
Susperia said:
I think you mean "vaginal".

No, he doesn't. I have to say that you have to be one of the most pretentious idiots on here besides him so you shouldn't be speaking up too loudly if you "think" he's messing up.
im just saying why dislike a band for being succesful? doeas that make their music any worse? look at slayer, they are succesful and they still kick ass. slipknot sounds motre like slayer than this underground death metal stuff. it is just incoherent noise but if u like that more power to ya, but i prefer to be able to hear a tune or beat underneath what is otherwise unorganized instrumental thrashing and animal sounds.
blakscorpion21 said:
im just saying why dislike a band for being succesful? doeas that make their music any worse? look at slayer, they are succesful and they still kick ass. slipknot sounds motre like slayer than this underground death metal stuff. it is just incoherent noise but if u like that more power to ya, but i prefer to be able to hear a tune or beat underneath what is otherwise unorganized instrumental thrashing and animal sounds.

Underground death metal? Incoherent noise? What bands are you talking about here?
He has not heard any good death metal because slipknot has no musical equivalence at all. Most beginners can write music like slipknot when 10 years old.

If his user names indicates he's 21 & he keeps talking about slipknot something is wrong.
Thraxz said:
No, he doesn't. I have to say that you have to be one of the most pretentious idiots on here besides him so you shouldn't be speaking up too loudly if you "think" he's messing up.

I was just joking. A lot of what I say in general is tongue-in-cheek.
As was I... with virtually everything I post on this n00b infected forum.

I stopped caring about ... 8 months ago.
actuaklly i am 18, i dont talk about slipknot that much but i hate people disliking them cause they are mainstream thats all. soem death metal is ok as long as the vocals are not grunting cow sounds, i dont want to hear that shit. like the dimmu borgir song progencies of the apacolypse or whatever, i really get into the song(love the orchestra music) but when that no talent hack vocalist opens his mouth i just get turned away. it just plain sucks. and other death metal like cannibal corpse is absolute crap, vocals and instrumentals. meand my friend make fun of them because they suck so bad, lyrically as well. point me to some "good" death metal( if there is such a thing) and maybe i will change my mind.
Susperia said:
Ohh you're a woman?? Okay, let's be friends! We can fight together against the misogyny that plagues this forum.

Yes lets! We can whinge and bitch about how little respect we get (why on earth don't we get respect?)

The Greys said:
Loving women as in vagina love ?

Haha. Generally, no (with some exceptions which I won't pleasure you with by discussing).
blakscorpion21 said:
actuaklly i am 18, i dont talk about slipknot that much but i hate people disliking them cause they are mainstream thats all. soem death metal is ok as long as the vocals are not grunting cow sounds, i dont want to hear that shit. like the dimmu borgir song progencies of the apacolypse or whatever, i really get into the song(love the orchestra music) but when that no talent hack vocalist opens his mouth i just get turned away. it just plain sucks. and other death metal like cannibal corpse is absolute crap, vocals and instrumentals. meand my friend make fun of them because they suck so bad, lyrically as well. point me to some "good" death metal( if there is such a thing) and maybe i will change my mind.
fuck off to a different forum then.

Anyway, if vocals are instruments, what do you call that cacophony that spews from the Slipknot vocalist? I think you'll find most people actually hate them because they think their music is shit. The fact that they are 'mainstream' might make people more bitter about it, but it's not the reason people think they suck.
blakscorpion21 said:
actuaklly i am 18, i dont talk about slipknot that much but i hate people disliking them cause they are mainstream thats all. soem death metal is ok as long as the vocals are not grunting cow sounds, i dont want to hear that shit. like the dimmu borgir song progencies of the apacolypse or whatever, i really get into the song(love the orchestra music) but when that no talent hack vocalist opens his mouth i just get turned away. it just plain sucks. and other death metal like cannibal corpse is absolute crap, vocals and instrumentals. meand my friend make fun of them because they suck so bad, lyrically as well. point me to some "good" death metal( if there is such a thing) and maybe i will change my mind.

You try shrieking out some good sounding Black Metal vocals or spewing forth some low growls and see how "talentless" it is. Corey Taylor (or whatever the hell his name is) sings flat and his screams sound "artificial" on all the music I've heard from them. I've heard he is not even able to maintain his vocal endurance when they play live, how pathetic is that? Their drummer sounds like he is the only musically competant person in the band but he's nothing great, average to say the least.

I'm not a big fan of Cannibal Corpse but saying their musicianship is worse then Slipknot is pretty ignorant...maybe you should learn to play an instrument.

Edit: By the way, Progenies of the Great Apocalypse isn't a good song to begin with.
blakscorpion21 said:
actuaklly i am 18, i dont talk about slipknot that much but i hate people disliking them cause they are mainstream thats all. soem death metal is ok as long as the vocals are not grunting cow sounds, i dont want to hear that shit. like the dimmu borgir song progencies of the apacolypse or whatever, i really get into the song(love the orchestra music) but when that no talent hack vocalist opens his mouth i just get turned away. it just plain sucks. and other death metal like cannibal corpse is absolute crap, vocals and instrumentals. meand my friend make fun of them because they suck so bad, lyrically as well. point me to some "good" death metal( if there is such a thing) and maybe i will change my mind.

Well I can agree with you on one thing, Cannibal Corpse sucks.
blakscorpion21 said:
actuaklly i am 18, i dont talk about slipknot that much but i hate people disliking them cause they are mainstream thats all. soem death metal is ok as long as the vocals are not grunting cow sounds, i dont want to hear that shit. like the dimmu borgir song progencies of the apacolypse or whatever, i really get into the song(love the orchestra music) but when that no talent hack vocalist opens his mouth i just get turned away. it just plain sucks. and other death metal like cannibal corpse is absolute crap, vocals and instrumentals. meand my friend make fun of them because they suck so bad, lyrically as well. point me to some "good" death metal( if there is such a thing) and maybe i will change my mind.

fuck off to a different forum then.

blakscorpion21 said:
actuaklly i am 18, i dont talk about slipknot that much but i hate people disliking them cause they are mainstream thats all. soem death metal is ok as long as the vocals are not grunting cow sounds, i dont want to hear that shit. like the dimmu borgir song progencies of the apacolypse or whatever, i really get into the song(love the orchestra music) but when that no talent hack vocalist opens his mouth i just get turned away. it just plain sucks. and other death metal like cannibal corpse is absolute crap, vocals and instrumentals. meand my friend make fun of them because they suck so bad, lyrically as well. point me to some "good" death metal( if there is such a thing) and maybe i will change my mind.

Will do. After all, what you think of death metal is of great importance to me. Perish the thought that a person displaying your discerning taste and cultural influence may dislike it and further marginalize it, as your opinions hold such sway. Please, o' Illuminated One, "change your mind!"
Demiurge said:
Will do. After all, what you think of death metal is of great importance to me. Perish the thought that a person displaying your discerning taste and cultural influence may dislike it and further marginalize it, as your opinions hold such sway. Please, o' Illuminated One, "change your mind!"

i just asked you to show me some dm that doesnt suck ass.
ProjectedBlack said:
You try shrieking out some good sounding Black Metal vocals or spewing forth some low growls and see how "talentless" it is. Corey Taylor (or whatever the hell his name is) sings flat and his screams sound "artificial" on all the music I've heard from them. I've heard he is not even able to maintain his vocal endurance when they play live, how pathetic is that? Their drummer sounds like he is the only musically competant person in the band but he's nothing great, average to say the least.

I'm not a big fan of Cannibal Corpse but saying their musicianship is worse then Slipknot is pretty ignorant...maybe you should learn to play an instrument.

Edit: By the way, Progenies of the Great Apocalypse isn't a good song to begin with.

if i were a castrated farie i could shreik like those dm fags but fortunatley i have testicles and can not sing that high. and anyone can sit ther and grunt lyrics, its not hard. why even write lyrics if all you hear is gruuuuhhhggrruuhh.
because if the lyrics were understandable people would realize how stupid they are. corey taylor can sing, something none of theese dm people can do. its easy to keep up endurance when all you spew is incoherrent babble. i have yet to hear dm with any kind of rythym or melody, just noise.