
Narg n Lamb said:
Woah there

I love my woman with a passion...I don't like bieng don't think every guy hear treats women like things or property...

True... I'm sure not all men on here can get a woman to treat like shit.

Anyway I have had my fun and for the record I am a woman loving woman so don't go hating me ;).

Back to the topic of goths, if talking about the reasons that I don't like them makes me happy then surely it isn't a waste of time. Truth be told I have no problem with people wearing black, I mean I wear it, (or whatever it is that goths do exactly) it's more the attitude that shits me off, but perhaps that's just me getting old.
I think the Goths of yesteryear are more artsy then today's wanna be goths..
Being from the later 1980's, I guess I can say the some about authenticity of metal heads nowadays :) hehe well don't take it so personal.. but I think things like Metalcore, Screamo, etc dillute the metal scene. Goths nowadays are more of a trendy thing. Back in the 80s/90s goths really tried to play the artsy audiophile. Now you see them right out of high school fashion shopping at Hot Topic.. eww. I might have liked one or two Sisters of Mercy songs, some Gothic Sex songs.. but I'll never forget the day I scared my roman catholic mom when playing some Mercyful Fate while borrowing her car (I was 16)- she said 'oh my god, what's that!' like she really beleived there was a devil ! hehe
Narg n Lamb said:
but on the other hand, I fucking hate punks, cuz Green Day is probably the shitiest band on the planet....
Hm it´s post punk or neo punk or whatever, but you´re right, they suck donkey balls and 15-years-old groupies piss themself when they see them in TV singing American Idiot.
if u hate goths for listening to mainstream music then you are also a conformist for only likiong undergropund death metal. i dont like goths either, they are losers, but i do like slipknot and mainstream metal, if there is suck a thing, but i also like hardcore metal too. dont hate on slipknot because they are succesful.
Oook...well, it sounds to me like you guys just hate the "goth knock-offs" of today, not real goths. Who cares if it's the "goth attitude" you don't like. Anyone can have any kind of attitude that you may not like. I know, I don't like all these rebel-wanna bes who just go to Hot Topic to be cool and then call themselves goths, but I wouldn't go as far as saying I hate them. Some of them aren't even aware of what they're doing. Besides, anyone who's dumb enough to have to CLAIM that they're Goth, well that's proof right there that they're are not.
blakscorpion21 said:
if u hate goths for listening to mainstream music then you are also a conformist for only likiong undergropund death metal. i dont like goths either, they are losers, but i do like slipknot and mainstream metal, if there is suck a thing, but i also like hardcore metal too. dont hate on slipknot because they are succesful.

When they start writing music that requires more than slapping ass cheeks against a fretboard I'll stop hating them and you for liking them.
Not liking goths mean you don't like people that dress stupid.

Most people that listen to death metal listen to all kinds of 'music'.
Thraxz said:
When they start writing music that requires more than slapping ass cheeks against a fretboard I'll stop hating them and you for liking them.

still, id rather hear slapping asscheeks than vocals that sound like a dying buffalo and and guitar and drums that are so incoherent you cant tell one from the other.
blakscorpion21 said:
if u hate goths for listening to mainstream music then you are also a conformist for only likiong undergropund death metal. i dont like goths either, they are losers, but i do like slipknot and mainstream metal, if there is suck a thing, but i also like hardcore metal too. dont hate on slipknot because they are succesful.

whoa whoa whoa. lets not argue about what bands are good and what bands are bad. cough cough hardcoremetalsucks cough. im very open to all styles of metal.
blakscorpion21 said:
if u hate goths for listening to mainstream music then you are also a conformist for only likiong undergropund death metal. i dont like goths either, they are losers, but i do like slipknot and mainstream metal, if there is suck a thing, but i also like hardcore metal too. dont hate on slipknot because they are succesful.

How exactly does liking UNDERGROUND music make you a conformist? Also, I don't have any problem with Slipknot either (even though I don't really listen to them) but if your going to try and make a rebellious statement then Slipknot isn't really the right band to be doing so.
I actually like some Slipknot songs, and anyone who has seen me post in the np thread should be able to deduce that I am not a mainstream mall-metal-head. I think blackscorpion21 is referring to underground fanboys that read Pit magazine and then brag about how tr00 and kvlt they are because they just shelled out $35 for a Kult Ov Azazel import CD.
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
Anyway I have had my fun and for the record I am a woman loving woman so don't go hating me ;).

Ohh you're a woman?? Okay, let's be friends! We can fight together against the misogyny that plagues this forum.
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
Anyway I have had my fun and for the record I am a woman loving woman so don't go hating me ;).

Loving women as in vagina love ?