HOLY SHIT!!! This is ridiculous!

just out of curiosity could you describe maybe a weekly "routine" menu planning on that low carb thing? I've been meaning to do that for a while but somehow my imagination does not extend beyond two days as to what I would actually EAT.
What was the diet that was somewhat popular in the mid to late 90s? It wasn't Adkins. Something else. Supposed to be for athletes. Anyway...I tried it for a few months. I couldn't handle it.
Oh, hahaha I tried being a vegetarian for awhile too.
just out of curiosity could you describe maybe a weekly "routine" menu planning on that low carb thing? I've been meaning to do that for a while but somehow my imagination does not extend beyond two days as to what I would actually EAT.

Eating just protein seems like it would be kinda bad for you.
Eating just protein seems like it would be kinda bad for you.

yeah it's not just protein, it's mostly fat, some protein and a low amount of carbs (its not "no carb" its "low carb")

just out of curiosity could you describe maybe a weekly "routine" menu planning on that low carb thing? I've been meaning to do that for a while but somehow my imagination does not extend beyond two days as to what I would actually EAT.
breakfast: scrambled eggs (i like to put grated cheese in there) and a packet of bacon (140 g in sweden). sausages, a tomato or some mushrooms if youre feelin especially luxurious.

if youre tired of hot breakfast then the fattiest yoghurt with some good nuts and seeds (sunflower seeds, linseed, macadamia nuts, walnuts etc.)

for sammiches you can make some pretty nice "bread" based on eggs, cream cheese and various seeds and nuts. ya can look up recipes on the webz. some things you can bake with almond flour, almonds are really healthy.

lunch/dinner: any meat, fish or seafood with a rich, butter/cream/oil-based sauce and veggies. sorry you gotta use your imagination. instead of potatoes/pasta/rice you can do a lot of stuff with cauliflower, mashed cauliflower is almost exactly like mashed potatoes but even better. you can roast it in the oven too. broccoli too but i like cauliflower better.

i don't know i mean it's not really rocket science, all you do is you always use the fattiest version of everything, NEVER EVER any margarine or light/diet products, and change all your pasta/rice/potatoes to veggies. the hardest thing for most peeps is usually giving up bread.

SOMETHING I LIKE TO DO is chili with lots of chili and meat in it (get the fattiest minced meat, unfortunately there's nothing above 15% fat in stores nowadays) BUT be sure to use soybeans! soybeans are by far the best beans nutrition-wise. white beans, kidney beans, black-eye beans and the other usual kinds actually have rather a lot of carbs in them. soy beans are great stuff

snacks: if i get hungry between meals i like to eat some cheese or nice salamis. babybel cheese works if you gotta buy somethin in a hurry or some nuts. avocados are great, olives too

drinks: water, always. when you wanna get hammered, either red wine or hard liquor. beer has a lot of maltose in it so it's technically not allowed but I DONT CARE BECAUSE BEER RULZ DA WORLD


BE SURE TO USE OLIVE OIL OR RAPESEED OIL (don't use sunflower or corn oil etc, they are not good for you. too much omega-6)
i recommend everyone with 1½ hours of their life to spare to watch this btw

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thank you for saving my life. I'm already on the right tracks breakfast-wise :cool: and I use olive and rapeseed oil exclusively (and sometimes walnut oil for salad dressing)

I'll draw up a plan starting next week and keep you folks posted.
Now, with this mega-large folks, I agree, you would have to monitor the insulin spiking/glycemic index/carbs blahblahblah of their food intake so they don't, well, die.

Not even the MEGA large. If you're obese (and by American standards, that's pretty easy considering the BMI ratios), your body is used to consuming absolute SHIT and your fat cells are actually impacted and effected by years of abuse.

You probably haven't had weight problems (fuck I don't know, nor care), but for those that struggle, there is a reason. And it's not summed up by lowering calorie intake. That's fact bro. Your fat cells are actually tainted and retain more by the user being a complete dullard.

I should know. I watched a documentary about this. :p
just out of curiosity could you describe maybe a weekly "routine" menu planning on that low carb thing? I've been meaning to do that for a while but somehow my imagination does not extend beyond two days as to what I would actually EAT.

Eat fruits, vegetables, and dead animals. Stay away from the middle isles of the grocery store.
Not even the MEGA large. If you're obese (and by American standards, that's pretty easy considering the BMI ratios), your body is used to consuming absolute SHIT and your fat cells are actually impacted and effected by years of abuse.

You probably haven't had weight problems (fuck I don't know, nor care), but for those that struggle, there is a reason. And it's not summed up by lowering calorie intake. That's fact bro. Your fat cells are actually tainted and retain more by the user being a complete dullard.

I should know. I watched a documentary about this. :p

You're very gullible or overly-kind-hearted if you really believe that 90% of very-overweight people have some sort of non-mental problem that makes them that way. It is summed up by diet and excessive, physically. Now if you are mentally screwed up (anorexia, bulimia, addicted to food, etc. etc.) , than you have to do something about that as well, but that's an entirely different subject.

It is definitely a fact that in the vast majority of human beings, if you eat less shit and exercise more, you will equalize your wait (at least to a much, much, much better degree than if you where too keep up the bad habits).

You're talking about special cases that people cling to when they don't want to just get some discipline and loose some weight.