Pro Evolution Fucker
Alright, my meters are working fine, Jevil's meters are off.
Not really, I know what is happening.
I always check levels using Equal-loudness contour.
Without the loudness contour all ahjteam are leveled as -18 RMS db. So my meters are correct, but we are talking about 2 different standards for the same purpose.
This is a pic of what I'm talking with the original D sample (NOT the -18db)

Okey, but whic standard is better to measure and adjust RMS Loudness?
With Equal Loudness Contour or without Equal Loudness Contour?
I was said to do With Equal Loudness Contour, and SForge is by default activated.
Why is better Equal Loudness? Because is weighted for the human hearing.
So many tracks adjusted to the same level with this method will sound the same volume for the hearing.
If I do a compilation with a Rainbow song from 1975 and next song is Dimmu Burguer, both will sound at the same volume to my hearing if normalized by Equal Loudness. With the standard method you probably will need to turn down the volume in your hifi.
I thought you were normalizing that way.
Here is info:
And here:
My job is connected to hi quality Sound Level Meters related to Health and Safety. I would like to give a better explanation, but english is not my mother tongue and I find it hard to give an precise explanation.
Well, anyway, as I said before, that's not the matter of the contest.
The show must go on.
Sorry for the speech I didn't want to spoil nobody's fun.