GMD Poll: Darkthrone's Discography Ranked

As long as we agree that Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk isn't even in the discussion for top Norwegian albums since it's pretentious and unfocused garbage.
Crimmy ...
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A Blaze in the Northern Sky (1992)
Soulside Journey (1991)
Under a Funeral Moon (1993)
Goatlord (1996)
Panzerfaust (1995)
The Underground Resistance (2013)
Transilvanian Hunger (1994)
Ravishing Grimness (1999)
Arctic Thunder (2016)
F.O.A.D. (2007)
Dark Thrones and Black Flags (2008)
The Cult is Alive (2006)
Circle the Wagons (2010)
Total Death (1996)
Hate Them (2003)
Plaguewielder (2001)
Sardonic Wrath (2004)

Pleb move.
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Which level of the game has "Tomhet" as a soundtrack? It sounds like video game music.
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Bad opinion. It’s esily the worst one. The second half is really good, but the first half I find to be too repetitive. It’s like a two note riff repeated forever with none of the subtle changes that make the second track so amazing.
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Bad opinion. It’s esily the worst one. The second half is really good, but the first half I find to be too repetitive. It’s like a two note riff repeated forever with none of the subtle changes that make the second track so amazing.

It's the only metal Burzum song that can be called legitimately minimalistic without completely raping what that word means, or at least relative to its time and to what anyone else was doing back then. It also retains a nice level of aggression. The other two songs are just overlong pedestrian rock music with forced bombast, black metal Manilla Road basically.
I don't know what edgy means


Det som en gang var, with some different riffing techniques, would not be out of place on a Manilla Road, Manowar, or Bathory album. It's 14 minutes long and does almost nothing with all that time. The sheer laboriousness of the song is probably the most interesting thing about it, the idea that someone would write such a boring overlong song and that with shit production people would call it a new form of "atmospheric" metal.
Pretty much anyone that enjoys underground metal, particularly at the expense of radio-friendly music, is a contrarian. Don't think you're any different.

In the context of Phylactery's post, I'm pretty much objectively correct. Even if you prefer Det som real shit to Inn i gadda da vida, the former is clearly the more repetitious song rooted in traditional rock/metal values, the latter is like black metal krautrock or something and only more repetitive if you focus on individual riffs rather than the big picture.

Do you really think that not enjoying Burzum is more edgy than not enjoying, say, Avenged Sevenfold (just throwing a name out there, no idea of your opinion on the band)? The in-crowd makes a career out of suppressing radio-friendly metal for the promotion of music that is notoriously difficult for those not used to it.