GMD Poll: Rush's Discography Ranked

16 (T): Rush (1974)


Average points per vote: 5.6/19

The debut is a damn good 70s rock album

16 (T): Hold Your Fire (1987)


Average points per vote: 5.6/19

I'm just going to list my 5 favorite RUSH CD's as I already own every CD except the one from a year or so ago that the band now wants to remix.
1. Hold Your Fire (1987)
2. Moving Pictures (1981)
3. Permanent Waves (1980)
4. Hemispheres (1978)
5T. A Farewell to Kings (1977)
5T. Roll The Bones (1991)
5T. Test For Echo (1996)
My least favorite is Signals and the debut Rush.
If you don't own any Rush albums and don't think you can commit to at least 4, then you are better off getting the Chronicles double CD best of set which rules and is what got me into Rush more then a decade ago.

"Hold Your Fire" is your favourite Rush album? I'd rather watch two hippos fuck than listen to that piece of shit.
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12 (T) Vapor Trails (2002)


Average points per vote: 8.5/19

12 (T) Snakes and Arrows (2007)


Average points per vote: 8.5/19

Vapor Trails is their best album of the 2000s

Nothing Rush did is below a 7/10

I'm not gonna go to war over any of your positions. I wouldn't give any of their albums a grade lower than 6/10, so we're probably not far off on most of these albums.

I am mildly surprised that you prefer Vapor Trails to Snakes and Arrows, and Clockwork Angels. I find the later to have far more engaging compositions.

Once I read 'Ghost Rider', Vapor Trails had more meaning to me than anything else he did. Not to say the last two albums weren't good, but it seemed like he poured his heart into that album after his journey.
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There were more ties in this poll then there have been in all the other ones combined. I realize the fewer votes, the higher the odds of a tie, but still the odds of three ties in one poll are really, really, low.
9) Power Windows (1985)


Average points per vote: 9.72/19

Rush: Released 8 straight great albums from Carress of Steel to Grace Under Pressure. I can't think of any other band who stayed that strong for so many albums.

I'd include Power Windows too although I can see that being a bit contentious. Actually I think Rush's output as a whole ranges from soild to excellent, I don't think they've ever released an album I'd call outright bad.
Interesting to see some of Rush's 70s output ranking so low. Would have expected those albums to do really well.
7) 2112 (1976)


Average points per vote: 10.64/19

Funny that although 2112 seems to be THE classic Rush album (in any magazine I've read anyway), the fans never seem to rate it that high.

Rush is great, but 2112 the song is pretty overrated. Pretty disjointed stuff, and far behind what other prog bands were doing earlier.
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Counterparts contains "Animate" which is one of their best songs ever IMO but 2112 is definitely a better album overall. Much more consistent.