Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

OMG OMG OMG times a million, so incredible to hear all this buzz and get this news, as "unfulfilling" as it may be. Speaking of Russell Allen's sensuality on stage; yea, I had to have a cigarette after I saw him live in Atlanta, and I don't even smoke. LOL His vocals are so raw and passionate. Jeez...... And I will say again, PL is my favorite album of all time, from any band in existence. A lot of folks say they didn't like it that much, but I like the heavier stuff, and hope to hear more of it on "Iconoclast." When I read RA's description of the "theme" of this new CD, it was a little ironic to me, 'cause it sounds like the Star One CD "Victims of the Modern Age." It, too, is kinda themed on the Matrix/Terminator-type stuff. I for one am just happy our wait is almost over. This band is so awesome, I'd buy a CD of them covering nursery songs. Can you hear Russell growling out "Itsy Bitsy Spider?" LOL In all honesty I wish they'd do one on movie monsters and supernatural stuff. Wicked.......

If anyone hasn't seen it a new song performed by SX!!!
cant wait for the new album :D
When I read RA's description of the "theme" of this new CD, it was a little ironic to me, 'cause it sounds like the Star One CD "Victims of the Modern Age."

Similar idea, definitely. I was honestly really disappointed by that album. The first Star One album was phenomenal, and the live/cd dvd was one of the best of all time. Everyone seems to really like it though, I need to give it another shot.

And to get back on topic: I've been checking out these youtube videos and I absolutely love the new tracks. Still unsure about Dehumanize but End of Innocence and Prometheus are going to be amazing.
I was lucky enough to meet the band after the Sheffield show (which was awesome). All really friendly guys, happy to take pictures and chat!
LePond told me the reason for the two editions of the album is simply because double albums are less accessable and they wanted something for the more casual fan. He also told me they have a few lengthy songs, though no Odyssey =p He said they have a 10 min track, a 9 min and an 8 min :D
I asked Pinella if the rest of the album sounds like the 3 songs we've heard so far. He said it all sounds in the same vein, but there's not so much prog on this release :(
Totally psyched for this album!
I was lucky enough to meet the band after the Sheffield show (which was awesome). All really friendly guys, happy to take pictures and chat!
LePond told me the reason for the two editions of the album is simply because double albums are less accessable and they wanted something for the more casual fan. He also told me they have a few lengthy songs, though no Odyssey =p He said they have a 10 min track, a 9 min and an 8 min :D
I asked Pinella if the rest of the album sounds like the 3 songs we've heard so far. He said it all sounds in the same vein, but there's not so much prog on this release :(
Totally psyched for this album!

So my guess was right then! :P

I think the SE is the way the band intended the album to be. If the second CD was just bonus tracks it would make no sense to put two songs from the main album onto it and split it up into two CD's. If it was just about bonus tracks it would have made more sense for the SE to still only be one CD and add the bonus tracks to the end rather than have a whole second CD.

Basically, true SyX fans like us will want the SE because its the "true" full album. The regular version is for people who may hear a single from the album and are like "oh, never heard of these guys, pretty cool". Its for a more casual market. I am a little annoyed with the different covers though because I like them both in their own ways. The regular cover has more to look at and more interesting overall; however, the SE cover is awesome still with a more simple approach kind of way. Maybe the SE cover will just be a slipsleeve and the actual jewel case inside will be the regular edition cover? I can only hope..

On another note, hearing the above post about LePond saying the new album isn't very proggy scares me. I hope he is just meaning that it isn't super proggy like "Through the Looking Glass" or "Church of the Machine", and it still ends up at least having some small proggy moments throughout.
In Russ' interview (part 2 of interview @ 3:00) he mentions that they are looking into filming a DVD at a show with an orchestra in a nice theater somewhere, maybe in NYC. Looking into it maybe later this year...

Also, it sounds like they'll be touring again this fall.