In Flames song you don't like

Alright, it's been 8 years and we've had 3 new albums since then, so I'm reviving this thread for my own personal amusement :cool:

Lunar Strain: Lunar Strain

Subterranean: Subterranean

The Jester Race: Dead God in Me (that weird section in the middle ruins the song)

Whoracle: So difficult to pick. I guess the title track, but really I love every song on this album.

Colony: Resin - weirdly I've liked this song less and less as time goes on. Not sure why, something about it just bores me.

Clayman: Another Day in Quicksand - good song, but not on the same level as the others.

Reroute: Drifter

STYE: Bottled... obviously

Come Clarity: Scream.... obviously

ASOP: The Chosen Pessimist... obviously

SOAPF: All For Me

Siren Charms: So many to choose from... probably Everything's Gone. The fakest and most boring song on the record.

Battles: Underneath My Skin... one of the worst songs they've ever released. At least songs like Scream, TCP and All For Me have moments where they briefly sound okay. Even Bottled and Everything's Gone have a few seconds of decent music, but this... this is garbage from beginning to end. Not one redeeming thing across the entire song.

I, the Mask: In This Life. Easy. Awful song.
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Ok i will try

Luner strain - inside space

Subtaranian - everdying

Jester's Race - graveland

Whoracle - food of the gods

Colony - new words

Clay man - brush the dust away

Reroute to remain - dawn of the new Day

Soundtrack to an escape - friends

Come clarity - an infinite struggle

A sense of purpose - sober or irrelevant

Sounds of the playground fading - liberation

Siren's charms - filtering truth

Battles - i like sand

I'm a mask - all my pain
Lunar Strain: I guess "Everlost Pt. I"? I dunno, it's good, but I guess I like all of the rest of them better.
Subterranean: Don't think I have an answer for this one at the moment.
The Jester Race: "Dead God in Me"
Black Ash Inheritance: "Gyroscope"
Whoracle: Sorry, but "Gyroscope" again
Colony: "Resin"
Clayman: I guess "Strong and Smart".
Reroute To Remain: Easily "Black & White". Probably my least favorite IF song pre-ASoP
Trigger EP: N/A
Soundtrack To Your Escape: "Superhero of the Computer Rage"
Come Clarity: N/A
The Mirror's Truth EP: N/A
A Sense of Purpose: It's a tie between "Delight and Angers" and "Sober and Irrelevant"- At least the former is so awful I can laugh at it
Sounds of a Playground Fading: I guess I'd have to say "Jester's Door", but I still really like it.
Siren Charms: Currently "Dead Eyes" and "Filtered Truth"
Battles: Please, God, no. I can't answer this one because all of the ones I hate, I hate equally and with a fervor.
I, the Mask: "(This Is Our) House" is not just the worst thing that In Flames has put out, but it is actually an affront to the history of mankind.
Clayman 2020 EP: If "House" is an affront to mankind, then the four re-recordings make me completely doubt my faith, as I can actually cite them as proof that God isn't real. They are all fucking awful, and I can't pick which one is the shittiest of them all.
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Wait, bro, Gyroscope? Do you mean like, you don't like it or that it's just your least favourite from Whoracle? I need clarification immediately here :D

I actually dislike In This Life more than House just because House actually does have a few good things going on. Only briefly but there are some small mercies in that shitheap - it momentarily rips off a part of Square Nothing, for example, which isn't exactly a positive but at least sounds good. ITL just has nothing redeemable at all.
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"Gyroscope" is easily my least favorite from Whoracle, but that's pretty much just because of the vocals. Instrumentally, it's completely sound, but dear God, Anders sounds atrocious in it.

"House" has a nice hook, sure, but considering that it brought back those awful fucking choir chanting things, the sheer incoherence of its pieces that don't properly connect or transition into each other well at all, and the most extreme use of autotune on the album... I would actually rather be waterboarded and shot with multiple tasers than to have to listen to that song again. "In This Life" fucking sucks, sure, but I can bear it. "House" doesn't even loop into so bad it's good. It's just awful.
That's an interesting take on Gyroscope, not one I've heard before! His vocal patterns on it are a little strange, although I enjoy the track a lot. It feels like a bridge between the TJR sound and the Whoracle sound, incorporating the Swedish folk melody vibe that generally took more a backseat on Whoracle compared to TJR.

I mean, when arguing House Vs ITL it's a bit like arguing whether you prefer vomit or shit. Both are gross. What irks me even more about ITL is that it's the only track on the album where there are credits to other writers beyond Anders, Bjorn and Benson - Seann Bowe and Lenny Skolnik specifically. These two also contributed to Like Sand, The Truth, Through My Eyes and Underneath My Skin from Battles - some of the absolute worst tracks from an already shockingly bad album. Which is why to me it's just a Battles reject.
I concur, it's instrumentally great and really does act as a perfect bridge. It represents everything you'd expect Black Ash Inheritance to be within their discography, so seeing it approximate the transition between albums is great. That being said, the vocals are absolutely grating, and they're one of the only times that I'd actually criticize classic Anders.

That's completely fair! It's kinda like how there was more singing from Jake on Maximalism than on Massive Addictive, but he only wrote two of the songs. It's MA that's more true Amaranthe, not Maximalism. Yeah, it's not a perfect comparison, but whatever. Lyrically, yeah, ITL a Battles track, but "House" is a look into what I, the Mask could've been. And I'm telling you, if I lived in that timeline, I'd get an airline ticket to LA, slap the shit out of Howard, then (Assume I don't get arrested for aggravated assault) get an airline ticket to Sweden and slap the shit out of Anders and Bjorn. Then again, I could always play that timeline's ITM and claim self-defense. I'm sure the authorities would understand.
Oh man, if you hate the vocals on Whoracle I can't imagine what you'd think of Gyroscope in Korea :D

Anders sounding like he's on the verge of dying :D

I can vaguely remember an interview Bjorn did around the ITM release period where he admitted House was actually a Battles leftover that was retooled for ITM. So, House and ITL - undisputably the two worst songs on the album - were essentially both Battles rejects. Explains a lot. Hopefully there are no more Battles leftovers remaining for them to inexplicably drag over to the new album.

I think if ITM had sounded completely like House and ITL I would have totally given up on IF to be honest. There would be no coming back from releasing another Battles. There was enough that I enjoyed on ITM to remain interested enough to hear their latest album, though. I mainly want them to steer more towards the likes of Voice, the title track, IAA, Burn, etc and far away from the likes of House and ITL. We'll see though. They seem to have a strange urge to put at least one ridiculous song on their albums these days.
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I actually don't mind his vocals there too much. Sure, they're flat, uninteresting, and objectively bad, but they don't really bother me in the way that the studio version's does. It's moreso the backing vocals in the chorus that are just fucking grating to me. It's almost kinda chanted or weakly shouted in such a tone that is just... Again, grating. The verses are perfectly fine though.

Wow. That's depressing. I can't even blame them for leaving those two on the cutting room floor... But they had eleven other songs for the album, were they worried that ten and a bonus track wouldn't be enough? And how the fuck did "House" end up as a single? This is giving me more questions than answers. Worst part is, I actually wouldn't mind the band going in an honest, but not shitty alt metal/alt rock approach like "Call My Name", "We Will Remember", and "All the Pain"- But if they went full "House" or "In This Life"... Even I would shelve then band.
Considering they knew at the time that Battles hadn't turned out the way they wanted, and had admitted as much, it really is baffling that they took a leftover in House and put it on ITM, as well as getting the Battles crew back together for In This Life. It really does make zero sense, unless there was some coercion or persuation by Benson which they succumbed to. I don't really have any other explanation as to why they would include those. As you say, the album would have been far better off without them and still had enough songs on there to work. The original Whoracle album is only around 35 minutes long, after all, and I've never seen anybody complain that there aren't enough songs on there to justify it being a full album. Even with House and ITL removed ITM would still be around 43 minutes long, which is fine.
Is Whoracle really 35 minutes? Christ, I thought it was 40 or something. But hey, that's a testament to its quality if you ask me. I'd rather something short like In the Constellation of the Black Widow (Anaal Nathrakh) that's kick-ass and consistently kick-ass at that than something incredibly long and wildly varying in quality. I'm not quite sure what the band's vision is for their current material, but I get a feeling that they don't either, so we're all in the same boat!
Well, if you include Everything Counts and the outro then it's about 42 minutes, without them it's aound 36m. There's only 9 original full songs on the album. The writing credits are interesting. Jesper alone composed Gyroscope, Jester Script Transfigured, Episode 666 and Whoracle. Which makes sense as all have a more TJR-esque sound to them (Episode 666 excepted, but that was released as a demo some time before Whoracle came out). Bjorn is given credits for most of the other songs, except Worlds Within the Margin which is credited to Jesper and Glenn.

But yeah, those 9 original songs on Whoracle are all awesome, not a single filler on there imo. That's what you want from an album, just killer tracks from beginning to end.
Actually, yeah, that makes a ton of sense. And there's such a raw feeling from the demo that's fucking awesome, I kinda wish we had more demos from that era. "Everything Counts" and the title track are pretty fantastic too.

And there just isn't much on "Sober and Irrelevant" that really feels fantastic to me. The solo's definitely the best part, as it's one of the few later Bjorn solos whose wah doesn't sound insufferable.
The Episode 666 demo is pretty cool, quite different production wise to what came out on Whoracle. The vocals are far more TJR style and shows just how much Anders' vocals (and production on his vocals) changed between TJR and Whoracle. TJR vocals more raw and unfiltered, Whoracle vocals more controlled and processed.

Sober and Irrelevent - would be solid as fuck if screaming the entire way through. Not so good to my ears with the yelling vocal style.
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I'll get in on this garbage.

Lunar Strain: title track

Subterranean: title track, although I still enjoy it.

The Jester Race: Dead God in Me, if I must choose

Whoracle: The Hive. I don't know why. I hate that it's the only song from Whoracle that ever gets played live.

Colony: Resin

Clayman: Another Day in Quicksand

Reroute to Remain: Metaphor

Soundtrack to Your Escape: Bottled

Come Clarity: Scream

A Sense of Purpose: A lot of it. The Mirror's Truth if I have to pick one.

Sounds of a Playground Fading: All for Me

Siren Charms: The whole thing?

Battles: Everything except Wallflower?

I, The Mask: (This is Our) House

While looking at tracklists to make sure I didn't overlook anything exceptionally bad, I remembered how much I dislike the Siren Charms/Battles era. It's really, really bad stuff. Do they still claim that Battles didn't use programmed drums? I know they said it at one point and I would bet a lot of money that they're liars. It has to be that or they did a lot of post processing on them and purposely made them sound that way. They sound very artificial. I'm an amateur and I've programmed drums that sound better than that. I, The Mask was a step forward, sort of, but even that album... I tried listening to it recently and really didn't enjoy most of it.
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Completely understandable picks, but man, I actually love "The Hive"... But I do get the live thing, the fact that "Jotun", "Episode 666", or even "Dialogue With the Stars" aren't played live is a fucking crime. My only guess as to why the play "The Hive" now is because it fits Anders' currently vocal style, but I couldn't tell you jackshit about anytime before 2019.
The other reason I can think of is that the extended guitar solo gives Anders a chance to rest for a bit before the next song. It is fucking annoying that they just play the same songs over and over again from the older albums though.
Yeah, some variety would be nice. It seems like the only older album that gets any is Clayman. I get it, the songs are fucking incredible, iconic, and work perfectly for live performances, but not everything needs to be an arena crusher or a get personal with the crowd kind of ballad.