It really made me hate my 2 guitars w/o the big block, tone wise.
I have chocks of wood blocking my trem as I rarely use it, just wondering if I got a brass block and chocked it would it be pointless or would it enhance the sustain? Probably a question for a physicist but wondering if anyone's done it and noticed a difference.
They make a big brass block for strats and they have a bridge that does not typically float
Yeah though the sustain block in the strat trem isn't connecting with the body. It's still sitting in free air right?
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Have any of you ever played the Kevin Bond rhoads model? I think it started selling around the same time the RR24 did? I love the bright/neon-ish green bevels (it also comes in red), but the main reason it intrigues me is that it's made of Mahogany. Pretty much all RR's are alder/maple , and normally I'd have to get a LP or Explorer or some kind of stratshaped guitar to have Mahog.
Have any of you ever played the Kevin Bond rhoads model? I think it started selling around the same time the RR24 did? I love the bright/neon-ish green bevels (it also comes in red), but the main reason it intrigues me is that it's made of Mahogany. Pretty much all RR's are alder/maple , and normally I'd have to get a LP or Explorer or some kind of stratshaped guitar to have Mahog.