coherent than TH. That being said, all the albums are classics.

crimsonfloyd said:
Under a Funeral Moon is as vile and primitive as they come. The raw production lends a cavernous tone to the record. That's the perfect tone for this collection of droning, buzzsaw riffs and crude, tribal drum patterns. While there are still a few of the dynamic twists found on A Blaze in the Northern Sky (i.e. "Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust") the songwriting is approaching the sparse minimalism of Transilvanian Hunger. However, Under a Funeral Moon is it's own monster. Unlike the ultra-detached aura of Transilvanian Hunger, Under a Funeral Moon seethes a cruel and vicious bloodlust.
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#2 Transilvanian Hunger (1994)


Average points per vote: 14.41/17

First place votes: 2

crimsonfloyd said:
Minimalism perfected. This record is lifelessness expressed through the living. It's as if Darkthrone are mere surrogates for a cold and foreign force. The drums basically repeat the same droning pattern from start to finish, creating a hypnotizing ambiance. The riffs are strange and twisted, sounding simultaneously majestic and grotesque. The cold, emotionless vocals sound as if they're coming from the atrophied mouth a corpse. While this record has been imitated countless times thanks to its simple song structures and lo-fi production, it's chilling, detached execution is virtually unparalleled. No other record sounds so inhumane, in the truest sense of the word. Said succinctly, Transilvanian Hunger is music devoid of the human form of life.

Transilvanian Hunger costs more to buy than it did to record/produce it.

Dark Throne "Transilvanian Hunger" is exactly what a Black Metal album should sound like.

Transilvanian Hunger defines Black Metal. Nuff said.

SUPER close between TH and UAFM.
#1 A Blaze in the Northern Sky (1992)


Average points per vote: 15.84/17

First place votes: 6

A Blaze in the Northern Sky is Darkthrones best. And Kathaarian Life Code is pretty much the best black metal song ever.

Darkthrone are awesome..A Blaze in the Northern Sky and Transilvanian Hunger is some of the best black metal out there.

SJ is certainly death metal. And ABITNS pretty much defined the black metal aesthetic, being probably the first widely available BM release. That being said, it's not without death metal influence, but tons of BM albums are significantly influenced by other genres.

mutantllamma said:
Even from the two Darkthrone albums after my brain doesn't set a similar setting that A Blaze gives me. Every time I listen to it I get an image of various satanic rituals happening in an extremely cold and frosty temperatures. Plus I love the various death metal like riffs but in a frosty black metal necro style.
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