hair thread

oceanqueen44 said:
I had really long hair until the summer when I decided to get it cut... I got it cut up to my shoulders and do NOT regret it!!!

Really? I envy you! What a courage. Do you miss it so much?

Tut Ankh Amon said:
@patty and fernanda: you know you're gonna have to face the ogre if any of you cut your hairs, right?

No prob. I am about 690km far :heh:
And do not touch Patty! hehe
i got a haircut the other day. i only did it because i have to be in my brother's wedding next weekend. but the hair lady said that when it grows back out, which wont take long because she didnt cut that much off:kickass:, that itll grow out much thicker and fuller:kickass:
Kuvasz said:
Hey, Ana, don't complain 'cuz your hair is soft, shiny and don't have double tips. :)
off course it had double tips!! I think that's the reason it is always at the sime size.. I have the habit of geting off the double tips... a really bad habit! hehe