how did you discover Opeth?

Jude said:
I post a lot on Musicianforums and people on there are obsessed with Opeth, so I heard enough about them that their acoustic side intrigued me.

So do I. Whats your name?
Damnation -> and then "The Drapery Falls" got me into the heavier side of things. Life hasn't been the same since. Although I owned Ghost Reveries shortly before I saw them live for the first time, it was that performance which really cemented them to the top of my fave bands list.
thelordofcheesecake said:
Damnation -> and then "The Drapery Falls" got me into the heavier side of things. Life hasn't been the same since. Although I owned Ghost Reveries shortly before I saw them live for the first time, it was that performance which really cemented them to the top of my fave bands list.

yeah. A lot of times i'll kind of like a band and i'll goto their show and then get alot more into them.
I was watching Headbanger's Ball in 2003 and saw the video for "Windowpane". I was completely and utterly blown away at the level of talent. But I thought to myself, "Isn't this supposed to be a metal band?" I went and picked up Damnation thinking that maybe "Windowpane" was the only song like it on the album. I'll be honest - I was a little let down to not hear any metal songs, but I was just as blown away by the rest of the album as I initially was hearing "Windowpane" for the first time. Later on I saw Opeth interviewed on Uranium and it was stated that this album not only sounded different than any of the others, it didn't have any ten-plus minute songs like all of their previous albums did. Soon I picked up Deliverance at a Best Buy, played it, and when "Wreath" was playing I thought, "Oh my Fucking God!" A few months down the road I found Orchid, Morningrise, and My Arms, You're Hearse at a Tower Records. Then soon after that I found the deluxe edition of Blackwater Park on ebay. When I found out Ghost Reveries was being released in late August 2005, I waited with eager anticipation for it. I was not disapointed. I saw them at the Sounds of the Underground tour in Atlanta in July 2005, again in Atlanta in November 2005, and again coming up on the 18th of March in Little Rock!
Actually a kid moved to my town from Finland and I discovered he was a metalhead just like me. So, being disgustingly bored of American music I asked him to bring a few C.D.'s from his collection for me to try out. Along with bands such as Stamina and Sentenced, layed Blackwater Park. I gave it a listen and I have been hooked ever since.
lol oh I just realized not everyone is a you wouldnt post in the drum section...
I remember I was in my first year of high school and I had read the name Opeth many times on some prog sites, especially at this time since Deliverance had just come out (Fall 2002). So I downloaded (I know, I know) Bleak, Wreath, and Moonlapse Vertigo in that order. To be completely honest, I didn't "get it" right away since I had really only been listening to Pain of Salvation, Dream Theater, and Jethro Tull kind of stuff. So, I put them aside for awhile. In early 2003 I decided to give them another listen, and it finally clicked. I immediately purchased Blackwater Park and My Arms, Your Hearse (still a US original, surprisingly) since they were all my local shop had and listened to not much else for the remainder of the year. Purchased all other albums, saw them live twice, and my life has changed forever, surely for the better. I wish I could have discovered them sooner but now that I look back, discovering them at age 14 is still somewhat early :Spin: .
My roommate in college played me April Ethereal and When. I did not like death metal at all at this time. The heaviest vocals I enjoyed were Tom Araya and Phil Anelmo. What I liked about Mikael was I could actually make oput a lot of the words on the first time. It wasn't cookie monster. Over the next month we d\l'ed some more tracks. I fell in lov with the extremely unique sound of Orchid. Silhouette was only one instrument and it blew my mind. The first two mins of In The Mist She was Standing was so different than anything I had heard. A month ater we bought Blackwater Park as it came art. I also picked up MAYH the same day. The entire catalog was owned withing a year.

Opeth opened the gate for me into harsh vocals/death metal as much as Metallica opened the door for me into metal.

Chicago in 2 days.
When I was going to High School, I thought I was cool because I listened to Metallica, but one of my mates started listening to heavier stuff, and he wrote on a scraggly peice of paper to buy BlackWater Park. At that stage I hated 'cookie monster' vocals.

I bought....MTV Headbangers Ball (I think it was) a few years later, which had The Drapery Falls on it. It was one of my most favourite songs, but I never dissected it and never really listened to it like I used to with Metallica songs.

I dunno... all of a sudden here I am, living Opeth everyday. Listening to pure beauty when walking to work while the sun comes up on a brisk morning.

I love Opeth (and metal) so much, that if a girl said "Me or the metal", I'd pack her bags for her, and play Nile while she walks out :D Rarrr
I'm also a christian, and church family of mine look at me sideways when I wear my metal shirts to church.

I love Opeth.
I love metal.

I mourn for those who died, never acknowledging Opeth the way they should be. Not idolised, or 'hall of famed', but merely acknowledged.
3-4 years back I was looking for some new music to listen too on I somehow came across Still Life and listened to the sampler they had for The Moor. I kinda blew it off because obviously the first part of The Moor doesn't sound very metallish. Luckily, for some reason I decided to download the whole song and I listened to it and they have been by far my favorite band ever since.
I roleplay at a Star Wars board (I know...) and they are really into Metal over there and ended up introducing me to Opeth, among other bands like Nile, Amon Amarth, Dimmu Borgir (etc). Since then Opeth has become my favorite band and I have already been to 3 concerts by them :)
A Fair Judgment said:
I was watching Headbanger's Ball in 2003 and saw the video for "Windowpane".

I didn't even know there was a video for Windowpane. I'll have to look and see if anyone has uploaded it to Anyone know of a site that hosts the Opeth videos? I havent' seen the one from the new album either (can't remember which song they did it for).
I received a CD review copy of Blackwater Park, and at the same time a friend of mine was telling me that I had to check them out. We went to see them at Valentine's in Albany, NY around May of 2001 and I've been hooked ever since. BP and Damnation are my two favorite releases by them.