How big is your CD collection

Originally posted by Furious B
A little over 100 originals and around 30 burned. :)

30 burned eh? You almost sound proud of that. I dunno what you do for a living you little shit, but how would you like it if you never got paid for whatever it is you do? Every time you burn a CD that's exactly what you're doing to the artist. ROBBING them of their rightful income. FUCK YOU and all of your ilk, you make me sick!
Originally posted by NeXTLiFE
30 burned eh? You almost sound proud of that. I dunno what you do for a living you little shit, but how would you like it if you never got paid for whatever it is you do? Every time you burn a CD that's exactly what you're doing to the artist. ROBBING them of their rightful income. FUCK YOU and all of your ilk, you make me sick!

shut up, you're dumb... if they don't like it fuck 'em... Ill burn their cds just to piss them off.
I agree to Nextlife´s comment. Think about it, not paying for good work is not fair. We all wanna get paid for what we do. I think ruining a branch on the back of talented musicians is really not the way to show protest against high prices for CDs.
Originally posted by 5BillionDead
shut up, you're dumb... if they don't like it fuck 'em... Ill burn their cds just to piss them off.

Whoa there!! The mind boggles at such a compelling argument! Be careful not to hurt yourself. Leave the "thought process" to those who actually HAVE a brain. Meanwhile, you just go "play" lil fella...momma will call when dinner is ready.

Originally posted by Furious B
Isn't that the purpose?

What? To make me sick? Or to rob the people you CLAIM to support and CLAIM to be a fan of? The best and most talented musicians in the world are, without doubt, those in the METAL genre. The very same genre that struggles to get airplay and big contracts and relies HEAVILY on the integrity of its fans to keep it alive. And it's dip-shits (prolly like YOU, and your banal buddy 5BillionDead, actually) who whine and CRY when a band produces something slightly more "commercial" and actually gets a chance to MAKE a little money. Money they couldn't make by trying to please their metal "fans" who (in a small diseased minority, i hasten to add) are busy ripping their material off and remarking inane comments such as "Isn't that the purpose?"