HOLY SHIT!!! This is ridiculous!

what I don't understand about people who are morbidly overweight is what's the thought process when you lets say hit 300lbs and you are 5'6" ... what makes you say, more more.
also what winners are surrounding you that just let this happen and go along with it without any intervention.

it doesn't happen overnight.
I work with a guy who is at least 150 lbs overweight. If I can borrow a term from Derick, this poor "shmoe" has two bad knees, an ailing back, diabetes, and asthma so bad he loses his breath by merely speaking. Yet the bloke has no self control. I've seen this dude literally pull a jelly fill out of his inner jacket packet. He will not be denied!
Ridiculous. Losing weight isn't even that hard if you have half an ounce of discipline.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not some super-lean-awesome-guy, but this isn't about being overweight, this is about being on-the-verge-of-death and not being able to DO STUFF. Sheesh. Like lurch says, this takes a LONG LONG time. I'm trying to go from 185 to 200 pounds and I literally eat everything in sight all god damn day long, but since I do a bit of exercise it is still difficult to gain weight. I guess there is a 'point of no return' perhaps where it's almost impossible to reverse this sort of thing, but shit, it's not like that happens overnight.

On the other hand I'm sure in a lot of cases there are mental/physical things that I can't comprehend that lend themselves towards this, but I still think in most cases they are not completely inhibiting. It just takes more effort, and more discipline. I have asthma and still have to pass my physical fitness tests for work and you don't hear me complaining (that's a complete lie, I bitch like a school girl).

Now about the chick that is actively trying to be like this...I don't even know.

It's not even that simple. It all depends on the type of calories you're consuming. With the way the food pyramid is set up, you need a fuck ton of bread, which breaks down in your body as sugar. ......and I just got too bored to explain the rest of the concept.

Lipid Hypothesis is bologna!!!
It's not even that simple. It all depends on the type of calories you're consuming. With the way the food pyramid is set up, you need a fuck ton of bread, which breaks down in your body as sugar. ......and I just got too bored to explain the rest of the concept.

Lipid Hypothesis is bologna!!!

No, it is that simple. I've done it multiple times. Eat less than you eat right now (without starving yourself) + workout more (and put effort into it) = you WILL loose weight. OF COURSE there are more scientific/complicated/etc. ways to diet than that, that perhaps work faster, but they aren't needed if you just put some effort in. In fact if you eat the same as you do right now but workout hard you will loose weight. Or, you will loose fat, perhaps gaining some good weight in the meantime if you are lifting and not just doing cardio, but if you don't like that you're a girl.

Also LOL@ basing athletic nutrition off the fucking food pyramid. And as for bread, insulin spiking, etc. etc. is not a necessary thing for people to complicate themselves with if they are just trying to loose some weight for everyday life. Now, with this mega-large folks, I agree, you would have to monitor the insulin spiking/glycemic index/carbs blahblahblah of their food intake so they don't, well, die.
Ridiculous. Losing weight isn't even that hard if you have half an ounce of discipline.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not some super-lean-awesome-guy, but this isn't about being overweight, this is about being on-the-verge-of-death and not being able to DO STUFF. Sheesh. Like lurch says, this takes a LONG LONG time. I'm trying to go from 185 to 200 pounds and I literally eat everything in sight all god damn day long, but since I do a bit of exercise it is still difficult to gain weight. I guess there is a 'point of no return' perhaps where it's almost impossible to reverse this sort of thing, but shit, it's not like that happens overnight..

Gaining weight is indeed hard as shit (especially with empty cupboards). I was 6ft 120+lbs all through high school. If a gust a wind came through the H.S Courtyard, my t-shirt would tether around me. It really fucked with my psyche up to this day. Right around my 18th birthday I started eating like a sumo wrestler and doing simple novice compound lifts that kiddies love to do, put on 80lbs of bulk that year alone. Dropping weight is ass fuck retarded easy.
losing weight is not hard, all you do is not eat carbs. that is LITERALLY all there is to it. you don't need to exercise, you don't need to eat less, you can eat more if you like, this is not a problem as long as you completely stay away from sugar and starch

"but sugar and starch comprise 90% of my diet :("

yeah i know
losing weight is not hard, all you do is not eat carbs. that is LITERALLY all there is to it. you don't need to exercise, you don't need to eat less, you can eat more if you like, this is not a problem as long as you completely stay away from sugar and starch

"but sugar and starch comprise 90% of my diet :("

yeah i know

Yup, I went on the Paleo diet and went from 210 to 183 in 2 months. I ate as much and as often as I liked and that is A LOT.

Though I don't believe all (or, I pretty much don't believe any) of the arguments the Paleo-diet-Crossfit-cult uses, it sure is great for weight-loss.
i think some of the paleo diet is bullshit since it encourages eating fruits and berries, which are basically just sugar, and eating sugar means you're going to be producing insulin which means you're going to store new body fat and not burn whatever body fat you already have. but the general idea is sound and i'm not gonna say that eating a sane amount of fruits and berries is going to make folks fat by itself.

there's a really popular swedish thing called lchf (low carb high fat) which is a variation on the atkins diet, it basically means you get all-you-can-eat of all meat/fish/seafood, butter/olive oil/rapeseed oil, eggs, all above-ground veggies, etc. no sugar, pasta, rice, fruit, potatoes, etc. generally a maximum of 10% carbs. it WORKS, folks

don't eat carbs and you won't get fat. also your brain will be clearer and your blood sugar levels will level out so you won't feel as hungry/tired at intervals throughout the day
I have trouble keeping my blood glucose levels up. It's peculiar. Most people have the opposite problem. It's related to my diet and my genetic (probably) predisposition to produce loads of insulin. If I eat just proteins and fats, I don't feel sated....so I eat some sugar....and then my blood sugar bottoms out shortly thereafter. I can't win. I have to eat almost constantly. I am not fat by any means and have been able to maintain the muscle mass I acquired 15 years ago without any work whatsoever. If it wasn't for my fucked up pancreas, I've always thought I might've been actually good at something....like collegiate-level sports maybe, instead of fizzing out in high school.
Oh, and synthesizing glucose from fat requires energy. Consuming plain ol' glucose takes almost no energy at all.

Oh, and synthesizing glucose from fat requires energy. Consuming plain ol' glucose takes almost no energy at all.

but consuming glucose will make you fat and tired, in addition to powering your brain

if you eat a lot of fat you will have energy to spare, fat contains twice as much energy per gram compared to carbohydrates

just the thought of that makes me tired. In other words, no.
well there you have it then. you may continue eating a bunch of sugar but don't complain there's not a solution to your problem because there probably is and it is probably simple
I don't know why this hasn't come up yet: WHY THE CRAP ARE YOU DIETING ERIK?! Or are you just staying low carb for healths sake?
i'm doing neither, i just like to stay informed about shit

i did do the low carb thing for a while and it really helped with my tiredness/lack of energy, my stomach felt better, and i also lost some weight (not that i need to, but it happened anyway)

probably going to start doing it again but not 100% strict probably