How big is your Metal Cd collection?

I've said this many times before but I download as a tool to explore what music is out there and find bands that I would have never have even heard of. Listening to one song from an album hardly does anything to convince me to buy the album. If anything, downloading only increases my awareness and opens me up to new bands so therefore I am actually buying more cds in the process. 95% of the music I listen to I've discovered on my own through downloading. The only bands lose on my part are bands that I am only a casual fan of - without downloading I might have purchased their new album but at this point I don't care enough to so a downloaded copy is as much as I need. I really only care to buy albums that I really like, or from bands that I really enjoy. The albums I often want to buy are quite overpriced and almost impossible to obtain. I love collecting cds but if metal cds were cheaper and easy to obtain, I'd be buying a lot more.
same here.

i don't get all the hate about downloading. if you like the album you downloaded, then buy it!

Maybe 'cuz most people dont want to pay $15 for something that they already have.

(Sorry if my posts are not up to par. I have been away from a keyboard for three weeks)
This isn't a downloading in general issue at the moment. I don't care if you download music to see if you like it (though you should delete it once you decide that you want or don't want to buy it instead of continuing to listen to something that you don't have the right to listen to). This is a matter of what is considered in your possession, because this thread is about music collections. MP3s that you illegally downloaded are not part of your collection. MP3s that you LEGALLY downloaded are. I doubt that more than a small handful of people here actually regularly buy MP3s though, so it's not particularly relevant here. Just don't say "I have 50 gigabytes worth of music" alluding to your extensive midnight downloading sessions, because you don't own that, and therefore it's not part of your music collection.

Why does this need to be explained?
In the future this type of thought will be irrelevant. A music collection is a music collection. But I'll leave you alone on that.
Counting mp3's as part of a music collection is like saying you collect stamps but really only have a bunch of pictures of stamps on your pc.
Counting mp3's as part of a music collection is like saying you collect stamps but really only have a bunch of pictures of stamps on your pc.
mu·sic /ˈmyuzɪk/ Pronunciation[myoo-zik]
–noun art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
2.the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both.
3.musical work or compositions for singing or playing.

It doesn't matter what the medium is. Music is sound, not a stamp.

I don't see why theres such a backlash against downloading. It's basically the same thing as the old cassette swaps of the 80's, just on a larger scale.
I don't see why theres such a backlash against downloading. It's basically the same thing as the old cassette swaps of the 80's, just on a larger scale.

You are doing nothing to help keep the underground alive. It is really that simple.If you are sampling, then buying, fine. If you are downloading full albums with no intention to support the underground, fuck off.
I download full albums with intent to eventually purchase the ones I can find with simplicity/moderate difficulty. Everytime I go to the CD store, I basically drop all the money I have, yet I download all the fucking time. I don't think there's really anything wrong with that, since it's how I've been doing it for years...

I own upwards of 230 or 240 CDs and a bunch of tapes and a few LPs/etc. vinyls, so I consider myself a supporter of metal, definitely, but I also enjoy discovering new music without having to drop my minimum-wage-earned cash.

I highly disagree with mp3s being thought of as part of a collection. That is ridiculous.
dunno, maybe im an old man (29) stuck in his ways, but ive never downloaded an entire album, nor would i even know how. i still randomly buy an album if reviews make it sound like something i would like.

nowadays, people will download and then read reviews to see if they simply agree with it. read the Reviews section and you'll see what i mean.

i guess it comes down to whether you like saving a few bucks or like the element of surprise.

just two days ago i purchased an album ive never heard a note from, and im giddy with anticipation. id miss that feeling if i downloaded all the time

ive been doing that since the late 80s and ill stick with it. keeping things old school, you know.
Yeah, I like blind buys too, but only do it if the album is under 10 bucks and if I at least know SOMETHING about the band (have heard/seen their name somewhere, like on, or something). Also sometimes buy used things in stores just cuz they're cheap...did this with Acid King's it for 4 bucks. Love it. Great stoner doom.
~230 CDs, ~30 Cassettes, a handful of LPs and 7"s, ~500 CDRs, and 300-500 albums on my computer at any given time. Maybe 60%-70% of that is metal. Yeah, lots of CDRs but I buy most of my stuff used so it isn't like the bands are getting a lot of my money anyway. Most of my metal dollar goes to concerts.
Really no CDs. A lot of my stuff is downloaded or sent by friends, or purchased on iTunes. I just hate having to organize all of the CDs... just really annoys me.

However, I do own a few (a few!).

The entire Akercocke discography
The entire Kamelot discography
Katatonia - Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
Katatonia - Tonight's Decision
Norther - Mirror of Madness
Norther - Til Death Unites Us
Norther - Death Unlimited
Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
Within Temptation - Mother Earth
Within Temptation - The Heart of Everything
My Dying Bride - The Light at the End of the World
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Opeth - Orchid
Nachmystium - Instinct : Decay
Tyr - Ragnarok
Naglfar - Vitra
Naglfar - Pariah
The Wolves in the Throne Room discography
Decapitated - the Negation

That's from memory... I have more but I honestly can't be arsed into remember it now.