In Your Face

Those (chorus?) lyrics don't sound aggressive or creative. Maybe we're just not creative enough to understand how this will make a kickass song.
Lyrics suck, but the chrous melody and solos kick ass..

and myself being a guitarist doesnät gave a ratäsass about any lyrics unless theyäre grave digger
-Gavin- said:
Lyrics suck, but the chrous melody and solos kick ass..

and myself being a guitarist doesnät gave a ratäsass about any lyrics unless theyäre grave digger

:worship: you're so damn right gav. in my opinion at least ;)
NoCommands said:
You honestly think a bodom concert is gonna be enjoyable with a bunch of 15 year old mallgoths who think saying they like bodom makes them seem scary there? sorry but i don't.

well as long as they aren't hardcore dancing, then yes, I don't see why people really would effect my enjoyment of a concert. Its the band not the people I go to see live. I think you are just to worried you won't fit in, but thats ok, you mom still loves you.
-Gavin- said:
Hmm, am i the type of person that willingly accepts anything the band has put out without question since the release of HCDR?

Anyone care to field tis question?

You don't lke things about HCDR, yet you condone a Britney Spears cover?.... :ill: and you don't care about lyrics, but the music has to be good right? Well WTF, how can you agree with a Britney Spears cover that essentially is vocal music that doesn't even use instruments? It's disgusting to hear from someone who supposedly is a metal head.
Noble Viking said:
You don't lke things about HCDR, yet you condone a Britney Spears cover?.... :ill: and you don't care about lyrics, but the music has to be good right? Well WTF, how can you agree with a Britney Spears cover that essentially is vocal music that doesn't even use instruments? It's disgusting to hear from someone who supposedly is a metal head.

I'm a musician before i'm a metalhead.

And to be lectured on what music is by some kid who has heard about this band on the last tour and has no history with them yet claims to be "lleet" is just laughable.

What is your problem you closed minded fuck?
You didn't answer what I asked and I have a problem because you're a hypocrite. You care about the music and not the lyrics, but you agree with a crap cover of an American pop star's music that is all about the lyrics. I've been a fan of the band since 99', but hey, I don't have to prove shit to you because you made some dumbass assumtion/acusation. I forgot that you're the one and only tr00 Bodom fan, now that is laughable you idiot.
Noble Viking said:
You didn't answer what I asked and I have a problem because you're a hypocrite. You care about the music and not the lyrics, but you agree with a crap cover of an American pop star's music that is all about the lyrics. I've been a fan of the band since 99', but hey, I don't have to prove shit to you because you made some dumbass assumtion/acusation. I forgot that you're the one and only tr00 Bodom fan, now that is laughable you idiot.

i waited 13 fucking minutes for that! :confused:
Noble Viking said:
You didn't answer what I asked and I have a problem because you're a hypocrite. You care about the music and not the lyrics, but you agree with a crap cover of an American pop star's music that is all about the lyrics. I've been a fan of the band since 99', but hey, I don't have to prove shit to you because you made some dumbass assumtion/acusation. I forgot that you're the one and only tr00 Bodom fan, now that is laughable you idiot.

will you just shut the fuck up already?
Noble Viking said:
You didn't answer what I asked and I have a problem because you're a hypocrite. You care about the music and not the lyrics, but you agree with a crap cover of an American pop star's music that is all about the lyrics. I've been a fan of the band since 99', but hey, I don't have to prove shit to you because you made some dumbass assumtion/acusation. I forgot that you're the one and only tr00 Bodom fan, now that is laughable you idiot.

So, what you're saying is this:

I am not allowed to listen to vocal based music?

Gee man, I gues that rules out all the choir music i listen to.

Oh, i forgot, i'm not allowed to listen to or go see an opera any more...

And shit, that rules out celtic folk music..

Aww man, i'm not able to listen to anything that is about the voice anymore...
End of the story.. when you have a good library of music to listen to - you don't whine/cry when the band that makes you wet your panties at night, turned _____________. *

*insert style of music you don't like
ND24/7 said:
End of the story.. when you have a good library of music to listen to - you don't whine/cry when the band that makes you wet your panties at night, turned _____________. *

*insert style of music you don't like

You're a good man!
-Gavin- said:
Lyrics suck,

-Gavin- said:
I'm a musician before i'm a metalhead.
-Gavin- said:
So, what you're saying is this:

I am not allowed to listen to vocal based music?
And shit, that rules out celtic folk music..

No. I listen to bands like Stratovarius and Sonata Arctica and they're vocal based with talent to back it up. Come on, as a musician you're backing a Britney Spears cover :confused: That's what I don't get. and you know you can't compare Britney's music to classical opera or Celtic Frost.
Noble Viking said:
No. I listen to bands like Stratovarius and Sonata Arctica and they're vocal based with talent to back it up. Come on, as a musician you're backing a Britney Spears cover :confused: That's what I don't get. and you know you can't compare Britney's music to classical opera or Celtic Frost.

I'm backing a Britney Spears cover because it's funny as hell and its nothing but a bunch of wanking and screwing around and I enjoy the comedic value of it. Most people who listen to bands like this don't even give a shit about cover songs. So quit acting like a fool and crying like its the end of the world that CoB is covering a Britney Spears song. Also CoB covered the Scorpions too, who are just as lame as Britney Spears in my opinion.
Noble Viking said:
No. I listen to bands like Stratovarius and Sonata Arctica and they're vocal based with talent to back it up. Come on, as a musician you're backing a Britney Spears cover :confused: That's what I don't get. and you know you can't compare Britney's music to classical opera or Celtic Frost.

Actually, youäll find thge "Lyrics suck" thing i said to be in reference to "in your face" chorus...

Second of All, dude, stop crying that your favourite band is covering music that if someone said "hah, you listen to pop" You'd go on a huge rant about how you're the angsty antuthesis of those popular culture kids that don't listen to anything otuside their chosen group and claim to be different from cause you follow a different group of people.

Shit bro, i enjoy quite a few pop singers that have really good voices. Fact is man, Spears' music may not be the type of music that dudes with beards and long hair listen to.. But so fuck.

Shit bro, Ralf and i are the hugest John PArr fans on earth... He's not metal in the conventional sense but we actually see past the fact he's not metal and we listen to it cause the music is good.

Shit man, You're pathetic. Getting all upset cause CoB are covering spears.. WHO CARES? If you don't fucking like it.. don't buy it.

You're not impressing anyoen with your "metalness" dude, you're jsut showing how musically uneducated you are.
Oh yeah, answer this. If britney spears covered CoB.. would you like it?

The music is the same.. but the person performing it is different..

Think about that. If you don't like it then your issue lies with the performer and not the music... So shut the fuck up
This is completely offtopic, sorry about that. But I couldnt find the thread I made... To the point. Gavin, you dont seem to be like a stupid guy... But why did you say that you have an extended video of Jaska Raatikainen, even though its not true? I figured its not true, because you refused to share it to others, and Ive never heard of any extended video. Is this just your kind of humour or what? :)
No, before my HD crash, i really did.


And i don't share cause when i send it to one person, EVERYONE wants it.

And as a result. My bandwidth gets shagged.