Interview with a Metalhead?

it's ok, you'll get over it.
The bit where people can't just say "I don't listen to Sabbath much" or "at all" is what gets me. They have to add a bunch of caveats shitting on them or shitting on people who like/love them.

If you shit on Sabbath you're shitting on the foundation of metal music and doing so is going to have backlash among die heard metalheads. Only a literal retard would think they will get away unscathed doing it.

There are plenty of legendary and important bands that I don't listen to all that much, but not feeling like listening to them much =/= they're shit, or there's something wrong with people who do, or they're overrated, or they're whatever whatever.

Congrats, you prefer death metal. So fucking what, Sabbath are gods.

The best thing about Sabbath? They led to death metal being created :p
@CiG - Saint Vitus? Reverend Bizarre?

Im starting to feel bad, so I just put on Heaven and Hell. Master of Reality comes next. I will do my penance, even if I still think Black Sabbath worship among metalheads seems a bit pretentiously forced.
*the best things about death metal was that it came from thrash metal. ;)

The best thing about death metal is death metal. Though honestly the thrash roots do make death metal great, so I can agree, lol

Yep. Plus Trouble, Pentagram, The Obsessed, Revelation etc.

I particularly enjoy Pentagram from those, but yep, good stuff. Got to see Saint Vitus live and was about 5 feet from Dave the entire time. It was incredibly good.
It's been a while since I listened to it but I remember it being pretty good. Some chunky guitars, Wino's voice being stronger, but probably not as strong of an album as maybe Lunar Womb. In fact I might have to give it another listen it's been too long.