HOLY SHIT!!! This is ridiculous!

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.

How could anyone let themselves get like that even before killing themselves??? She deserved to die...or probably was better off.

yeah, someone passed me that link too. I feel no sorrow for that person. If you have to be surgically removed from your couch, you deserve to die.

only in america......*mutters*
no, I've known several women that were around that height (some shorter) that were just short people. Midgets and dwarves usually have a different bone structure. I'm not saying she wasn't, I didn't click on the link (I'm not in the mood to be disgusted), I'm just saying that she wasn't necessarily a midget at that height.
Donna Simpson, from New Jersey, weighs 600lbs but told the Daily Mail newspaper she had her heart set on reaching her goal weight of 1000lb (450kg) in two years.


The 42-year-old already holds the title of the world's fattest mother after giving birth to her daughter in 2007 when she weighed 520lbs.

"I'd love to be 1000lb ... it might be hard though, running after my daughter keeps my weight down," Ms Simpson told the Daily Mail.

Ms Simpson, who needs a mobility scooter to go shopping, eats huge amounts of junk food each week and tries to move as little as possible so she doesn't burn off as many calories.

"I do love cakes and sweet things, doughnuts are my favourite," she said.

Ms Simpson said she also loved eating sushi and would often eat 70 big pieces in one go.

Her 49-year-old partner Philippe — who she met on a dating site for plus-size people — was encouraging her to reach her goal, she said.

"I think he'd like it if I was bigger ... he's a real belly man and completely supports me," she said.

To put on enough weight, Ms Simpson will need to eat 12,000 calories a day, which is six times the recommended daily intake for women.

In order to pay for the enormous amounts of food she is eating — her weekly grocery bill is $815 — Ms Simpson makes money by running a website where men pay to watch her consume fast food.
Donna Simpson, from New Jersey, weighs 600lbs but told the Daily Mail newspaper she had her heart set on reaching her goal weight of 1000lb (450kg) in two years.

I'm pretty sure the heart isn't agreeing with what the brain is telling it in this case.
Donna Simpson, from New Jersey, weighs 600lbs but told the Daily Mail newspaper she had her heart set on reaching her goal weight of 1000lb (450kg) in two years.


The 42-year-old already holds the title of the world's fattest mother after giving birth to her daughter in 2007 when she weighed 520lbs.

"I'd love to be 1000lb ... it might be hard though, running after my daughter keeps my weight down," Ms Simpson told the Daily Mail.

Ms Simpson, who needs a mobility scooter to go shopping, eats huge amounts of junk food each week and tries to move as little as possible so she doesn't burn off as many calories.

"I do love cakes and sweet things, doughnuts are my favourite," she said.

Ms Simpson said she also loved eating sushi and would often eat 70 big pieces in one go.

Her 49-year-old partner Philippe — who she met on a dating site for plus-size people — was encouraging her to reach her goal, she said.

"I think he'd like it if I was bigger ... he's a real belly man and completely supports me," she said.

To put on enough weight, Ms Simpson will need to eat 12,000 calories a day, which is six times the recommended daily intake for women.

In order to pay for the enormous amounts of food she is eating — her weekly grocery bill is $815 — Ms Simpson makes money by running a website where men pay to watch her consume fast food.

Her pants are funny-lookin'

Man, every time you think you've seen it all... what gets me most is the guys paying to watch her shove Big Macs down her throat on webcam, enabling her to keep striving for her goal weight... o_O

Just think of what she could do with the surplus if she cut the food budget in half!
NANUET, N.Y. - A 290-pound New York man is steaming mad at the White Castle fast-food chain, which he claims repeatedly broke promises to make the booths in his local eatery bigger.

Martin Kessman, 64, filed a lawsuit against the fast-food giant last week in Manhattan federal court, claiming that the uncomfortable booths violate the civil rights of fat people.

Kessman's lawsuit came more than two years after he complained to White Castle about the size of the booths at the Nanuet, N.Y., eatery and reportedly received a pledge that renovations would be carried out to cater for larger customers.

"They sent me specs and everything, about how the booths were going to be enlarged and made comfortable for people with a little more weight. So two and a half years went by, and nothing was done," he told the NY Post , adding that he has no problem finding a place to take a load off at other fast-food places and fits easily into airline seats.

The Americans with Disabilities Act is "applicable -- not only to me, but to pregnant women and to handicapped people," according to Kessman, who is suing for bigger chairs and unspecified damages. "I just want to sit down like a normal person."