Have metalcore and deathcore gone beyond death metal?

metalheads are such fucking retards and so easy to troll lol. good job op

I think its funny when someone has an out of the norm thought on metal people automatically asume they're trolling. I was asking a serious question. People just don't want to talk metal they spend all their time praising and worshipping the same 5 bands for hours and hours and as soon as someone comes along and upsets the balance they get all butthurty and call you a troll.
I thought this was an open forum for open discussion of metal?
Personally, I think you are wrong. Nearly wrong on every stated account actually. Now, I can go into a long diatribe about why I think you are misinformed, but frankly I have reasons to believe it wouldn't do anything (and frankly I feel it wouldn't be worth it).

In all actuality, I'm going to suggest no one talk to you because of these simple reasons:

Ancient said:
1. Songs with nothing but blast beats and random guitar wanking. Fresh?

2. Practically all old school DM all sounds the same to me I don't even waste my fucking time with it and niether[sic] should you.

3.People just see the genre label and don't even give it a chance.

Your statements are entirely contradictory and hypocritical from your own stated sentiments. Not only can you not recognize one of the fundamental playing styles of the own genre of music you are defending (point 1), you demand respect for said genre by trying to come up with a faux-legitimate premise while simultaneously discrediting another genre (with an ad hominem - point 2). Then, you whine about no one giving your preferred genre of music a chance (point 3); how ironic.

Good luck trying to have an earnest discussion when you can't even form a cogent argument. Perhaps someone should point out the concept of subjectivity to you, maybe then you won't come off as a fool.

Mods, please close this thread.
A successful troll is actually able to conceal their trolldom, and play the delicate cat and mouse game that trolling requires. You push your victims hand till they get tired and become flustered.

This was just pathetic and obvious.
Death metal these days has gotten dry and stale. The old school bands are on their way out the door the only people who listen to them anymore are the hardcore fans. Deathcore and metalcore are simply reviving the old style and making it fresher imo I don't understand why people can't be more open minded and accept newer genres of music.

How many bands can remake the same record over and over again? I just wanna know what you guys think. I'll probably get a ton of hate for this but whatever fuck it.

Solution: stick with the classics. Barely any throwback old school death metal bands are even worth a damn anyway. Deathcore is basically the biggest disgrace on not only metal but music in general. I don't accept it because it sucks to the highest degree imaginable and would rather listen to someone repeatedly hitting a concrete wall with a sledge hammer than do my ears a disservice by listening to deathcore. I consider myself very open minded but it is simply awful fucking music.
A successful troll is actually able to conceal their trolldom, and play the delicate cat and mouse game that trolling requires. You push your victims hand till they get tired and become flustered.

This was just pathetic and obvious.

And yet you responded. He's no master like RandyMOSS but imo there's something badass about trolling openly like that and yet still getting idiots to go for it. Like telling a girl you just met to make you a sammich and she still sleeps with you.
Oh lord I knew I shouldn't have entered this thread.

No, death metal is fucking great and the OP is a closet gay. But there are select few metalcore/deathcore bands that are pretty fun. Mindless, rabid core hate is almost as gay as this thread (protip: that's a lot of gay).
And yet you responded. He's no master like RandyMOSS but imo there's something badass about trolling openly like that and yet still getting idiots to go for it. Like telling a girl you just met to make you a sammich and she still sleeps with you.

Stop trying to troll me WAIF. Now go sexually harass V5 and tell him to get me mod status.
-WCannibal made me lol.

Technically I think Ancient is right, Deathcore has become more "brutal" as in it has become more extreme. Faster tempos, more extreme vocals, shit like that. Alot of it is just production, Ancient has never seen a real death metal band live. On whole though deathcore is not better than death metal. The only band I've personally thought made as good of riffs as Morbid Angel was TBDM only because they're really catchy. Some deathcore bands occasionally make a really good song, but mostly they're quite mediocre. They aren't bad, but being original would help a lot of them sound better, instead they follow the lame breakdown/technical/breakdown/solo/breakdown/technical/more breakdown formula for their songs. This might make more noise than some deathmetal bands, but they are not more "brutal".
There are bands like "I declare war" and "disfiguring the goddess" which makes brutal as fuck music even if it's deathcore, but they are barely deathcore. They use breakdowns like they're meant to be used, as a technique of guitar not the sole purpose of the guitar.
All in all Ancient is right in his own way, deathcore is more extreme, but not more brutal than death metal.

ps The more you talk about him being a troll the more he's going to do shit like this. Don't pay attention to the troll and it will go away.
There is no way in hell that Deathcore is more extreme then Death Metal. If you believe that then you know absolutely nothing about what makes an album heavy, brutal, and extreme.

I Declare War and Disfiguring the Goddess are deathcore bands that are influenced by some slam. IDW is ok, DTG blows.
Practically all old school DM all sounds the same to me I don't even waste my fucking time with it and niether should you.

Oh dear lord. I don't even know where to start. You must be trolling for a reaction here, old-school death metal is some of the finest metal ever created. There is a huge amount of variation between bands. Take Morbid Angel and Death for instance, two famous pioneers of the genre, their early albums are very different in style. Someone else with more time and energy can go further and break it down for you.

But this is irrelevant, since Ancient is clearly bored and wanting to incite a bunch of flaming from a forum...
There is no way in hell that Deathcore is more extreme then Death Metal. If you believe that then you know absolutely nothing about what makes an album heavy, brutal, and extreme.

I Declare War and Disfiguring the Goddess are deathcore bands that are influenced by some slam. IDW is ok, DTG blows.

You're confusing high quality with brutality. I personally think some hardcore/deathcore/metalcore is much heavier than most metal, but it doesn't make it good.