GMD Poll: Rush's Discography Ranked

That's fine, I don't really agree with any of you Rush fanboys on much anyway. Fly by Night being put above Permanent Waves is also especially ridiculous to me. 2112 is obviously a good album but I don't think it's anywhere near the top of their catalogue even though the title track is a genuinely masterful track, the rest of the album doesn't do it justice and makes for a very uneven experience.

I do agree with Alex that Grace Under Pressure was too high in the rankings, whew is that not anywhere near as good as people here made it out to be. Don't get me wrong, a solid 7/10, but better than Caress of Steel or Clockwork Angels? lol.
The thing with Fly by Night and Caress of Steel is they are high varience albums. The best stuff is phenomnal, but then there’s stuff like Rivendell and I Think I’m Going Bald, which are both almost unlistenable (the former is painfully lethargic and uninspired, while the later sounds like it’s from a Weird Al album). For me, I just can’t ignore those sorts of glaring flaws.

With Grace Under Pressure I can definitely understand why people wouldn’t rank it as high. It’s not as complex and has a strong 80s vibe that could turn some people off. However, I think it is 1. their most consistent album and 2. their most cohesive album conceptually. It combines really great music with a collection of lyrics that show off Pert’s complete range. It also has a lot of heart and emotion, which I think is the greatest weakness of Hemispheres, which is otherwise a masterpiece. Moving Pictures also comes close to matching GUP, but unfortunately Camera Eye (the longest song) is a bit of a weak link on an otherwise perfect album.
The thing with Fly by Night and Caress of Steel is they are high varience albums. The best stuff is phenomnal, but then there’s stuff like Rivendell and I Think I’m Going Bald, which are both almost unlistenable (the former is painfully lethargic and uninspired, while the later sounds like it’s from a Weird Al album). For me, I just can’t ignore those sorts of glaring flaws.

Exactly how I feel about 2112, though I do think that's unfair to Caress of Steel which has a much better consistency throughout the album. "The Necromancer" and "The Fountain of Lamneth" I think are some of the greatest songs ever written, but the rest is a tier below them of course, though at the same time "Bastille Day" is insanely catchy and a very effective album opener in its own right.

With Grace Under Pressure I can definitely understand why people wouldn’t rank it as high. It’s not as complex and has a strong 80s vibe that could turn some people off.

Yeah this is how I feel about it, but in all fairness things will probably change the more times I return to it, I just think it doesn't carry with it a very strong first impression and that's probably echoed by some people in here who didn't care for it as much at first either but this many years down the track probably now quite like it. The nature of these discogs games is that you will deal a lot in good and bad first impressions that probably won't stand the test of time either way.

However, I think it is 1. their most consistent album and 2. their most cohesive album conceptually. It combines really great music with a collection of lyrics that show off Pert’s complete range. It also has a lot of heart and emotion, which I think is the greatest weakness of Hemispheres, which is otherwise a masterpiece. Moving Pictures also comes close to matching GUP, but unfortunately Camera Eye (the longest song) is a bit of a weak link on an otherwise perfect album.

You put way more stock in thematic/lyrical consistency than I do so fair enough. I still think Permanent Waves is way more consistent musically though.